The Jin Combo Thread

  1. Each version has a different length. lp is 11, mp is 16, hp is 31, ex is 26
  2. cr. hpxxEXPSxxMAxxSW is a 1 frame link, from shun masatsu its a 4 frame link.

Jin has many ways to combo in to launcher. All these a possible because of his links. Try using links off of cr. :mp:

So do you wait for the cr.hp to go through, THEN input SS? Cause with cr.hp alone I do them almost instantaneously.

How much damage are you guys getting off of tag combos?

If you slow down your input you’ll see that you can’t buffer it as quickly as, say, a hadou. This is due to the need to have neutral register somehow. So I really don’t even treat it like a cancel… I treat it more like a link and I probably get it 90% now.

In other news, I’m just figuring out that cMK buffered SS LP is extra GDLK lol.

I been showing off today lol. Loving these corner combos:

9 hits, 432 damage, NO METER
jHK, cMP, cHP, SSLP, cMP, cHP, cMP, cHP, SSMP

13 hits, 465 damage, 1meter
jHK, cMP, S. Masatsu, EX P. Stance, MA MP, dash, cMP, cHP, SSLP, cMP, cHP, cMP, cHP, SSMP

Jin gets more interesting every day…

getting tired of seeing lazy Jin combos, for how simple the combo system is and how limited Jin’s combos are

Some basic combo theory.
First, the foundation:
-First two hits of a combo suffer no scaling.
-Third hit suffers 80% scaling, with each subsequent hit suffering an additional 10% scaling, stopping at a max of 10% scaling.
-Hits done on a juggled opponent add or subtract from a hidden juggle count. Generally moves add 1 point to this count.
-Tags reset this count.
-Each move has a hidden Juggle Potential value. (For example, Jin’s Light attacks all have a juggle potential of 2.) If the Juggle Count is greater than a move’s Juggle Potential, the move will whiff. (Jin’s Light attacks will whiff past the 2nd juggling hit.)

Now the theory:
You want your heaviest hitting moves up front in your combo.

Highest, meterless, damage corner follow up to a ss.LP that I’ve been able to find is:
ssLP, walk, clHP, crMP, crMP, crHP>ssMP
Done raw, that’s 359 damage.

jHK, crHP>ssLP, walk, clHP, crMP, crMP, crHP>ssMP
is 442 damage

Again, with your other combo, you could probably reach much higher damage by omitting the first crMP,4MP-LP and replacing it with a straight up HP, then doing the more optimized ssLP followup.

Now the combo I’ve been trying to do is:
corner ssLP, walk, clHP, crMP, clHP, crHP>ssMP
If this combo is even possible, it’d be 380 damage. But I’ve been running in to height troubles. Replacing the crMP with a crLP preserves the height and enables the combo, but reduces the total damage to 356. Not what I want. Current theory is that crMP’s total running time is too long, giving the dummy time to fall lower, thus not allowing the final crHP to connect. But in till a PC release, or I get a hold of/make my own programmable control, I have to assume human error.

Btw, biggest meterless midscreen follow up to ssLP is MK>646MP. Bland, I know.

Can someone give me some tips on comboing EX P. Fist from SS Lp st. MK? Every time I do the qcf motion after mk either median line destruction or special step comes out.


there are 2 mess ups in the vid so you wil have to look in the description

So… When do you start digging the B&Bs considering balance between execution level and damage output (not to say guaranteed punish and hit confirm combos…)

This is real good stuff, but much higher execution and IMO not worth the extra 10 or so damage. Hell if they dont’ die from my combo i can chip them with da ballzzzzzzz. Just doing c.MP, c.HP, c.MP, c.HP should be ok yah?

This looks SWEEET. i’m gonna try it when i get home. 3 HPs in one combo lmao who is he Raven lol. I’ll see if i can help with the testing on this one. Good work man…

Which is why i don’t mind spending that meter :). Meterless combos only matter at the beginning of the match. We build so much damn meter in this game that comboing into SS LP, s.MK, EX Balls, SS MP is my regular ass B&B now lol. Anyone know any combos that do more damage than that? Or do I need to do EX MLD, SSMP. Not sure which one does more damage…

The close fierce is the hardest part, and it’s not even that hard.

ssLP, MK-crHP>236LP+MP, ssMP is 360 damage.
ssLP, MK>exMLD, crHP>ssMP is 365 damage. Hit them high enough for one of the first three hits of MLD to whiff. Otherwise the juggle count will be too high for crHP to connect.

i’m trying to focus on tag in combos with three specials in it to quicly activate a power boost gem
don’t care if with lesser damage

is something like:
partner launcher > cMP>(cMP)>SS+LP> sMKxxEXPF > SS+LP

plausible or the juggle limit will keep it to 2 specials after the tag?

Only way for Jin to continue a juggle after juggling with ssLP is to have ssLP be the first hit of his juggle. And you need a really high initial launch to get in two ssLP’s. Something like tag canceling your cross-rush/launcher. I’m sure other chars can provide him with a high enough launcher, but than you’re spending meter, which is counter productive to what you are trying to do. I’m not even sure you can get anything else after the second ssLP. A ssMK would connect, assuming ssMK’s juggle potential is a 6.

ssLP has a juggle potential of 4, same as all of Jin’s fierce attacks, but adds 3 to the juggle count. Jin has a lot of special moves, but they’re not much for comboing with.

that is a thought i got this morning while going deep with gem setups
since you can activate a power boost one with +10% damage by connecting 3 specials i thought it could be done for free after partner’s boost

still haven’t had the chance to test things but i need to check if the 9 frames required for the TU to come out of a tag in SS are enough to juggle the falling opponent
then, since the height should be good, little step forward MK into EXPF should keep him in the air for the last SSxLP for the third special
another thing i might try is EXMLD’s wall bounce into SSxLP

as finisher (and third special) even an RRP or LLRK should do the trick
TU is startup 8 with an high hitbox…LLRK have the same startup but is a low…should be better for catching a falling opponent

damage might not be exceptional but the boost gem should allow jin nice things afterwards

self quote

after a tag in SS TU walk MK will not connect
only viable one was tag in cMP cMP EXMLD > PF(lp) for 2 specials

damm i was pretty sure jin could have tag in with 3 active gem 2 of which stacked for +20% damage boost

jHK, cMP, S. Masatsu, EX P. Stance, MA MP, fS.HK -> launch -> partners full juggle combo

dunno if that’s been mentioned but that’s what I do for 1 meter. With steve in the back I get 463 (some where around that) for 1 meter.
Not bad Jin, not bad at all

I don’t get how you guys are canceling into SS, Is there a shortcut?

its pretty much the same motion as a DP (aside from a N in the middle, but with the shortcuts and shit you dont even need to go to N), you can also do df.MP~ N then d,df.
Its not hard you should get it down with a bit of time in the lab.

I think you should easily get more by just doing HP MLD switch cancel., cr.fp, HP MLD xx switch and you get a free jump in + whatever else. With Asuka I get ~515 off an easy switch cancel from a j.HK.

Is this optimized?
I’m at work, can anyone test this:

jHK, c.MP, SMasatsu, EX PS, MA MP, dash, c.MP, c HP, launch
jHK, c.MP, SMasatsu, EX PS, MA MP, dash, c.MP, c HP, HP MLD switch

before and after partner tacks on damage. If not i’ll do it around 6 PM.

Also has everyone been doing SS LP, sMK~HK (chain), EX PF, SSMP? Shit does hella damage midscreen for 1 bar AND the hard KD. I think it does 445 off of j.HK, c.MP, c.HP.

Learn something every day with this dude. Now if I could just choose betwenn raven, rufus, kaz, heihachi, and Hugo for partner I’ll be set.