The inevitable tier thread

I know it’s still a bit early to be making projections, but what can I say? I’m a shameless tier whore who will settle for nothing less than the best.

Actually as far as I can tell the tiers really are much more compact than vanilla ST. It’s really hard to guess who’ll end up on top, but I think it’s safe to say Sagat has one of those spots on lock. He’s basically O. Sagat with tiger knee juggles that build up half a meter for a super he didn’t even have before. T. Hawk, Blanka, Balrog, and Honda all have a pretty damn good shot at those top spots as well IMHO.

Still I’m not an expert, anyone with more knowledge care to chime in?


can we not have tier talks?

Sagat may have got better juggle ability with the 3 knees, but ability to lockdown with tiger shots isnt as great any more, which I find to be a greater asset.

Don’t forget about Zangief. With the easier green fist and advancing headbut he can lock in on fireballers pretty easily now.

have you seen the stupid damage that comes from comboing those knees?


Blanka I bet. He can do so any mixups and free damage. I also think Akuma cause his daage race is insane along w/ his super.

As much as I like Blanka, I doubt his going to be top, he may have squeezed into mid but that is as far as I see him going. He still has a really tough time against projectiles and his blanka balls are still punishable on block to some extent.

Yeah Blanka already seems to be top tier.

From all the matches I’ve played so far as far as tiers go this is what I’m sure of:

toptier in no particular order

high tier

The toptier need no explanation everyone should agree on those at least, and as for high tier I doubt anyone here would argue with those 2 being at least high on the tier list. Akuma takes damage like a bitch but air fb, teleport, all 3 dp’s being 100% invincible, demon, and most importantly cr mkxxmk hurricanexxhp srk combo combined make akuma NUTS and more then compensate for him taking a lot more damage then the rest imo. Bison has always been considered at least mid tier if not better and he definitely got a lot better with st jab being beefed up to be an incredibly reliable AA, fake slide=free throws, and devil reversal makes dealing with fb’s sooooo much easier.

i think cammy, fei and gief are still bottom tier.

although fei can fight against fireballs better, has no more flying kick lockdown and combos after a connected flying kick.

cammy’s cannon drill might be more safe but it still isnt too useful as a poke. hooligan combos are easier to do but you cant win matches relying on that move alone. her normals are subpar.

seems to me gief didn’t gain much. he has better tools to help him get in, but he still has to work thrice as hard to win

as for top tier, i think sagat, balrog, vega and sim still holds the throne.

i dont see blanka moving to top tier status any time soon. he wasn’t bad in vanilla ST, its just that he sucks vs certain fireball characters and more than half the cast can punish his blanka ball, on hit or block. in remix, while his horizontal ball has gotten better, he still has trouble vs certain fb characters

them tiger knees are annoying as hell. when i get juggled by them im just like oh god

I really like how nasty my boy Guile has become, Gief is violent in HD remix, Dhalsim is, interesting, to say the least.

Ken got some beef, thats nice, not always taking on Ryu is refreshing to me anyways. Blankas buffed, he needed it. Bisons still a twat, fake slide is cool though.

Sagat is utterly awesome, easily the most fun changes for me besides Guiles new toys.

Rog is still a beast, Vegas still, well, pretty? Chun got a sweet new helicopter of FB dodging.

DJ, well, his MG punch is better, other then that he seems pretty much the same to me. Cammy got cooler, for sure, T hawk doesnt get punched is the face for doing, well anything anymore, thats nice.

Ryu got yet another layer to his FB game, and the fake FB makes for some awesome KAMEHAMEHA lookin supers, sweet.

Fei got cooler, and is disturbingly powerful when he catches you, but he was like that before, he just has an easier time of it now, he needed it for sure.

Honda with anti FB headbutts? Fuggin maddness.

Im sure the tiers will get shuffled up over time, cannot wait to see some epic tourny play of this one for sure.

Someone remind me again what Honda is weak to now?

Um…nothing really. He just doesn’t own non fireball characters hardcore anymore. He’s just simply all around good. At least…that’s the early consensus.

Basically he’s better at dealing with fireball characters and he got a few nerfs against the characters he wins against. If you look at the hit box of his hhs you see the head square gets hella bigger, but that’s really the only nerf hhs got. The hands still seem completely disembodied and are easier to do.

This may just be me talking, but I think Guile may be the real “come up from behind to be top tier” character no one is expecting. He has a new overhead, free mix up on jab sonic boom, RH flashkick is bananas, and his super is easier to do. Did I mention his sonic booms still build up hella meter? Or that his match against sim is better due to his c. lp no longer going under booms? Not to mention he was the character used to win the first HD remix tournament against his “counter character” Vega no less. He’s definitely a contender IMO.

On the flip side, right now it seems to me that Cammy is the worst character. Her c. mk, cannon drill offense is pretty sweet, as is the hooligan throw, but really what else does she have? Her spinning back fist now works like its supposed to? That just doesn’t seem like enough when compared to the rest of the cast.

I won’t count out gief yet, that hop really helps him get in. I also like Fei Long being able to use fierce rekkas as a long distance poke, and I just feel he is better overall despite losing chicken wing into fierce. It is still very hard to make a call on how the high and mid tier looks like, but right now the people definitely in the top tier are Sagat and Balrog. I think Dhalsim isn’t up there anymore because the loss of an abuseable throw loop hurt him more than it did Balrog.

I’m of the opinion that Chun is weaker, but not weaker enough that it’ll drop her in the tiers (unless you’re one of the people who considers Chun top). I think Thawk probably is gonna move up to mid, since closing the gap no longer feels tragically hard. Having his super along with his good normals and DP doesn’t hurt, either.

Those are the only characters I’ve used a whole lot. My biggest curiosity is where Akuma is going to fall.

Just to get a rough idea how about we make a broad tier list:

Most likely top
T Hawk

Most likely high

Most likely mid
Fei Long
Dee Jay

Most likely low


**Each character could probably go up or down one tier level. ** Please keep that in mind before you chomp my head off. But yeah I feel they are really well balanced and they feel mostly equal. For example, I don’t think for a second that Cammy has a hopeless match against any of the top tier, and that kind of narrow gap between the top and the bottom is really rare to find in any fighting game.

Isnt deejay considered mid-top tier?

Again, any character can go up or down one tier level. He was pretty good in ST, but I don’t see him as much better here. With the rest of the cast as buffed up as it is I don’t think he can be top tier so I think high or mid is where he’s most likely at.

you’re retarded