The Jin Combo Thread

Combo 1 - jHK, c.MP, SMasatsu, EX PS, MA MP, dash, c.MP, c HP, launch DAMAGE = 402 (8 Hits)
Combo 2 - jHK, c.MP, SMasatsu, EX PS, MA MP, dash, c.MP, c HP, HP MLD switch DAMAGE = 474 (12 Hits)

Please note that for the first combo that’s the damage if you chain MP>HP>Launch. If you link MP and HP, then manually launch you get:

jHK, c.MP, SMasatsu, EX PS, MA MP, dash, c.MP, c HP, launch DAMAGE = 413 (8 Hits)

In the corner with Rufus (who doesn’t do very much after launcher), I was able to get:

Combo 1, TC, fHP, HK Messiah, LK follow up - 444 DAMAGE (13 Hits w MP HP chain)
Combo 1, TC, fHP, HK Messiah, LK follow up - 480 DAMAGE (13 Hits w MP HP linked)
Combo 2, TC, fHP, HK Messiah, LK follow up - 491 DAMAGE (17 Hits)

I’d just like to note that the MP>HP>Launch link does a good bit more damaged when linked, so we should do that as opposed to chaining MP>HP.

So the optimized combo is Combo 1, TC, fHP, HK Messiah, LK follow up - 480 DAMAGE (13 Hits w MP HP linked)

I don’t know if this has been posted or anything but if it hasn’t, I found this combo (only does 305 dmg and only works in the corner)

SS thrusting uppercut (lp),,cr.lp,,cr.hp SS thrusting uppercut or EWHF …

the other thing about this is that it rarely lands at the end…but i did get EWHF to land in the corner once

Just thought I’d add to the list of combo’s

You can already do in the corner cr.hp cr.hp SS, and i settle for cr.hp SS, so you can take back you pony cr.lp :oops:

I feel a bit sad, that after pairing with ling, no combo actually worth it beside going for boost.
My best punish after j.rh is cr.hp hp+hk into Ling’s breakdance, which is better from the stuff i can get with meter (with EX PS or tag )
For hit confirm boost is better then anything else (stuff into SS into tag and such ).

So I was doing Pandora combos yesterday… I was using Jin and Rufus, and I’d jump in with hard k/p and do pandora. That leaves you at 20 +frames to do whatever with jin. Yo i was doing these crazy combos where i added 30% damage due to the level 3 damage gem, and 30% meter acquisition, and with the 25% boost from Pandora, Jin’s combos are long enough that you build full meter during the combo. On some real shit? that’s 150% total damage, and my normal B&Bs BEFORE super were doing over 600. So pretty much, if they’re not about to get a perfect on you they are dead, and all you have to land is a jump attack from the other character into Pandora.

I know this might be a little premature, especially with engine issues and timer issues and what not but it is extremely unexplored territory and I just wanted to look into it. Once the system is tweaked, it looks like it might be a viable option after all…

zero posts about practical combos from crouching positions… From jabs you can link or prefer because it’s easier to get special step) then ss1 etc etc. We’ve got the damage down, lets discuss practicality that doesn’t involve jump ins or fishing for to hit(even though it gives you 20 years to confirm into back 2 > 1 or cr.fp).

Note: I hate the link timing for > cr.lp. I feel like if we use this 3frame normal more and confirm with it people will respect his low game much more and open them up to overheads and throws.

Also I was able to get > cr. mp > xx ss1 but then it all of a sudden stopped working. I think you might have to walk forward just a tiny bit after the 2nd for the to hit. Worth exploring if you ask me.

Isn’t cr.lp > cr.lp b+mp-lp work? I think i saw it working very normal, wats wrong with that?

Nice thought, but all j.HKs or whatever can be replaced by c.LP or c.LK in all combo scenarios listed IIRC. we were simply posting the optimized combos because its easier to hit people with j.HK than c.LP due to the bizarre hitbox. I will admit that I use c.LPx2, s.Masatsu combos A LOT. c.LK, c.LP, c.MK is really good but dificult to land, especially online. I have yet to try it offline… its so much easier to do other stuff. It should become a focus later though, i’m sure.

c.LK starts up in 5f, not 3. Unless your’e talking about c.LP (which starts up in 3f but is not low). Either way, I agree with the statement other wise. c.LP is just too good. 3f startup and +4 on block. its awesome. Problem with c.LK is that it starts up in 5f and is only +2 on block so you can eat reversal…

I get this everytime by plinking. c.MP just pushes back so far… a better hit confirm is c.LP>c.MP or c.LK>c.MP (only on c.LK hit, not on block) because you can get s.MK every single time.

Yes, and it works very, very well…

I didn’t care for that particular combo because at some distances you could end up whiffing the 2nd hit of back 2>1.

I apologize! I got some frame data mixed up, 5frame low…so awful. It’s like they absolutely did not want Jin to have good footsies in this game, when in T6 that was practically his entire game plan.

I’m also going to try that >, that would be super legit to have in my arsenal. Good lookin’ out Mossad. =P

I feel pretty comfortable with cr.lp cr.lp s.lp (TC) into whatever, it is nice pressure tool (even replacing the cr.lp with, and got less range issues then lp (TC).
Just need to remember that s.lp is not a true block string, so you might want to bait reversal there once in a while.

I noticed when practicing, you cannot do Shun Masatsu reliably after it. It cannot be done, atleast on characters that i tested after a crossup, when straight in their face, but it can be done from a deep jump-in. Shame really. But overall,, st/ seems good though.

After, cr.lp i almost always go for Shun Masatsu, probably my go to hitconfirm, does good damage too and i like EX PS combos :stuck_out_tongue:

honestly I can’t bring myself to use ex ps outside of AA/wake up shenanigans. Too much scaling and the meter could of been uses for something else.

what do you use your meter for?(assuming that you’re using gems to increase meter % acquisition)

the exPS bnb does nice damage

I use meter for tag cancelling and supers/cross arts. And I’m still rolling the default gems, I dislike any of the meter+/auto block/auto tech gems with a passion. I’ve lost matches because of those silly derp as fuck gems, so the game saved that person instead of their skill. =/

I play Jin/Steve and it is for me almost always more benificial to go into a launcher as opposed to fully do his BnB and Tag cancel. There are definately situations where it is better to tag cancel even from a damage perspective(after say a combo from an air to air, alpha counter xx Tag), but mostly it is for other purposes like regaining life, more wall carry ect.

*Linking into the launcher, not ABC.

Few examples of how i get more damage from a launcher compared to doing tag cancels:
No meter,, Shun Masatsu, SS lp, xx SS mp. 375,, cr.hp>launcher(Steve) cr.hp xx Skyscraper,>lp, flicker lp/mp/hp. 417 <<

1,, Shun Masatsu xx SS lp, xx SS lp TAG(Steve) Cr.hp xx Skyscraper,>lp, flicker lp/mp/hp. 410,, Shun Masatsu xx EX PS>MA mp, dash,, Shun Masatsu xx SS lp, xx SS mp. 438,, Shun Masatsu xx EX PS>MA mp, dash, st.hp>Launcher(Steve) Cr.hp xx Skyscraper,>lp, flicker lp/mp/hp. 460 <<
2 bar*,, Shun Masatsu xx SS lp, xx SS lp TAG(Steve) Cr.hp xx Skyscraper,>lp, flicker lp TAG(Jin), cr.hp xx SS mp. 438 (worthless combo),, Shun Masatsu xx SS lp, xx Super. 500,, cr.hp>launcher(Steve) cr.hp xx Fox Hunt xx Super. 548 <<
3 Bar(AKA useless combos)*,, Shun Masatsu xx SS lp, xx Cross Art. 549,, Shun Masatsu xx SS lp, xx SS lp TAG(Steve) Cr.hp xx Skyscraper,>lp, flicker lp TAG(Jin), cr.hp xx SS lp TAG(Steve) Cr.hp xx Skyscraper,>lp, flicker lp/mp/hp. 468,, Shun Masatsu xx EX PS>MA mp, dash, st.hp>Launcher(Steve) Cr.hp xx Fox Hunt xx Super. 507

So yeah…this above situation even with all the damage scaling should also apply for other combo starters like cr.lp, cr.lp.
I had all these crazy combos for tag cancelling at first only to see i get an extra 25 damage per meter. And Yes i did watch that episode of UltraChen LOL.

Any good combos from cr. lk?

You can go, cr.lp, xx SS lp into anything you want.
Basicly go from to through cr.lp

Not sure why but i always liked c.LK, c.MP, S. Masatsu on the fly. especially after a jump in.

This combo doesn’t work in some instances, like after crossups and just starting from in their face against some characters, Ibuki and Abel come to mind. Does work on them with a deep jump in. Probably loads more characters where it doesn’t work on properly.

oh no not a cross up lol. I was UBER unclear, i meant after a blocked jump in. And even then its just to trap them. otherwise, its mash c.LP city for me lol.

daily rant


Also, jin has some excellent blocks strings! What I’m using lately:

-c.LK,c.LP, c.MK xx whatever
-c.LP, c.LP, (walk slightly forward), s.LP, s.LK, s.MP, s.LP, c.LP, c.MK xx whatever
-c.LP, c.LP, fs.LP, fs.MP, s.LK (overhead)
-c.LK, c.LP, (walk slightly forward), s.LP, s.LK, c.LK, c.MK, xx whatever

Learning more jin every day!

oh yeah, i got 1000 more BP yesterday (up to 6500 :D) from simply mashing MA in block strings. They swing, MP. They jump, LK. You just can’t lock jin downlike that. So many counter hits cause EVERYBODY’S hitting buttons at this point in the game. Better have a dive kick lol. I seriously think MA MP might be one of the top reversals. Yo I was also using it on foos wakeup. I did safejump OS MA yesterday and just sat there as RYUs sad ass DP flew up into the air while jin recovered lmao. punish dat azzzzzzzzzz. But yeah i find that standing just out of throw range (which is a fucking joke now) on the opponents wake up and doing MA just as they attack or a little before, then reacting to what they did is great as long as they’re not into mashing super. but against someone who’s more conservative, or someone who has less than two bars IMO its worth it. When you get that first wakeup mash out SRK and you punish for 450 damage you’ll understand lol.

Jin is stupid good, i hit a Ryu yesterday from max distance SSLP. I was just testing Power stance at max SS range. What is it about characters with normal projectiles that, when it hits, they immediately throw another one instead of seeing what you do. Max SS range did this with Jin/Rufus:

PS (he throws fireball, which I absorb) xx SS (he throws another fireball thinking it will hit), LP, s.MK s.HK chain, team super for stupid damage and death.

I didn’t realize that you could cancel PS into SS.

tbh I’ve yet to use that part of jins game because I can’t seem ever find a good way to use PS besides absorbing something. At some point I would like there to be a Power Stance Thread because judging by how many times its mentioned it seems really deep and dare i say it…critical…to jins game