The inevitable tier thread

Bison is a damage machine…cr. jab, st. short, st. short, scissor kicks?! That thing is monster damage. He has a decent lockdown with forward and roundhouse to scissor kicks at the right distances (ie. don’t throw rh scissors at point blank). Now with fake slide you got even more lockdown tricks. He’s got lockdown loops and he can punish most of the cast that can reverse him during lockdown if he blocks the reversal. I understand what Sirlin is saying…but if he got the “paint the wall” move for reversal, ouch.

I’m gonna go ahead and say I think Akuma is the best character in the game. Air Fireball is probably the safest special in the game and you can combo it into a 70% combo on wake-up that is basically impossible to stuff. His super does retarded damage and is 100% invincible. He builds meter like a champ. He has the fastest fireball recovery. He has the easiest combos in the game by far. He has invincible DPs, I mean what more could you want.

I’m not a sf pro but just for fun I’m gonna try this.

Top: Akuma, Claw (Still has many good matchups and zoning), Boxer (lots of good matchups), Guile (Improved FK and solid rock-paper-scissors after every blocked LP boom, new overhead, better juggling super)

Upper: Honda (Solid overall), Dictator, Blanka, Sim (Solid vs. top tier but not dominant like in ST)

Mid Upper: Chun, Deejay, Ryu, Sagat

Mid Lower: Ken, Fei, Hawk (hard to call though, he changed a lot)

Bottom: Cammy, Beef (I just feel he has bad matchups vs. the top tier),

How can you say this after angrynord’s and my previous post? Sure bison has a ton of great offensive options but landing them cleanly let alone consistently against most of the cast is what keeps him in check not to mention he does poorly in the corner even with the new reversal.

If he’s always been as good as you and others like audiocg have said then where are the american tourney results to reflect that? Off the top of my head sirlin using him as a counter pick at evowest07 is the only time I ever recall him being used in the top8 of a major let alone winning one.

I think I summed up my thoughts on bison in my last post so I won’t repeat myself.

Sim was the indisputable #1 character in st but everyone here says he’s been nerfed enough to the point of everyone else being buffed bringing him down from toptier. I don’t play sim or at least not yet so I don’t know but I would like the sim players to come up with some youtube vid showcasing exactly how and why sim isn’t still toptier that would be dope.

I have NEVER said Bison (he has issues with corners and FBs) is tops, and Sim, well, he might still be tops, hard to say with the inclusion of Kuma in the tiers now. :confused: And indisputible? I would call the soft ban (Japan) and massive amount of player jeers (every NA tourney I have seen) concerning **O Gat **in ST is at least a bit of dispute. :wgrin:

Sim is a tricky char, I love playing as him, but he falls apart very quickly if you make a misstep, I think the reason that we are not seeing more Sim love is simply due to the difficulty in learning how to use him to his full potential.

I don’t play sim so correct me if I’m wrong but sim has the fewest bad matchups of any character in regular st and even his bad matchups (vega?) he can handle better then other characters and their respective bad matchups. Which is why I understand sim to have always been the undisputed best character in the game, sure it may not be by any wide margin but that’s not the point and the learning curve of a character is not a factor in how good they are overall. Sim doesn’t really get raped by anyone or at least not as much as o.gat did by sim right? so if he can deal with the entire cast better then o.gat can doesn’t that make him the best? (this is assuming he’s used to his full potential of course.)

Like I said I don’t play sim but judging solely based on his nerfs it doesn’t seem like he was toned down enough to not be at least top5 and it doesn’t hurt that alex valle said he’s one of the 3 characters who can handle akuma.

A very good point, and yes, Sim DOES have Kuma tools (Sure to be important in determining the tiers for HDR). The things that might knock Sim down a bit, no more free under boom punches, lost the noogie loop, and this: Some of the best Sim players I have seen as of yet in HDR **CANNOT **cancel into Sims super with any kind of consistency (or at all), this one is a wait and see how it plays out, maybe the new motion is messing people up? I dunno, but the cancel to super was a NASTY tool of Sims (Also, his super does less damage now, but that falls in line with all the super de buffs, so that may be a null point.)

I dont know what it is with Sim, I almost never see Sims online, and even the good Sims I have played are far from experts with him. Sim for tops? Cant wait for some big tourneys to see if he makes a splash, or will it be the new Guile hottness?:wgrin:

5 akumas in t8 at evo09:rofl:…:sad:

This wouldn’t surprise me either :sad:
Air FB can lock down pretty hard if you get the spacing right against most characters.

Ok, still new to the competitive ST scene and stuff… But I’ve always wondered, what makes Ryu higher tier than Ken? I have a harder time against good Kens than Ryus.

I personally think Sim is still top. Sirlin took away his most abusable tactics, like he did with the other top tiers, but he left all of the things that made Sim good to begin with intact. He has not only a counter to most of the stuff that the other can do, but a CLEAN counter. He has amazing reach AND a fireball to boot, plus he can escape the corner at will. He takes a lot of skill to play well, so it’s a little less obvious as why he’s top than the other top characters. He doesn’t have anything that’s flat out dominant, but just having an answer to everything goes a long way in ST.

Uhhhhhh no. If Sirlin hadn’t deliberately kept the teleport bug in, I would have agreed with you

Which teleport bug? I’m not a Sim player, so I don’t know all his little nuances. I do know that sometimes he teleports in place, if that’s what you’re talking about.

Those who don’t understand how to play Dhalsim, will still think he is top. However, I promise you he is not. He is a upper tier character as YieArKunfFu placed him.

He has two very hard mismatches now. If two players of equally advanced skill level play, the Guile and Dictator player will beat the Sim player significantly more than Sim will beat them due the changes made in the new game.

Sim can now longer press any positional advantages gained. There are very few positive net equity trades of Sim in these match ups.

For once, Sim has to be the very creative and take huge exposure risks to gain an advantage. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying he should be changed, or needs to be better. Other than the damage reduction on his super, I think the changes are very fair. I am just putting some control on the statements and POVs made about Sim in the new game. Some of you crazy kids have no idea what you are really talking about. (Meant in a loving way: :lovin:)

Personally I doubt the changes in remix have Guile with an advantage over dhalsim.

Its a lot more close to even, but I’m guessing the match is about 6-4 Sim.

If I had to make a guess about tiers right now, I would put Akuma and Sim on top (Sim may be the only character with an advantage against Akuma, which is one big factor in him being there). T Hawk on the bottom, and everyone else somewhere in between.

Pretty sure the Guile match is even now after playing it a bit.

Hawk is not bottom. Hawk is no doubt in my mind mid. fei and cammy are still bottom.

Which characters do you think Hawk has advantageous matchups against?

Chun 6-4, fei 6-4, bison 6-4, gief 6-4

boxer is tough but could considered 5.5-4.5 boxers favor since he has no way out of safejumps / 360 ticks. headbutt is too slow.

ryu / ken have slight advantages against hawk

his worst matchups are sim, guile, akuma, dee jay, and honda.

sim guile and honda are 8-2. patient honda is 10-0

dj 7-3

akuma 9-1

claw blanka cammy and sagat can be tough but winnable.

I have to disagree with you on this one B. I have been playing ton of guile’s. But if it is a good guile player the match is in his favor (IMHO). I still win quite a bit, but I have to get REALLY creative and take many more chances. (Which is OK, just making the point).

The % chance of Sim connecting with clean hits in in Guile in HD is very low. I am either defending or trading (in Guiles favor). Only when Guile get aggressive with jumps, or starts throwing tons of SBs up close do I start to get clean hits.

It is much like his match up with Chun. Sim has very little options around Chun’s FB. The same problem has reoccurred with Guile’s SB in HD. However, Chun’s fireball has TWICE as much recovery as Guile’s. That means I have twice as much time, to dodge attacks, throw a fire, jump or whatever. Guile recovery is so fast that he has a very high chance counter what ever I do, or at least trade something in his favor.

Anyway, I think in the long run it will become more evident. If not, then I was/ am wrong. It doesn’t really matter. It is fun to talk about none the less! :wink:

I think I am right on this one. :wgrin:Only time will tell!

I thought Hawk won this matchup in ST, but now I think Gief takes it. Gief’s changes help him a bit; the new lariats are nice like they are in every matchup, and Hawk’s crouching roundhouse is now much less useful because Gief can hop into spd on reaction now. The main reason, though, is the change to the dive. Time was, Hawk could do a late jump-in with fierce or jab and then make Gief guess between going for reversal spd and blocking in anticipation of Hawk jumping into hawk dive. If the dive hit, Gief got knocked down and the guessing games started again, and if it got blocked, oh well, Hawk got pushed out enough to be safe. This was very annoying for Gief.

Well now that whole game is gone. If Hawk does a dive from that height at that range now, Gief gets a free spd even if it hits, so there’s no reason to try this.

I think Gief takes this match 6-4 now.