Wait a minute…you can jump out of Raging Demon ticks! Per his page, Sirlin purposely made that move so that The Raging Demon will not grab opponents that have just begun to jump. The Raging Demon will only grab people that have committed to a move that has left them wide open. Read the last section of his article here: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/street-fighter-hd-remix-akuma.html
So, the next time someone tries to lock you down into a Raging Demon and you see the super activation, immediately push ‘up’! Simple escape. Of course, now the hard part is either knocking him out before he gets full meter and, even more difficult, getting him to actually waste that meter.
If you’re ducking when the demon gets to you, you can’t jump out; you can only jump out if you’re already standing. So like, if Akuma knocks you down and sets up air fireball to crossover and you then block low expecting he’ll do crouching forward xx fireball, if he does demon instead, you’re gonna get tossed.
he only thing some characters can do to get out of this situation is to not block down in the first place, but that’s pretty hard because if you don’t block low and get crouching forward xx nonsensed, you’re gonna eat a lot of damage, get knocked down, and get another air fireball trap sprung on you again.
The reason some characters can’t do anything about this other than not hold down in the first place is that their reversals don’t work right against the demon. Akuma has no hitbox so all reversals don’t hit him, but they also usually stay in front of him instead of passing through him. The demon lasts a while, so when the reversaling character recovers, he recovers right into a demon.
hehe… np… thats why I seperated Akuma w/ RD and Akuma w/o RD… in ranking because IMO its important to know there is a difference when playing him and how scary he can be…
Some other crazy RD Akuma’s facts… You can buffer the RD so as your opponent gets hit or blocks during a combo you can instantly cancel into the RD. As your opponent is landing from a jump or jump in attack you can RD and catch them for free, similar to when you jump-in on Chun’s super, no way out. If you time the air fireball mixups correctly with a RD there is no escape.
A very good Akuma player should be able to get a free RD attack against even the best players. Hell I’m not even good with him (yet) and I was landing RD’s on top players you all know the names of. Is Akuma broken? Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is for sure he is one tough SOB.
Edit: About his teleport… I found kick forward Teleport very useful against fireballs tossers. You can time it so to land directly infront of your opponent while they are stuck in the FB animation. Its not even that hard to time.
The more I play the more it seems to me like he’s not broken, just really good. And that’s kind of unfortunate in my opinion, because he doesn’t seem good enough to be ban-worthy, but he does seem good enough to make him pretty much ubiquitous in tournaments. Also I still think he eats Zangief alive.
For now I totally agree with you (kinda like OG sagat in ST but maybe slightly better)… but just wait a few months till a top player “figures him out”. Then we might have a different opinion.
Not sure how Gief penetrates Akuma’s wall of defense, but it seems difficult.
Gouki is strong in this game…I’m having alot of problems trying to fight my brother’s Gouki on here when he’s playing him. Simply because if you have an opponent with a solid knowledge of shoto footsies/spacing game + Air Fireball, it gets really annoying.
I completely agree on the difference with Gouki having RD, because it just shifts my game plan and train of thought, because your constantly scared of that super, it’s almost like my mentality shift in CvS2 against a full meter Dictator (maybe not that bad).
Oh yes, I love HD:Remix, you know the shits mad solid when people can’t decide on most of the characters placing besides a few.
I’ve actually very recently become a Fei Long believer. I do NOT think he sucks by any stretch of the means. I went online and got mopped up by Hung Bee’s Fei and now I believe he’s actually really good. And it has nothing to do with Rekkas!
Seriously, the Short Chicken Wing is invincible, folks. For the startup, it’s INVINCIBLE. And it’s an “Overhead”. Shit is fast. This move is not meant to be used from far away, it’s meant to be used in the opponent’s face. Seriously. Run up to them and Short Chicken Wing. A BUNCH of the time, they won’t even stand up in time to block. It’s pretty dang fast. And even if they poke, it goes right through your Chicken Wing. After they block it / get hit by it, do a Short Flame Kick, Short Chicken Wing again, or do a Low Forward to keep them honest and make them Low Block from time to time, or do another Chicken Wing… did I mention do another Chicken Wing? Short Chicken Wing followed up by Short Chicken Wing has some crazy results.
I even time it right so I pruposefully do it LATE against Shotos, for example, when they are getting up. They wake up with a Jab Shoryu, go through my Chicken Wing, and then I hit them out of the air. Then I run up and Roundhouse Flame Kick. 30% life, right there. Peace. Any time it connects out of the air, run up, and do a Deep Roundhouse Flame Kick. Painful.
The Short Flame Kick is ridiculously good. Of course, you can’t abuse it, but in the hands of a smart player, that combined with some proper use of the Rekkas makes Fei Long very very scary.
So that pretty much means that I fully believe that Cammy is the only character who sucks in this game by a mile. I don’t think anyone is even close to how bad she is. :sad:
Nah, I really think Zangief is the worst. He might win more matchups than Cammy (Ryu, Ken, Balrog, maybe Bison, maybe T.Hawk) but nobody has more lopsided losses than Gief. Gief-Akuma is the single worst matchup in the entire game, Honda/Blanka/Guile aren’t far behind, and Dhalsim & Vega are still very tough for him as well.
Yeah, I can see that, actually. It could be a toss up for those two. Also, I might be very much underselling Cammy, but I just feel like at a high level of play, like tournament level, Cammy won’t be very effective at all. Hopefully, I can keep trying to figure more stuff out with her that can help vs. Honda, Guile, and Dee Jay.
Zangief is indeed very powerful. He can kill most characters very easily if he gets in on them. The problem is getting in. He just gets zoned with little difficulty by so many characters.
However, with his ability to absolutely rape people once he gets in, I seriously doubt that Zangief is the worst. He’s sort of all or nothing like Dictator. Maybe that’s why I like him.
I play Dhalsim, and noticed a lot of people putting him anywhere between mid-top, but very little discussion. Maybe not enough people play Sim. I don’t necessarily have much to contribute, since I really only started playing ST when HDR came out. I’m having trouble seeing what would make him Top Tier. His favorable matchups outnumber his bad matchups but not by much.
I actually disagree. First of all, in vanilla ST, the Japanese thought Dhalsim won that match-up 7-3. I actually disagreed, but the thing is… in HD Remix, Cammy is MUCH worse against Dhalsim because the fight is now not any different for her than it is for anyone else: she cannot jump at him anymore from any distance. So I actually DO believe that Dhalsim is even now with Cammy.
Were you the one that put in the wiki for ST Cammy that the vs. Dhalsim match is in her favor because of j.MP?
I remembered how bummed I was when I read that Sirlin nerfed her jump in j.MP. That move was my go to as Cammy in vanilla ST. Granted, it’s not worse by ALOT but it still makes a huge difference. Cammy vs. Honda is still one of my least favorite matchups. More so because Honda’s headbutts are more beastly.