The inevitable tier thread

Hmm, didn’t really think about all that. Then again, I’m not a shoto user. Just figured Ken’s strong DP would be easier to use. And as UltraDavid mentioned, Ken’s fierce DPs are probably better anyway.

Meh, personally I think it’s 5/5 now. It seems that whoever gets momentum first wins. I think Honda’s slaps and headbutt losing to psycho crusher goes a long way, as well as Honda losing his ochio trap. I don’t go “shit” any more when someone picks Honda.

I was playing Sim today, and I don’t know why I never tried him. His style fits me perfectly. Heh, I played a decent Honda today with Sim, and man, Sim’s crouching jab murders Honda. Headbutts getting you down? c. jab. What, hand slaps?! No problem, c. jab.

Post some vids, Nord. I still am having problems with mediocre hondas after a year of playing Sim :slight_smile: Cr.jab is nice, but it loses to a lot of his jumpins :frowning:

Once honda players get decent they stop doing random headbutts and buttbombs and shit gets rough for me.

Honda’s slaps and headbutt already lost to an activated crusher, that’s nothing new. The new things are that Honda can’t do repeated ochio ticks anymore (although I don’t get why that was always a big deal, it was totally escapable) and Dic’s standing jab beats headbutt more reliably now. Those are both nice things for him, but I don’t think either one is a particularly important change in this matchup. Still like, 6.5-3.5, I would say.

I don’t give a fuck what anyone says! Take blanka out of the top tier and slide that hoe chun li in there! At best blanka in 2nd tier imo. Too many bad matchups to be top tier imo

Chun li
E honda

And 50/50 match ups like


I can’t see him being higher than 2nd tier. The more I play this game the more it seems like regular ST. Blanka is better, but most characters that owned him in ST have gotten better also. Characters that he own also got better so those are closer matches. Like t hawk and cammy stand a good chance unlike in regular ST imo.

No way to capture vid. :frowning:

Seriously though, I was beating Hondas with just c. jab and back jab or back strong, with the occasional s. fierce or c. fierce. I would sit there and mash on c. jab, and if I thought he was going to jump, I would s. forward or s. roundhouse. I’d like to see what better Hondas do.

Hm, when I tested the slaps versus activated crusher in vanilla ST I could only ever get it to trade.

Also, how do you get out of an ochio trap in the corner without meter? If you have meter it’s easy to get out of, but I always assumed if they knocked you down in the corner you took ochios 'til death.

lol i’ve said that from day one when scrubs began shouting that blanka was best improved and in the top tier. Somehow people figured random ball was a viable tactic that propelled him into the top tier. Making that move safe doesn’t really help blanka that much, or at all when you factor in how much damage he takes when hit out of it. Some of his matchups are improved (honda a touch, vega a fair bit) and others got worse (hawk/gief) etc. Easier electricity is a powerup, but blanka still gets eaten alive by DJ boxer etc.

I’m undecided on chun, i haven’t played an amazing one yet, but i’m happy to face mp rushdown where i’ll bite hard inbetween pokes, and jump ins fail vs mp elec in theory. I dunno, someone tell me why this matchup is so bad?

I never feel too bad vs shotos, not counting akuma, who is just horrid to chase

Send me a FR on Live, I am fairly confident my Honda could break through the Sim Jab. I have been able to tear though some beefy Sims with Honda. (I could of course be wrong, but I love to try!)

An average chun li player should beable to beat blanka imo. I’ve played some good to great chun li ant its always a ard fight for blanka period. That hoe is great imo. Fb’s and lighting legs as anti air is great against blanka. Its easier to do that in hd remix. You can’t chase a good chun li down with blanka. Its a hard match up in chun li’s favor imo. St is about matchups not tiers imo.

I think the flipside to that, as a Chun-Li player, is that if Blanka gets in, chances are you’re screwed.

I don’t have the game for Xbox. I bought a 360 with a friend, but I let him take it because I never play it. I’m only on PSN. Not to mention I don’t have a stick for Xbox either :S.

I just started playing Sim, so I’m pretty sure you could. I was just remarking that I noticed that it seems to stuff a lot of Honda’s moves. It’s just something that’s not a bad idea to be throwing out while hanging back in between fireballs. I’ve mainly been using it when he gets within HHS range to keep him from doing it, and as soon as he does something else I try to counter and push him back out.

Damn, looks like you and Mullah been drinking that low tier juice. :wow: While I do not think Blanka is top 3 by any means he is definately improved enough to be lowest of the high tier.

Any average Chun should not be able to beat a good to very good Blanka. An average Blanka yes but certainly not a good one.

Also, I’ve yet to run into a Boxer, Vega or Sagat that has made me think that Blanka cannot smack’em down.


Top Akuma, Vega, Honda, Sim

High Boxer, Blanka, Guile, Hawk, Dictator, Chun

Mid Ryu, Ken, DeeJay, Cammy, Gief, Sagat.

Low Fei Long

move honda, hawk and blanka down to mid

move boxer up to top

ryu and sagat up to high

and cammy should be with fei long

Fei and Cammy are low? Man, their meaty Fierces are annoying.

I had a writeup but its moot i saw some mistakes, i think this one is more accurate.

But i think hawk has many good matchups all around. like lots of 4-6 and some 5-5 with characters like boxer and dictator, a more even match with vega and sim too. I think he’s Top 10

Top Akuma, Vega, Boxer, Sim

High Chun, Dictator, Honda, Blanka, Guile, Hawk

Up Mid Sagat, Ryu

Low Mid Dee Jay, Ken, Gief, Cammy

Low Fei Long

A reasonable tier list with one exception…

try reversal blocking

So much Ryu and Sagat hate.

Please give an explanation for your tier listing, because I still do not see how Ryu, and especially SAGAT is Upper-Mid, and how do characters like Honda or Hawk have better overall matches then these two do. After finally being able to play this game, Sim is not as strong as he once was, so I am in disagreement of him still being Top (Upper, yes, but not Top).

Playing against Guile, I am starting to see why he’s a contender for Top-Tier status, his simple tweaks have simply made his zoning, spacing game far more potent and powerful, sure he ain’t CE good. However the Boom, better Flashkick, overhead has just beefed up his spacing and zoning game, which are the most important aspects of what has made Guile strong throughout the earlier part SFII.

However, I guess most of us will either be in agreement or disagreement until at least a few tournament showings for this game, so we can start seeing what beefs or tone downs have really pushed or debunked certain characters.