The Jin Combo Thread

Opposite for me, It took me a few hours to get bold cancel down into combos, and only about half an hour before nailing Jin’s EX stance into MA about 90% of the time. I’m sure you’re aware you can’t just spam out MA after EX stance, after inputting EX stance, pause for about half a second then do MA.

New 1 bar bnb 450 (475 on ch) -, b-mp~lp, ex power stance, ma cancel mp, hk xx SS lp, mk xx SS mp.

Only 10 more damage than my other one but, it’s more. /shrug

If you do it in the corner it’s 463 (488 ch), instead of the second SS, do,,, standing hp xx SS mp. Unlike 1 bars that use EX MLD, this carries to the corner very well if you delay the SS lp. The standing hp just makes the SS input easier for me, you can do crouching too.

j.HK > cr.MP > cr.HP xx EX Power Stance > MA > Swaying Willow > HK xx SS Uppercut > MK xx SS Roundhouse Fist does 466

479 in the corner with 3xcrMP > crHP xx SS Roundhouse Fist

Any combos with Jin as an anchor?
I mean, after a launcher/tag with my point char?

For the record, the point would be Ogre so any combos to follow up the regular a b c + launcher, or a greater combo finishing with HP Ancient Power+tag (1 bar).

Thanks in advance.

I think a pretty standard tag in combo for Jin is, xx ss mp. You can substitute the ss-mp for an ss-lp, tag in on the uppercut to do more damage but yeh.

I only ask this cause you used the term anchor, but am I the only one who puts my strongest character on point? As it is right now, when i do casuals i mix between the two to make sure I get practice with both, but I ALWAYS seem to get more play time out of the point char, and when safely tagging out can be hard when you’re not dominating the match, you might as well make sure your best is out to ensure you’re dominating.

My tag combo for Jin is either :hp:MLDxxtag if I have the meter or just cr. :mp:, cr. :hp:xxMAxxSW

In this game the word anchor shouldnt even be applied because imo there should be switching back and fourth. anchor is more suited for marvel where the character is left by themselves to carry the team.

agreed, its really important to tag. its the easiest way to get damage. and it restores your health which is necessary for timeouts

c.MP, c.MP, s.MK, SS MP (you can also do only 1 c.MP if you want)
c.MP, s.MK, EX BALLS lol, SS MP
c.MP x3, c.HP, SS MP
c.MP x2, c.HP, MA LK
Pretty much the only ones I use.

I haven’t been able to do EX Power Stance to MA Swaying Willow once, regardless of the opener. Any tips?

editnvm im gettin it

cr.LK, cr.LP, st.LP~MP xx SS~LP etc seems to work better for hit-confirming. Two lights into bMP~HP target combo has the potential to whiff and I HATE when that happens. The st.LP target combo is more consistent and hits crouchers as well. I highly recommend it!

Oh, and if anyone was wondering why the F+LK overhead chain into st.LP~MP link is so hard, it’s one frame. Get practicing!

Jin’s max damage for 1 bar: j.HK, cr.MP, b+MP~HP xx QCB+PP~d+KK~P, dash forward, cr.MP, cr.HP xx d+KK~LP~MP.

Just thought I should contribute my findings.

If you’re going to chain off of the overhead, do it off of the 3rd hit into low jab into whatever. Alot less scaling that way.

I really appreciate the info here, I am starting to become interested in how dmg scaling and how frames data works. Once again, thanks a lot for the function and info here. =]

depending on damage scaling, after a tag Jin can do cr. mp, walk forward cr. mp, walk forward stand mk -> SS EWHF

I’m working on implementing cr. mp walk forward cr. mp into my bnbs. Right now I can with jin link cr. mp, cr. mp, st. mk

K updated the OP with all the combos posted so far, or at least all the main ones.
Added a Tag combos section (it’ll have combos pre and post Tags, and after launchers)

Anything else you want added there lmk or just post it here!

Hey guys I just decided to try out Jin and so far I understand his moves, except for one thing. His power stance, exactly what does it do and how do I implement it in my game with him?

LP, MP, and HP Power Stance simply make Jin invincible from non supers for several frames after its 2 frame startup. I think its arount 30 frames ( i don’t have the data in front of me). The purpose of this is not really to just become invincible… It is also special cancellable like a normal.

So you can do Power stance, and anytime during power stance throw a fireball. Or you can do SS. Or you can do Mental Awarenes>follow up.

This makes it kind of like a parry, because you can, say stand in front of someone on their wakeup and do PS as they wakeup, if they mash jabs or whatever, it doesn’t do anything to you. you can cancel say, into MA>MP and possibly get a counter hit. Mental awareness also has 10 frames of invincibility, so they can mash as much as they want… if they don’t throw, are out of range for a throw, or don’t do any specials they could get crumpled. This happens VERY quickly so its a good tool to catch people off guard, especially if you’ve been pressuring them with meaties or throws on wakeup. Crouch teching nets them a loss of around 400 damage if you’re up for it lol.

EX power stance is a whole different animal. it’s basically Power stance that has 0 frame startup and lasts a bit longer I think. Also, whenever you activate it, your next attack will be a Counter Hit, no matter what. it’s usefulness is actually its comboability. You can do things lik c.HP, EX Power Stance, MA>MP for a 2 hit combo and a crumple. You can actually dash forward and combo c.MP afterwards or just do fsHK into SS>LP combos. Its extremely powerful, as comboing into and out of EX power stance can easily net jin 400+ damage combos for just the one meter. its kind of a big deal.

It should be noted that EX Power stance combos much more easily from Shun Masatsu than c.HP. You have about 2~3 frames to do it from c.HP. You have about 7~8 frames to do it from shun Masatsu. remember i don’t have my frame data so those are approximations. either way, don’t try it from c.HP IMO. As discussed earlier the frame advantage from SM is worth whatever 1 hit scaling SM will do over c.MP. You’ll also get very, very similar damage values.

Another use is as a reversal. Since nothing but supers and grabs canharm you, and it has 0 startup frames, doing EX PS xx MA MP gives about 40 frames of invincibility and possible counter hit on wakeup. Its not traditional street fighter, but it works really well, although the input is really weird. Also, you can escape crossups by doing PO SS to run away. but as discussed, it is also a strange input.

Has anyone found a way to combo into launch that isn’t light, medium, heavy, heavy?

So I’ve been stuck on a basic bnb here… I can SS fine. I can cr.HP SS fine. But when I put anything before the cr.hp it won’t go through. Is there anything I’m missing here?

you have to hit c.HP first.

remember the way it goes is c.HP, THEN SS, THEN follow up. The easiest and most consistent way that i’ve found is to do :df: :hp:, neutral, :d: :df:, follow up. This works especially well for corner MP x3, c.HP , SS MP for me at least.