Being new to any actual competitive aspect of the game (friends you beat every day don’t count) I feel that DeeJay is definitely one of the “easier” characters to win with. That’s not to say he takes less skill than anyone else to play, but that he has the tools he needs to deal with most situations.
I’ve been playing Dictator for about a week straight, and sometimes I just get so frustrated losing to the same shit (fireball zoning/repeated body splashes or T.Hawk jumping jabs in the corner etc) and so to vent I pick DeeJay and end up beating the person that just beat me, usually not losing any rounds. Strangely DeeJay is one of the easier matchups for my Dictator to win, but maybe it’s not two players of equal skill, but I can honestly say I don’t ever remember losing, or at least handily to even a decent DeeJay so far.