The inevitable tier thread


I dont seem to have very much trouble with akuma. I just block everything and attack him through his small holes.

If somebody want to seriously analyze tiers, a better method would probably be:

-starting from one of the existing ST matchup charts (the best of which is probably the recent Arcadia tier listing from all the top JP ST players shown on nh2’s site),
-adjusting based on personal views,
-modifying them for STHD’s changes,
-and then seeing how the figures add up.

That’s not to say your numbers will in any way reflect actual high-level matchups but at least having individual matchups will be more accurate than proposing so-and-so as this-or-that tier based on entirely holistic substantiations.

Me either, but I have lost to Akuma once or twice. Now that I think about it those losses came from bad connections. I kept getting caught by his RD off of block stun. I thought you couldn’t get caught if you held up, so it had to be input lag or something.

I’m moving away from thinking Akuma is too good, but he’s the one character I’m definitely calling for top tier. Maybe other characters will be in the same tier as he is, meaning that he’ll only be very good instead of too good, but right now I don’t think I can name the other potential characters in that tier.

Blanka? Ken? Sagat?


For what?

Ken for top tier? I doubt it. Maybe, but my guess is that he’ll end up in one of high, mid, or low. Blanka and Sagat, maybe top, maybe high, maybe mid, I just can’t tell.

I think the top tier will remain mostly the same. Claw might move down to second, but Akuma is def top, and I’m predicting Guile as tops for now.

its too damn early. Every char is a candidate for god tier and garbage tier. Everything else is just speculation and rationalization.

lol, nice predictions. :rofl:

Heh that’s the whole point, man! I think this game is too balanced to make any kind of predictions right now and maybe for a long time to come.

Yeah, gief’s c.jab beats Mutant’s slide as well, very comfortably.

Personally I find the ball mixups to be a little scary, but I think players far more skilled then myself will be able to deal with it in time.

Guile is not top-tier! for the love of god, can we please stop saying that. The changes they made to Guile make him better, but definately not tops or even high.

akuma is an all or nothing character imo. he can either be untouchable and kill you quickly or he’ll die in literally 4 hits

Honestly, when playing as hawk, the only blanka ive ever had problems against was zass30 and eventually, I beat him up a few times :stuck_out_tongue: . Every other blanka ive played against with hawk has never ever given me a problem. I really REALLY think people are over estimating him.

also pancho i know you might not read this but im hoping on now if you wanna get some hawk mirror matches or whatever.

YO DAMDAI what system do you have hd remix for? I only have a ps3.

akuma is too strong

He definitely is top tier. Mix up after sonic boom is really strong, his RH flash kick is a great punisher/anti air, and his super is so much better now. (his booms still build meter like crazy on top of that) Not to mention it’s fricking Guile. Not like he was anywhere lower than high-mid before, and after getting three major buffs I’d say the truly skilled Guile players have the potential to just kill everything.