mixup after sonic boom is not really strong. so he gets an extra hit sometimes(never on blanka). big whoop. does it really scare anyone? its more of a minor inconvenience. and it really only scary wehn having to deal with it when almost dead. but what isnt scary when almost dead?
good guiles will not be in that range too often. and even so, it doesnt put him in any advantaged situation. it just gives him a little decent damage option, at close range. which he needed, since all he ever does is chip damage you to death and wait for the opponent to make a mistake to land damage.
but i will say, it does good at stuffing some low attacks. but does it make him top tier? i dont think so. does it make him better? absolutely. if guile is top tier, then the top tier list must be massive. cuz i can think of a lot more characters that are above guile
I disagree about the overhead not being a great mixup. Whether it’s scary or not, when Guile walks up behind a boom, you have to guess. It’s not super damaging, but he can often set this up a few times per round. That might not sound like a lot, but it’s free damage, and it lets Guile change up his gameplan a bit because he no longer has to deal all his damage from playing defense, he can now play offense as well. Now after a reset or a knockdown or something Guile might not just walk/jump/sobat back or sit there crouching, he could set up a free 50/50 if he wants, and that option makes him a noticeably better character in my opinion.
Top tier? I don’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me too much.
im not saying its not a good mixup. i never implied that. its just not something that will make people go “omg thats too good” and doesnt warrant top tier status, at all. if that was the case, ryu woulda been god tier years ago. =D
i think his other tools make him more threatening, overhead jsut complements him further.it’s a combination of all 3 changes that make him much better. he just seems more solid. he never gives me a worrysome vibe, like akuma, blanka, and honda give me, as far as being a little too much. i think he was done well
I don’t think you have to worry about Honda too much. The characters he beat before are all better against him now, even if only a little bit, and he still probably loses to the characters he lost to before, albeit in closer matchups. The characters he went evenish with he probably still goes evenish with, although I think Honda might convincingly beat Sim now (still haven’t played a good Sim online, though). Like with almost everyone, I could see Honda being top tier, but he’s definitely not like, worrisome tier.
I don’t know, I don’t think theres anything in the game that really makes you go “omg thats too good”, so solid stuff like this can really define a character’s status. The mixup is reliable, everyone is out of poking ranger afterwards, and if the opponent guesses right they win absolutely nothing (unless they can reversal through the sb and mixup - ken, akuma, probably others).
Does it make him top tier? No, but no one thing makes anyone top tier yet. Guile has a really solid game, and the only matchup he has a serious disadvantage on (afaik) is blanka. He’s a candidate for top tier, along with everoyne else in the cast. It’s just too early to know any more.
It’s not 50/50 you guys are forgetting he can just walk up and throw you as well, possibly scoring a knock down and another mix up. He can also walk up and sweep you, possibly scoring a knock down, and another mix up. I’m not saying he’s broken, I’m just saying he’s very likely top tier. There are people like Muteki who were already monsters with Guile and then you add these buffs into the mix and I think he is extremely solid overall.
^Ah, I guess you’re right, I was just posting from a Honda/Gief player’s perspective, and the payoff of a throw isn’t really worth the risk Guile takes in trying to throw those characters.
go play good akumas, from real players, not the legion of akuma scrubs that most people are experiencing. go play valle or someone. he is insanely good. as good as st? not nearly as so. but he is stil lhighly dominant. and is very easy to use. way too many options. air fb shenanigans, guaranteed demons, really strong combos, even off AA, really good FB with really good knockdown properties, anti air normals that might as well be considered invincible to complement his already invincible dp, which leads to juggle hits, and a get out of jail free card(teleport) that he can to run all day vs most in conjunction with air fb
Well to be fair, teleport is pretty vulnerable, so it’s not a get out of jail free card. Demon is, though. I almost think demon is just as useful for escaping bad situations as it is for dealing damage. If you’re caught in the corner and you do demon, worst case you escape the corner, best case you take off 40% of your opponent’s life.
hes only vulnerable on the head tho, most people will be either blocking air fb when i teleport, or they wont even react in time. seriously, its a really good tool that many characters, as of this moment, struggle dealing with. of course, it could change once people get accustomed to it. we need a justin wong or eddie lee type player using akuma to show how frustratingly annoying he can be with turtle/runaway tactics.
and yeah, you are absolutely right with demon rage. i have no fear in throwing that badboy out
no shit its vulnerable. i think its been stated several times, k thx. but it does work. most people will just guess when the tele is coming and throw something out. whos to say i might just juice kick to get out, or maybe tk air fb, land, teleport? ive used this plenty of times vs competent players and they rarely stop teleport on reaction. its usually just random, and its been rare so far. and i dont even use akuma.
Damdai is out to prove akuma needs to be banned (his is very solid) and switched from geif because he loses 10-0 to him though I’m not convinced he’s broken or even the best character just yet.
As far as brokenness goes only thing I have an issue with is all 3 dp’s being invincible and his REGULAR fb knocking you back to the corner and only the latter concerns me as far as tiers and balance go.
The funny thing about Akuma now that he still can play around with his air fireball but not while jumping in !, I’m not a great Akuma player but after using him for a while against friends he is still very good with it.
Straight up air fb and jump back air fb are very safe at the right distance, also note the medium punch version of the Air fb for some odd reason feels better than jab or fierce to me, maybe other people who played Akuma think so too.
RD is too good even if you can jump out of it after practice people will use it to punish counter attacks and fireballs also for some odd reason if you cancel low jab/short into RD your opponent has 50/50 chance to jump escape.