How would you use Iron Heel as a meaty or wakeup? Like how would you condition people?
Here’s another helpful option-select.
Every time you initiate one of Hwoarang’s safe blockstrings from 2LK/2LP, you can use an OS to punish most characters’ backdashes.
How to use the OS
[*]2MK+HK when the 2LK/2LP would whiff, which is just before the 5MK would hit. This can be plinked with LP or MP to help with timing.
If this OS is used starting at +1 frame advantage:
[]Does not work on: Kazuya, Ogre, Steve
[]1f timing on: Cammy, Chun-Li, Poison, Vega
[]2f timing on: Zangief, King
[]3f timing on: Balrog
[*]Corner only: Dhalsim, Ibuki, Nina, Xiaoyu, Asuka, Hwoarang, Law, Julia, Marduk
As a wakeup, you can time it so that it’ll beat any attempts at attacking or safeteching. All the conditioning you need is to punish reversals and rolls until they stop doing them.
That’s an interesting option select DrG, does the character effectiveness change depending on whether you used 2LP or 2LK, since they have different recovery?
How would you input that? Great to have people like you who are always going deep into finding new technology. Appreciate it.
I too think his D/B + LK is a shit move. We really should suggest for a change of the motion. Yes the enemy might mistake it for a Iron Heel but that situation does pretty much never occur, in this game it doesnt often come down to the point where ur enemy has both characters on really low health and you have to fight footsies. In SF4 that move might have better use but I dont think this engine supports it that much. Atleast not from my experience and the matches ive watched so far.
What I have problems with is when crossing up with if its blocked going to is a 1 frame link which is pretty hard imo. I get blown up so often by srks inbetween its not funny anymore >_> How you guys deal with that?
It sucks, but you just have to bait them. Do the same thing, but just block after Then hit them for as much damage as possible and hope they’re smart enough to stop. Might want to block for a moment and then input throw sometimes too. Some people(like me) are dicks and will reversal once or twice and then just block and throw.
As for db+lk…someone just needs to find a meaty setup that will work with either f+hk or db+lk so it can be a 50/50 mixup.
I wrote it in numpad notation, but here it is again with icons:
[]:d:+:lk: or :d:+:lp:
This all has to be done pretty quickly because you want the OS sweep to come out as soon as you’d recover from your whiffed light attack.
The notation isnt the problem its just that ive never seen an OS like that. Usually its pressing buttons together or easy ones like a jump in/sweep OS.
Thanks tho.
I do it after tag cancels. In my case, i do kazuya’s spinning kicks (qcb + hk) which gives me plenty of blockstun. At that point the opponent has to guess which way to block.
This of course works with any move that has enough blockstun.
Because of chains and all that crap, you can’t os the traditional way in this game, you have to input the option-selected move after the cancellable frames, around the blockstop of your move, hence why the timing is different.
If you want a more straightforward os, you can do xx lk hunting hawk. Because the isn’t special cancellable, the hh only comes out if the opponent backdashes (mk and hk hh could be used against bad backdashes).
Just a quick question, what’s the frame advantage on on his on block? I thought it had + frames but I get jabbed or Srk’ed out of my blockstrings so I’m not sure anymore.
Its +5, when blocked the only thing you can link is but its really hard.
I found a good use for db+lk lol. Right before the match starts spam it. hwoarang is invisible doing it because of the fight screen, caught so many people with it xD
Just started playing hwo today. He’s a blast with Juri as a team-mate. My basic bnb
Hwo - whatever to hk HH tag cancel,
Jur - cr.hp, jc, j.hp, s.hp xx HK fuhajin tag cancel
Hwo - j.hp/hk, xx hk HH
bring back juri for style points.
I started the combo with a and got 584. YMMV depening on how you start the combo. If you only have one meter to spare, instead of HK fuhajin, use LK fuhajin with juri and hold the kick button for fireball shenanigans and you’ll get 466 plus knockdown.
Im still getting use to his footsies but thanks to whoever it was that said spam lk HH at mid range. That shit is awesome. Shotos or anyone that has a good throw it out buffer moves anymore.
something i want to contribute to Hwo’s wake up game is after hk HH.
lk. HH, med special step, then do HP heel kick. If they roll, you’ll special step in front of them, and if not, it’s a meaty heel kick. It’ll lose to invincible moves of course but it’ll catch rollers offguard.
Some things from Kims Hwoarang video
Safejump setup -
HK. HH - Hold UF + air attack - when you land S.LP / 5.LP - Jump + attack
Forward roll setups
HK. HH - Hold UF + air attack - when you land S.LP / 5.LP - [ Enemy Rolls ] - Jumpback + mp
By doing a cr.lp instead of the s.lp you will land on the other side.
video of it here
nice find. Very ambiguous even with or without the s.lp or c.lp.
Thank you for this so much…
Glad I could help.
I actually have a small update regarding this anti-backdash OS. It can also be initiated with 5LK, but it requires a more specific timing. The MK must be inputted almost immediately after the 5LK so that the game only registers the boost combo and not Hwoarang’s 5LK > MK string, which can come out on whiff. This is useful as it beats crouch-crush moves such as launcher while still punishing backdashes.
Good stuff on the flamingo option select throw break. I get really annoyed trying to poke out of down back with cr.LK and getting that move, not sure how many matches I’ve accidentally lost because of that. b+LK would have made a lot more sense for that input. The only reasoning I could imagine is that was his tekken input for that particular move? I didn’t play him in Tekken so I’m not sure.
On another note, when do you guys like to use his dive kick? I haven’t really been able to incorporate it into my game with him, it just seems so slow, you really have to have them scared to do it, and in that situation you could just do his overhead.
Like moochi said before, the instant divekick is really scary. I either use the TK Divekick after a blockstring ending in his Heel, often catching people trying to punish or throwing out pokes. Then you can use it up close to fuck up crouch techs. Also after you knocked them down, jump back a bit earlier so they think youre baiting a roll then go for the divekick and get right back in their face. Lastly I use it to run away lol or vs noobs to screw with them.
are air raids safe?
They’re safe on block, but they are slow and can easily be counterhit on startup.
You have better frame advantage on block than on hit lol
They’re slow and can be easily reacted to though