sigh… me too
I wish I had more time to practice, but came up with some very basic first day crap.
Maybe you all can help me improve my combos?
I can’t believe how cheap ambiguous crossup mp -> ex heel (overhead crossup 1st hit/overhead non-crossup 2nd hit) is. It feels like a free combo:P
You can’t do it on Hugo and maybe Gief though, since the character is too tall to be crossed up by ex heel)
having trouble with his 20th trial from the tsunami kick into is the link one frame or something ?>
Yea that link is most definitely a one frame link, and I had problems with it even though I plinked it:S
yeah im plinking the crap out of this and im still having like a 1 in 30 chance of linking the! damn my timing >:[
had to cheat on this one…used my super charge for the counterhit property to help me get the link BAH!
the trick to trial 20 is to not hold forward after the tsunami kick other wise you will be left in flamingo and the cr lk to st mp is a chain
Man im a lil dissapointed at how hwoarang turned out its weird not having him with out punches as in tekken! I was hoping to do some of his flamingo fake out mix ups like in tekken. Eh i just got the game so i guess i’ll put more time into him and see how it goes for now, i wanna main him since i’ve been using him since tekken 3 but his street fighter version is just not sitting well with me at this point.
Can someone help me confirm this but I’m thinking you can set up unblockables with his h.HH on block strings. Last hit of h.HH is an overhead and if you tag cancel it you can hit low at the same time as the overhead with your second character. Can someone help me confirm that? I could be wrong…
Edit: Gonna reword what i said because its confusing. Hwaorang hits overhead with h.HH while 2nd character hits low.
Edit: I’m doing a little more testing and perhaps I’m wrong. If i put cpu to block all, I cannot do it, but if I Replay cpu blocking high or low I can get it everytime.
This is GDLK.
Ya, I think im going to make a video of it. I think this could be fucking amazing in corner pressure…
I thought it was a well known fact that Capcom removed this kind of unblockables, because it would just be to easy to land with the current mechanics. They did this by making your blockstun some kind of “force field”. Like how Rose can’t crumple you with focus attack while you are in blockstun from her orbs.
PS: If this for some reason would work anyway, either it’s a glitch with Hwoarang, or expect this game to turn into: Get meter. Get blockstun. Get unblockable. Because so many teams can do this.
I thought so as well, but I have clearly been able to land it several times. I am having a hard time consistently landing it if they block high, but if they are blocking low, they are going to get hit. I have video of me clearly landing it while blocking high, it just seems difficult.
Interesting! I would think this is how it works: The move you are blocking first, has priority over the secondary move from your newly tagged in character. So in Hwoarang’s hunting hawk scenario, as long as the opponent blocks that move as it is supposed to be blocked (overhead), you should be fine even if the tagged in character goes for a low. But you clearly say that you have a video of you hitting the opponent while he is blocking high, so if this is true, there is something else to this.
Have you tried setting the dummy on “block all”?
Also, if my theory of priority blocking, that I explained above, is true, we should try this:
-Do a jump in on a character that is not Hugo or Zangief
-Do ex heel as soon as you land on the ground (doesn’t matter if the opponent blocks or gets hit)
-The ex heel has two hits, and the first one will cross up, and that’s when you tag in your second character
-The opponent will have to block the first hit as a cross up, the second hit as a non-crossup, and since you tagged in your second character as you were crossing up, it will be on the other side of the opponent, and you can go for low unblockable from that side (as both ex heel hits are overheads too)
This costs 2 meter, but I can’t see anyone blocking this even if it isn’t an unblockable.
I’ll be putting some time into Hwoarang (not sure who my other teammate will be), but I am at work right now reading my bradygames guide. If anyone is looking for frame data for hwoarang let me know.
Edit: Moved from the other thread
Post up the frame data, it’s always interesting to look at.
I wish Hwoarang had either one of two things… better pokes or better walk speed but so far I’m enjoying what little I know about the game. (this is the first time I heard about an unblockable)
I have tried cpu on block all and I dont think I could get it to work. I have tried different timings when opponent is blocking high and I can’t figure out exactly how to reliably get it to work. Ill post some video of what i have in a sec.
I didn’t try your ex.Heel setup though. Im messing around with it now… So the first hit on ex.Heel crosses up if you are close enough to them? You are right, you can tag cancel it and bring in second character on the other side of them. Very trick stuff…
Gave the unblockable stuff a shot, doesn’t really seem like a true unblockable. Good shit none the less, open up the doors for other things to do. Just recorded myself trying it for about a minute then playbacked it with me crouch blocking then stand block.
Does anyone has list for Strings into FLA?
from my past experience and ect
MK, MK~f into FLA
MP, MP~f into FLA
FLA MP, LP~f into flA
you can’t create an unblockable as they fixed it so that if you do a tag cancel while going overhead as long as you are in blockstun you can’t hit low or vice versa. What you are prolly experiencing is prolly the block stun ending sometime before the other hit comes. They stated this in an interview a while back.