The inevitable tier thread



Sagat feels like a better N.Sagat to me. Compared to O.Sagat, heā€™s ass. In the grand scheme of things, heā€™s decent, in my opinion.

Blanka hasnā€™t improved much in my opinion, and taking extra damage when heā€™s hit out of his horizontal ball is an extremely huge nerf. Especially since now, using it as a reversal is a bad idea since it will most likely trade (and subsequently take more damage). His horizontal ball is also still really punishable by quite a few characters. His improved rainbow roll has itā€™s uses, but itā€™s still not very good. His super still sucks, and is the worst in the game. Personally, I believe the only characters he actually beats are Zangief, Guile, and M.Bison (Dictator).

But even though my opinion is that heā€™s clearly the worst in the game, I still think he can compete.

As for Akuma, Iā€™m extremely tired with trying to explain to people why heā€™s not broken, let alone probably not even top tier. Not going to bother anymore.

Yea, DBZ meme. Definitely meant bottom though.

Ryuā€™s HK has 4 frames of startup invincibility out of a 11 frames of total startup, before his first hitting frame. Heā€™s considered airborne at frame 2. Pretty useful against tick setups if the Gief is doing them mindlessly, but good Giefs will adjust accordingly

Kenā€™s HK has no invincibility, but heā€™s immediately airborne at frame 1, and has only 1frame of startup. I would never use Kenā€™s HK against grapplers though because it doesnā€™t knockdown and its asking for trouble.

In sthd sagat beats guile for the same reason sim beats guile in vanilla st though not nearly to the same extent of course.

Sagatā€™s fbā€™s will inevitably force guile into jumpin at some point where he can just knock him back to the corner with fierce dp, rinse n repeat until win and gat can punish guiles sb on reaction with j hk from mid range. Guileā€™s saving grace is if he does get in close itā€™s in his favor since he can mix up sb, overhead, cr mk, and walkup throw but even then he should be wary of reversal dp.

Iā€™d say itā€™s 6-4 sagat.

yeah ryu hk isnt good if you use it non stop. but its good especially if gief is expecting a dp. as long as it gets mixed up, it helps a lot. but no denying that hk is a good wakeup on gief. just dont be braindead with it =)

Actually I wanted to know cuz Iā€™m usually gief. I hate playing as Ryu :wink:

Tired of niggas sleeping on the muthafucking Emperor of Maui Thai

Pretty much. If Honda is up close then he wins because of startup invincibility, but if heā€™s fully extended the lariat will beat the headbutt on startup. The timing is really no different than using Hondaā€™s headbutt as anti-air. Just do the Lariat when he is just about to hit you. I usually walk back and forth at midrange to see if heā€™ll try the headbutt. If he does I lariat that shit and go from there. Just stay out of hand range with that and youā€™ll be fine. Watch out for stored Ochio though if you try to go for wake up ticks.

Sagat is just seriously overrated because people are falling for the retarded combos. Seriously. :stuck_out_tongue:

You canā€™t risk eating tiger knees anymore, so use jumpins that beat them (most jumpins). His crossup is easy to use, but its also not exactly ambiguous. And it takes him about 3 weeks to get over to you to do it. Real players are not going to fall for that shit for long. You donā€™t see a lot of shotos landing their 60% jumping roundhouse combos on people who know what theyā€™re doing. You wonā€™t see Sagat doing it for long either.

As far as tiers go, I think Akuma is clearly elephant tier. That is one thing I am positive about.

Also positive the game would be a lot more fun if they deleted chun, claw and honda. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think youā€™ll find yourself to be the only person who thinks the match is in guileā€™s favor. Like I said guile has to work harder to get in then sagat does to keep him out and I generally donā€™t have a problem against guiles with sagat.

Whatā€™s your gt Iā€™ll gladly play your guile sometime.

What if he doesnā€™t do headbutts like a retard and mix it up between HHS and headbutt when you jump?:rolleyes::razz: A super turtling honda that only advance towards you with the headbutt, but is chipping you with the hands with the correct spacing.:rolleyes:

Thatā€™s fully what I expect a good Honda to do. Iā€™m not saying to rely on the lariat, Iā€™m just saying that you can use it to counter his headbutt with the right timing.

This match is alot more characteristic of a Guile vs Old Sagat Match. While Kurahashi does beat Choi in this fight, this is the exception and not the rule. In vanilla st, the Guile vs Sagat match was probably 7-3 in sagatā€™s favor. However I think in HDR this match is pretty close to even. Longer arms hitboxes and 4 frames of recovery mean safer jumps and more fighting in close. Guile has the tools to win from medium to close range. I think this will be one of the most intresting new matchups in HDR, and Iā€™ll definatly be keeping any eye on it.

How does this match differ from Ryu vs Guile? Itā€™s essentially the same fucking match without the hurricane kick which makes it roughly even.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering too. With similar recovery time now, why canā€™t Guile jump in like he would on Ryu?

Guile has to charge his moves, ryu doesnā€™t. ryu can exacute a fireball or dragon punch any time he wants, guile canā€™t.

That wasnā€™t the question. The question was how does Guile vs Ryu differ from Guile vs Sagat. Guile is able to jump in on Ryu if he succesfuly anticipates a fireball. Ryu, on the other hand, does not have this luxery. Iā€™m wondering if the same goes for Guile vs Sagat, now that Sagat has a recovery similar to Ryu. The only difference that I can see is that Sagat is lower in his low tiger shot that ryu is in his hadoken, meaning Guile must remain in the air longer before he is low enough to hit Sagatā€¦

Yes guile can j.RH sagat from anywhere on the screen when his arm is extended. Sagat can make him land on a fireball tho. Or maybe hit with the very tip of the firece DP (which pretty much does full damage anyway), i donā€™t know.

The difference is if gat anticipates guile jumping he can high tiger to knock his ass back to the ground. Also his fbā€™s are still noticeably faster then ryuā€™s so between those, his dpā€™s, and tkā€™s his damage output is generally better.

Like I said if guile can get up close the match becomes in his favor but itā€™s not easy for him to get there in the first place.

At the very worst itā€™s 5-5 but itā€™s a lot closer to 6-4 in gatā€™s favor. Iā€™m not that great with him but Iā€™d say Iā€™m at least decent so anyone who thinks guile has the advantage in this matchup is welcome to show me (preferably on ps3 because I have a stick for that.)

I call Ryu vs Guile 6/4 Ryuā€™s favor while Guile vs Sagat is more like 5/5 imo.