The inevitable tier thread

Valle would be good with any character, what’s your point? I’d MUCH rather face Valle’s Akuma than his Ken, that’s for sure.

100% Agreed.

Yes, he has a some new/ powerful cross up combos and other juggle combos.

But his Ffreball zone and pressure game is a shell of what it use to be. That is what sagat is, a fireball pressure character type.

I am not afraid of the new Sagat, not like I was of O.sagat.

HD Sagat has to take risks to do the big combos. He has to close distance and go for the damage. O.Sagat kept his distance, threw his FB. If you were even the slightest bit of in countering it you were hit with another FB or TU (for 25% of you life). He was a much safer character.

I will take safer consistent moderate damage over risky high damage any day in SF.

Yeah but remixed sagat is just over 9000 times more fun to play it’s cool how versatile he is. His fb game is fairly nerfed but still really good so you can turtle in the corner if you want playing the high low game for as long as you can keep it up, or you can get hyper aggressive thanks to the new tk or you can harass from mid screen and bait a jump to AA with super (which isn’t easy.) 1 landed tk means you get 3 more for free the 4th of which crosses up, builds meter and can put your opponent in the corner asap and no one wants to be in the corner against gat.

In terms of domination I would say o.sagat was a 10 or high 9 while remixed gat is an 8.5 but man he is so much more fun to play I don’t care and like I’ve said before it’s awesome that he’s still hella powerful but for the right reasons in this game.

^^ Understood. However, being “more fun” to play has nothing to do with his ability to control and apply a high pressure FB game to win a match.

He is not as good as O.Sagat.

I am not complaining (I was just replying to Cap Masters Statement). I would much rather face the HD Sagat than O.Sagat. I have a much higher chance in beating a HD Sagat.

In a high level match, you’re not going see his huge combos often. You might get an opportunity to use them here and there, but nothing consistent. Bottom line, If you were use to playing against O.Sagat’s FB game, you’ll find getting around HD’s Sagat’s FB game much easier. I am just not afraid of him.

IMHO, you still rate him to high @ 8.5.

Of course he isn’t as good.

That was the damn point. You make it sound like Sirlin fucked up by making remixed Sagat worse. LOL.

Still Fatboy you making is sound like Sagat is low tier or some shit. Dude is high tier material at the very least. He lost very little.

Dude, read his post.

Or you could block it on reaction given how slow it is. I think in a week the “mixup” is going to be totally irrelevant.

Take it from someone who whores the low slide, pretty much every low jab in the game beats it clean. Low slide has some of the worst hitboxes in the game, maybe THE worst. The priority on it is utter shit. If you doubt that go into training mode, it’s a giant blue box with a tiny red sliver buried in it.

Disregard my dumbass post then. Just feels that Akuma has either more stun on some of his moves or less recovery. Don’t know if it’s true, though.

On the whole fireball thing, I think the key is that since Akuma goes into a horse stance you can react a little faster to the fireball, not that is has more startup. Compared to Ryu’s fireball animation it’s just easier to see it coming.

Can you do this online? I can do this online maybe once in 4-5 tries. Offline’s probably a totally different story, but I haven’t gotten to play this game with anyone in person yet.

Yes. The animation is very distinctive and easy to recognize. It’s not so much the speed, which is probably about the same as Ryu’s overhead, it’s the speed combined with the fact it’s easy to spot. Maybe if you mixed up hopping forward kicks with it it would work. But still I have trouble seeing it being a factor in the long run.

What I said was that because Honda and Blanka got a lot better overall, they will be played more, which means Dhalsim will have a rougher time in the metagame. I also think these matchups got harder for dhalsim, though:

Honda: Tripguard, easier hundred hand slaps, jab headbutt shenanigans. Also, the oichyo nerf still leaves what appears to be a super tight tick with his close jumping splash, on Dhalsim. If you’ve got a counter for that let me know :).

Blanka: Rainbow roll shenanigans, the ball is tougher to punish, and Dhalsim’s super gets hit clean much more easily by jumping Rh now (+bullshit) - this last one’s minor but it made a difference for me.

I would say the matches are very slightly worse than they were before, but particularly, they lowered the level of skill required to present a difficulty. Before, Blanka and Honda had to be pretty darn good to present me a challenge.

Now, any idiot can pick up honda and mash jump in + fierce handslap into buttbomb mixups for the win. Before, it actually took some execution to rampage all over with fierce handslaps, and now it doesn’t.

i can block guiles overhead most of the time online. its not an issue. will i block it everytime? of course not. but you know when its coming, its always during a sonicboom followup almost everytime. you are definitely prepared to block more than most OH’s. wit hsmoothing on low or off(0-1 frame lag, AFAIK), theres no reason why you cant react to this, most of the time. its blatently obvious when it’s coming in good conditions.

hell, even some of the weaker players block the attack with great success. the ones that never block it are the ones that forget that he has an OH now, or is just dumb

^ You’re not kidding about the honda hand mashing bullshit. God help if they have a turbo button.

I’m not so sure I’d count Guile out of top tier. Guile has always been a high mid tier character. Taking into consideration his 3 solid buffs and other top tier characters nerfs, he might very well be top tier. Of course, its also possible that some of the traditionally weaker characters may have passed him. Guile’s a very complete fighter, and in the hands of an expert (Muteki), he’s quite powerful. I’d feel pretty safe saying Guile’s now in the top 5

im ntot saying guile cant be top tier. i think hes hella solid right now. but his overhead alone is by far, not the sole reason for this.

Ken is top tier easy. Has a much bigger throw range. Akuma is up there to.

Oops, quoted your wrong quote. But yeah, I agree, alot of people seem to be overstating the power of his over head. Yeah, it will catch people once in a while, and yes it can be useful against sweepers, but as you said, this situatations are limited.

Ken is not top tier, and his throw (I assume you mean his knee bash?) actually has less range now.

^^^^^ What he said. Great post on Honda & Blanka. 100% agreed.