The Hwoarang Thread

I dunno. These attacks seem too close together for it to be blockstun, but perhaps. Here is the video I made when I initially found it. I’m uploading another one as well.


As you can see, I even got the ground bounce from his overhead. So ryu is definitely hitting first.

Also, as far as blocking low goes. As long as you let Hwaorang hit his overhead before you attack low, it will hit. They MUST block the HH overhead or they will get hit by it. Blocking high is the only way to avoid this, and Im not convinced that is guaranteed.

There is a gap between the second hit and the third hit where the opponent is not in blockstun, so maybe not an unblockable, but it is a 50/50 guess from the opponent: Either you go low, right before hwoarang,s overhead hits (when the opponent is not in block stun) or you do nothing. Doing the low after the opponent seems to have no effect except comboing after his overhead if he tries to block low, which you also could confirm if he did by waiting for the bounce. I guess you could react to the opponent blocking high or low though:P

Here’s my thoughts on that little ‘vortex’. Perhaps baiting them to tech into the corner adds some more practicality to it. You’ll still end up on the other side of them if they just normal rise. In the begging, because I had the idea at the moment, I threw in an idea for his dive kick to be used to extend exchange combos. Hope some one else out there can pick up on it?

I liked that last one! 2x lk hunting hawk makes the opponent roll back if he tries to block! I don’t think it would make the opponent block if he tries to roll forward though, because I think the roll registers earlier?

Edit: I just realize the opponent might have been trying to roll forward, and because of 2x lk hunting hawk got the roll backwards. Which one is it? Did the opponent block or roll when he ended up rolling backwards?

well, I had the training mode dunny on roll forward so no matter what I did they were going to roll forward. Thinking about it in real life situations if the opponent is trying to roll then when I cross them up they’ll be inputting in the wrong direction, and because you can’t roll back; they’ll just rise normally, and I do believe the second HH will still cross them up as they are rising. If they’re trying to block and mashing it may cause them to roll forward unintentionally. Also, perhaps in slim timings, you can cause the roll the auto correct into the other direction. I’ll have to see how it works in matches

I’m thinking, if the opponent is trying to roll forward, but it doesn’t come out, they will be standing there and not blocking. Maybe lk HH to HK HH will make them take the whole thing if they are trying to roll? Or maybe you are already behind them after the lk HH (it registers as a crossup so wouldn’t be weird)

Can we get DP’d between the hits of heavy Hunting Hawk? I doubt the game would force them into blockstun throughout the whole thing.

I’m having problems with trial 18 and 19. Does anyone have some tips on how to do them?

Yes you can get dp’ed, and for trial 18 hold forward to keep yourself in flamingo stance

Going to make an excel spreadsheet with hwoarang frame data later on tonight! I’m practicing and learning some basic bnb stuff right now!

just a couple bits and pieces for the time being though.

-If you’re looking for safe pressure, always cancel into Dynamite Heel (any version except ex) is +1 on hit or block. LP Dynamite Heel has the fastest startup time though.

-not sure if it has been posted but Grounded Air Raids are similar to dictator’s devils reverse (you can dictate somewhat where it lands)

-Pressing a kick button during Special Step you’ll immediately go into Sky Rocket

-EX Air Raid Special apparently has 12 frames of invincibility on startup…tried this in training mode but it doesnt seem like its 12 frames of invincibility, I need more time to play with this

-Air Raid is +6 on block (probably depends on where you hit them, the lower the better)

note: my excel skills suck so if someone wants to pretty it up later I don’t care =]

I’m getting the guide from Play-Asia, hopefully it arrives sometime this week or early next week. Then I’ll be making a thread that pretty much is a copy-paste job lol.

I don’t think you’re allowed to do that, I could be wrong though. For UMVC3 anyway people weren’t allowed to do that. It is acceptable if you compile your own data and post it up. I’ll be glad to help out with frames etc once I get my hands on the game! (1 more day).

Just out of curiosity, what types of gems are people looking at for Hwoarang? I’ve been trying speed and damage ones based off connecting with normal attacks to supplement his high-low game.

omg he is godlike

If this is the case, I shouldnt be posting a full frame data list from the bradygames guide for hwoarang? I’m not sure how to go about this, is there a moderator?

Who do you guys have for partners? I tried using King to get his knee combo in, but I’m not able to get it off his launcher.

If you have access to the BradyGames Guide, please post all info that we will find useful.

I use ibuki on point and hwoarang. I use him second because he extends her combos nicely and he does so much damage with meter.

as mentioned in the combo thread, the guide suggest ending all canceable unsafe string to dynamite heel, as its +1 on block

I have been using Hwoarang on point and Akuma second. Mix up, pressure and hit confirm into some damage, then launch Akuma in and keep momentum with him. I find this a very strong approach to the game.

On another subject, i find that hp from flamingo stance is probably his best anti air option, up there with Sky Rocket in some situations. The problem is being in flamingo stance right? Well as some of you may know; you can cancel the start up animation of the stance basically instantly. I have had no problem sliding from lk mk hk to hp, on stick, on reaction to jump ins. I haven’t been able find a follow up but perhaps there is somthing from flamingo stance that could be used for extra damage. Also by default left trigger (on xbox iirc) is defaulted to lk mk hk, so you could quickly tap left trigger then right bumper to get the solid . Hopefully some one can find something with this! ^^

what do you extend combos with? 0.0