getting tired of seeing lazy Jin combos, for how simple the combo system is and how limited Jin’s combos are
Some basic combo theory.
First, the foundation:
-First two hits of a combo suffer no scaling.
-Third hit suffers 80% scaling, with each subsequent hit suffering an additional 10% scaling, stopping at a max of 10% scaling.
-Hits done on a juggled opponent add or subtract from a hidden juggle count. Generally moves add 1 point to this count.
-Tags reset this count.
-Each move has a hidden Juggle Potential value. (For example, Jin’s Light attacks all have a juggle potential of 2.) If the Juggle Count is greater than a move’s Juggle Potential, the move will whiff. (Jin’s Light attacks will whiff past the 2nd juggling hit.)
Now the theory:
You want your heaviest hitting moves up front in your combo.
Highest, meterless, damage corner follow up to a ss.LP that I’ve been able to find is:
ssLP, walk, clHP, crMP, crMP, crHP>ssMP
Done raw, that’s 359 damage.
jHK, crHP>ssLP, walk, clHP, crMP, crMP, crHP>ssMP
is 442 damage
Again, with your other combo, you could probably reach much higher damage by omitting the first crMP,4MP-LP and replacing it with a straight up HP, then doing the more optimized ssLP followup.
Now the combo I’ve been trying to do is:
corner ssLP, walk, clHP, crMP, clHP, crHP>ssMP
If this combo is even possible, it’d be 380 damage. But I’ve been running in to height troubles. Replacing the crMP with a crLP preserves the height and enables the combo, but reduces the total damage to 356. Not what I want. Current theory is that crMP’s total running time is too long, giving the dummy time to fall lower, thus not allowing the final crHP to connect. But in till a PC release, or I get a hold of/make my own programmable control, I have to assume human error.
Btw, biggest meterless midscreen follow up to ssLP is MK>646MP. Bland, I know.