I think this Fei is a tad better than ST. He can get around projectiles easier and the range on his rekkas are nice. He still loses to Honda BAD! :sad:
That’s all I’ve been up against lately. Outsmarting Sagat with T.Hawk is pretty easy if you know how to move in and when to dive.
And the dive leaves you just out of range of stupid knee combos and stray limbs. Pretty good since Hawk can out range him from that distance.
looks like this game actually has no low tier but is like top high and medium…
Sorry SweetJV, you’ll get no sympathy from me.
In my honest scrubby opinion Sagat is not nearly as good as some people say.
He traded his insane zoning with a few combos. This is ST, if this were A3 or CVS or something i’d say yeah that’s great but a holy shit fuck sick zoning is better to have here. And yeah he feels his short not being cancelable.
I just don’t think the knee isn’t that broken, it’s not ivincible or anything. And even if he lands it he gets some damage and a crossup attempt. Sorry but that’s not the only char that gets a crossup attempt for a huge combo.
It’s pretty stupid that jumping HK, c.MK, tiger shot dizzies, but damn, you have to be right on top of them for that to connect. Most often the MK is either out of range or the fireball is blocked.
I’m not saying he isn’t top tier, just not as good as o.sagat. I don 't fear sagat that much unless i’m playing chun or cammy (can’t really figure out why with cammy tho, lol) but i probably haven’t seen the great sagats. Lord SA is the only player in the top 10 that the game pits me against on a regular basis, most likely because a lot of them are from the west coast and i’m from europe.
There is always high and low tier characters. tiers are relative. Low tier doesn’t necessarily mean crap if the game is balanced.
I’m not denying that Honda/Blanka are still hard matchups, but he specifically mentioned the matchups against Blanka/Honda as worse, not their relative positions on the tier chart. In those particular matchups, Sim’s not any worse or better compared to original ST.
I’ve heard mixed reports on the noogie range nerf. Some people say they barely notice and/or the effectiveness is the same. I’ve never been particularly good at using the trap so I dunno. The biggest nerf is definitely the super, especially the damage, but supers across the board have been nerfed damage-wise and Dhalsim wasn’t particularly dependent on his in the first place
I definitely think he’s worse against hawk, even though you can easily b+jab any dive on reaction. The opportunity cost is too little for Hawk to stop diving in hopes you lost concentration and didn’t b+jab it.
I think Sagat is still tops too. His fireballs are a tad slower, but they still lockdown like nothing else at the right ranges. Also, anybody notice how easy it is to corner somebody with tiger knee combos? You land one and boom, now the opponents in the corner and probably going to die a slow death to the fireball trap.
After that it’s hard to say. Honestly I don’t think the tiers have changed all that much from ST. A couple people move here and there, but it’s pretty similar. If anything, the tiers got bunched up a bit so that the bad matchups are slightly more fair.
my top 4 (no particular order)
i tried thinking of a bottom four, but that’s pretty hard at the moment. a good thing!
after the top 4 everybody seems to be on pretty equal’ish grounds. if i had to commit to naming a few chars…
The game just came out… WAYYYY to early to argue tiers. We (us players) don’t even know how to fully utlize each characters new changes to their fullest potential yet. Until then, any tiers list holds low merit.
i dont see what everyone sees in vega. hes good and solid but not best character / top 4 character by any means. hawk and gief are no doubt solid mid now that any moron can pull off a walk up “360.” sagat is strong but since you can punish him full screen it seems for fireballing with early jump round house with like everyone.
why is blanka shooting up tiers? he was bottom in ST and now they give him a safer horizontal ball and rainbow ball and hes all of a sudden top?
i dont think top has changed much tbh
blanka is top because now you actually have to deal with blanka balls
in st you block a blanka ball and immediately throw back a fireball. worst case scenario is a draw, best case you punish the blanka ball
now if you block a blanka ball and throw a fireball, blanka can jump over it. he’s typically too far to get a dizzy combo, but it makes for a really gay mix up that he gets to constantly put you in. if you don’t throw a fireball, he can ball again, slide (beats attempts to jab the next blanka ball), walk back a pixel and jab ball -> bite, etc.
maybe its just with hawk, but cr.jab beats slide for me everytime. i know cr.jab with everyone beats ball but hawks cr.jab beats his slide
i understand the mixup he gets from the blocked ball but i dont think its enough to warrant him being top. not even close.
the hardest part against blanka is dealing with his massive throw range. i have no problems blocking a bunch of balls even if they are safe.
I kinda agree with your top list, but I don’t agree with the next in line list.
In my scrubby opinion Honda owns all 4 of those next in line characters in hd remix
maybe not ken, but honda destroy gief, t hawk, and cammy for free imo on hd remix.
Also I don’t see much difference in balrog(boxer) in hd remix. His throw range is nerfed a little bit and his super has a smaller invincible box, but other than that he seems ST good. I think geif is better than vega, but both could be in the top 4 in the right hands! Gief and honda are at the top of the 2nd tier if there is a such thing as a 2nd tier in hd remix. I still feel this game is about matchup’s and not teirs.:wonder: IMO Sagat isn’t as good as old sagat in ST so he can’t be top tier. I personally think RYU is the best shoto in HD remix! FEAR THE FAKE FB!! He has better tools than sagat imo.
My top 5 would be not counting akuma, because it’s going to take someone really good to show us the way of gouki:
- vega
- sim
- blanka
- ryu
- tie gief and honda
next in line imo are:
T hawk
that’s just one scrubs opinion from playing hd remix.
What about those of us who were doing that shit way before queer ass hcb+f motions?
Blanka is going to be scary. Probably the same with Akuma. We still have some time to figure it out though so who knows.
Cammy is still useless.
Blanka’s balls do not a top tier make. Akuma is too strong.
You’re doing it wrong.
Seriously, I have way more trouble now with the new Gief 360+k and super motions than I ever did with them in ST. Why? Because they’re glitched. Theoretically it’s nice to be able to super while standing, but too bad that motion is glitched the crap out. The new 360 motions have no effect on tiers because everyone who was good with those characters could already do walk-up 360 etc all day, and the new super motions haven’t affected the tiers yet because, well, you can’t even do them half the time. In fact, I’d say so far the new motion has hurt my Gief, because in situations where I’d go for super in ST, I now sometimes literally can’t.
Normally someone will trot this old thing out when talking about tiers, and usually I roll my eyes, but in this game I totally agree (so far). Even now, more than a week into the game, I still have no idea what I’d put down for tiers. No idea, as in, name me a character, and I could probably see putting it into any of 3 different tiers. I think for this game we might just have to be content with talking about matchups instead of tiers.
Except for Akuma. Akuma for top tier.
Well if you were like me (and I could do it most of the time), I never considered hawk bottom. Always considered him in the middle.
I still dont see blanka being scary
You are definitely doing it wrong.