The Jin Combo Thread

cr.:mp:> shun masatsu> P.F. (DC) > repeat

I have not tested this but i was looking at the frame data and cancelling shun masatsu will give you at least 27 frames. His dash is 18 frames and his cr.:mp: is 5 frames, leaving 4 frames free to do this infinite. Im gonna test it out real soon

Using one meter:

j.:hk:, cr.:mp:, b+:mp: > :lp: xx EX Power Stance xx Mental Alertness xx :mp:, walk up b+:mp: > :lp: xx SS uppercut, xx EWHF (SS uppercut on wall).
j.:hk:, cr.:mp:, b+:mp: > :lp: xx :qcb:+:p::p: xx :d::d:+:k::k: xx :mp:, walk up b+:mp: > :lp: xx SS uppercut, st.:mk: xx EWHF (SS uppercut on wall).

458 damage.

Has anyone found a way to combo out of his Inner Axe? The Far LP, MP, LK chain?

Do not use that… its -4 on hit, just special cancel the 1,2 into whatever.

Man, that’s just silly. He doesn’t have a good way to mix up his overheads and lows that well I’m finding :confused: People who like to hit buttons just stuff his raw overhead.

well the regular Axe Kick is also -4 on block but you can follow up with 5 hit combo and stop at the 4th (LP>LK>MP>LP) as that one is +4 on block (and +6 on hit!) so there’s still that.

You can also stop after LK, it’s only +4 on hit so it’s tougher to link out of but it might be beneficial to stop earlier due to scaling.

Doesnt work ive already tried sadly. It only works with EX version. Only other characters that can do these sorta combos using this idea are cammy and poison that i recall when I was testing out the game originally. Poison can actually do it with out EX but she didnt seem to have any links the little I fiddled with her so no infinite as far as I could tell. But again ive only messed with the game a little bit maybe some other characters can get it in with some diff cirucmstances timing dunno…

For people having trouble doing, cr.fp into EX Power Stance into mental awareness swaying willow, consider doing, b+mp,lp into EX PS into MA swaying willow. The link is much, much easier, and does only very slightly less damage.

I’m sure everyone knows this already, but you can combo into specials from his overhead (Kazama 6 hit) as long as you end on the 2nd to last hit, the two I’ve done are:

(F+lk, lp, lk, mp, lp,) cr. mp xx ss uppercut, mk xx ss mp. Does 247
(F+lk, lp, lk, mp, lp,) lp, mp xx ss uppercut, mk xx ss mp. Does 227

Comboing the one-two punch after the target combo is slightly easier although it does less damage. If you’re in the corner you can substitute the last part for some extra hits and damage, and obviously you can combo into a super or something but I REALLY don’t recommend it, with all the hits/damage scaling. I tried it out and putting in a super for the last hit netted 275 damage.

Damn thanks for posting this, and djkun for the combo with it a few posts earlier.
I can hit the EX PS MA swaying willow A LOT more consistently, and at least for now I should be able to add it into my bnb.
In the long run, would c. HP still be better because 1 less hit of scaling later on in the combo?

The damage you get from c.HP is 90. From Shun Masatsu , its 150. Its worth it overall despite the the 1 hit less scale.
I’ve always been doing, Shun Masatsu xx PS xx MA MP.

Hell, you can do this:
cr.:mp:, b+:mp: > :lp: xx :qcb::p::p: xx :d::d::k::k: xx :lp::mp:

since if you hit mp and lp, it’ll come out as mp. Lazy way. Or plink it.

Yeah I push both buttons for the MP, because then it’s just 2 punches, 2 kicks, 2 punches. And yeah doing the before hand is what I was doing.

So I think I have another way of doing shun masatsu xx PA xx MA Swaying Willow.

Facing the right:
:b: + :mp: > :lp: xx :qcb: + :hp:~:mp: xx :db: + :hk: ~ :mk: > :hp: ~ :mp:

So the idea is that after Shun Masatsu, you plink into EX Power stance BUT you immediately move your stick to downback. It counts as a down motion so you can still get the Mental alertness.

Heres the thing: after power stance, theres an odd timing. You can’t hit EX power THEN try to go into mental alertness immediately (from what I find). So plinking helps to get that extra chance.

As a final measure, I plink :hp: and :mp: after Mental Alertness since both of those buttons will activate Swaying Willow, so from what I think you can naturally plink with those two without fucking up and get a different attack (if you plink with :lp: and :mp: and if you’re retardedm, you’ll hit :lp: by mistake and you’ll get a different move. So this acts as a countermeasure).

The cool thing is that you’ll look cool doing it. Imho.

Some other things I can add:

After your partner does his ABC into the cross launcher, Jin can:

:b: + :mp: > :lp: xx EX Fireball ( :lp::mp: version. If you hit :mp::hp:, the fireball is too far), SS EWHF.
Can’t be done in corner.

cr.:mp:, cr.:hp: xx SS EWHF / Uppercut in corner.

We should have a CH Jumping attack Combo list and a Post-Cross Launch Combo list.

From my previous post:
j.:hk:, cr.:mp:, b+:mp: > :lp: xx :qcb:+:p::p: xx :d:+:k::k: xx :mp:, walk up b+:mp: > :lp: xx SS uppercut, st.:mk: xx EWHF (SS uppercut on wall).

After the second :b:+:mp: > :lp:, you can change it to MA :lp: > :mp:
j.:hk:, cr.:mp:, :b:+:mp: > :lp: xx :qcb:+:p::p: xx :d:+:k::k: xx :mp:, walk up :b:+:mp: > :lp: xx :d:+:p::p: :lp > :mp:__SS uppercut, st.:mk: xx EWHF (SS uppercut on wall)

If you hit :b:+ :hp::mp: and press :hp::mp:… you still get Shun Masastsu without hitting LP

Most I’ve gotten 1 meter so far is 442-467 (not sure why sometimes it does randomly more, might be not all hits of MLD always hitting?). Just doing j.:hk: , :b:+:mp: > :lp:, xx :qcb:+:p::p: xx :d:+:k::k: xx :mp:, :hk:, HP MLD.

Also, so far I’m using 2 different 3 meter combos depending on if I want to get my teammate (rufus) in or not. I’ll do jump in hk, back mp-lp power stance cancel mp, far hk super. (588) Or if I want to get Jin out I do the same thing but instead of power stance cancel I do EX MLD. I tag in Rufus on the first hit and do an EX charge super. Slightly less damage but gets Jin out. Mileage with your teammate may vary.

What is EWHF?

Electric Wind Hook Fist. His Special Step Medium Punch. Or at least, thats what we call it in the tekken series.

If you look at Kazuya, he has a move called Rising Sun (:dp:+:mp:) but we call it Eletric Wind God Fist. Jin is the same, but its called Hook fist instead (He does a hook, not an uppercut) in the Tekken series.

Why we call it that? I have no fucking clue.

The combo I’m doing is
cr. :mp:, b :mp: xx :hp:, hp mld, [tc] (on the 2nd hit), j. :hk:, :mp:, :hp: xx cannon spike xx [tc], cr :mp:, cr :hp: xx mental xx swaying willow

Over 500 dmg for two bars. This will work with an partner who has a dp to relaunch. I think I can get more if I relaunch with Jin using SSxxuppercut then tag again. And EVEN MORE if I start out doing cr :mp:, cr :hp:, launcher with Jin so that I can do 3 tags after.

There real thing that limits us are the system mechanics around scaling. Think about it, damage scaling works like this [100, 100, 80, 70, 60 …].

So I wrote a program to think about how much damage is possible. I figure a max damage combo is going to start with a jumpin and only use fierces, a launcher, and special moves relaunchers for tagging.

Here is some haskell code a wrote to do the math for me.

dmg ls = div (sum (zipWith (*) scaling ls)) 100
scaling = [100, 100] ++ (take 8 [80, 70 …]) ++ (repeat 10)

So using this I can do theory fighter without the execution! The largest combo came up with was 557 for 3 bars, but doing one less tag cancel for 2 bars does 511, and even one more less does 486 for 1 bar.
So realistically it will always take at least two touches to kill so any combo that does 500 dmg is just as good as another. Except on the heavyweights Hugo, Kuma, Zangief, then you will want to do your cheapest 400 dmg combo because you are gonna need to get 3 hits anyway.
So you might as well do the 400+ dmg combo for 1 bar and save the other meter for cross counters. All this goes out the window if you can kill or a get a timeout with the extra damage of course.
What about leading with jabs? Or cr :mp: That kills your damage. Here is a table for targeting your combos, if you are getting something close to this then your combo is good.
cr :lp: x2 (372, 392, 429)
cr: :lp:, cr :mp: (402, 422, 459)
cr :lp: x1 (416, 441, 487)
cr :mp: x1 (446, 471, 517)
jumpin (486, 511, 557)

Interesting program there, its great for combo engineers with the execution to perform these combos. Do you happen to have this character’s highest damaging combo ? Mind telling me what you use to get output data from that code written up there?

Do you mean solo Jin combo? Or just maximum with Jin on your team? I think solo Jin combo might be 584 (j :hk:, [cr. :hp:xxEX PSxxMAxxSW]x3, cr. :hp:xx:hp:MLD). But with 3 one-frame-links, its super impractical and not even close to optimal damage for 3 bars.

The best combo I’ve come up with is the following for 644 damage:
j :hk:, :hp:xx:hp:MLDxx[tag cancel 2nd hit], j :hp:, cl. :hp:xx:hk:cannon spikexx[tag cancel], :hp:MLDxx[tag cancel], j. :hp:, cl. :hp:xx:hk:cannon spike

Since Cammy’s cl :hp: does 75 and her st :hp: does 90, you can get 656 damage if you change those two hits, but the combo is much harder trying to get that.

644 damage is not bad at all. And it’s a very easy combo as well. You can hit confirm off cross up :hk:. On hit go in the combo, on block, go into your mix up which should be hit confirmable into :hp:MLD.

To run the script you should use Haskell Platform Just save that function to a file and load the file at the REPL.

dmg takes a list. The list has the values of the string of your attacks. It does the damage scaling calculation for you.

It’s really useful when you build a tree of possible combos and then call dmg over the whole tree and then return the maximum.

Like I said before, theory fighter without having to execute something.