The Hwoarang Thread

Im mostly using hk divekick, but i dont know if there are any differences in taht kind of situation. I do it after a blocked st. or cr.jab like tk cs in ssf4 with cammy.

Btw. it even avoids crouchtech os of the shotos.

Been playing for 2 days now, some things I’d like to say.

  • I pair hwoarang with akuma, with hwoarang being first
  • The team works great imo, the damage output can be insane and they help each other just right
  • Learn block strings and hit confirms, without them hwoarang is shit.
  • Chaining his light attacks is a bitch and I hate capcom for that.
  • I think that EX HH combos are useless most of the time, rather go for a team cancel
  • his s.lp overhead chain gets everyone all the time lol dont do it too often because if you get this as a habit now, youll have a hard time later on

Akuma -, c.hp xx lk.tatsu, st.hp[cancel on second hit] Hwoarang followup

Does insane damage.

When ur enemy is on low hp get akuma in asap, as soon as you see raw tag, go for the misogi.
Also I recommend to watch the video that was posted 1 or 2 pages ago, very useful.

ALSO !!! We really need to do something about the costume, its absurd that hwoarang doesnt get his TKD outfit, lets spam capcom with that request maybe they’ll do something, whos in?

I’m playing the same team atm and the damage is really good.They can easily tag-cancel into each other for really good and easy dmg. on top of that, i think that akuma covers hwoarangs bad matchups.

What is everyone doing off of tag?

When my partner tags me in I panic and dont know what to do with Hwoarang. Ive been just doing lp,mp,lp… any suggestions?

cr. MP/MK xx HK Hunting Hawk is the easiest option for decent damage

What do you guys feel are Hwoarangs good pokes? It feels like the majority of his kicks are angled UP for some reason. No reason he needed that many kicks to hit at that angle.

I like him though, good mobility. I’m not sure I like his dive kick, it’s slow and hard to combo off of in a lot of situations. Air Raid also probably has very little use in real matches, pretty easy to react to and just jump up and hit him.

He’s got good pokes. I usually poke with to start a middle kick chain or overhead. I think his best poke is probably It’s got long range and a big hitbox. Hits people crouching.

Yeah, a lot of his chains miss at max range though, like st.MP into reverse kick, or the middle kick series.

I just shared some ideas with Shady K, and I hope we will see him using my technology next tournament lol! Anti air xx command dash cross under -> standing lp (low) xx ex heel (overhead crossup->overhead non-crossup). If anyone blocks that, I will be mighty impressed!

I’ve been having a hard time getting in on people, it seems like the closest range I can manage to consistently play in is the same range where a lot of my block strings will whiff. Anyone have some good videos or advice on how to get inside on people? Any block strings that don’t require you to be extremely close?

What shady k uses, that is pretty good is: st.lp->c.lp->mk~mk~hk xx lp command dash xx lp heel = +1 on block and keeps you close to the opponent.

Is it possible to cancel normal moved into flamingo? I know that steve can cancel normals into flicker and combo out of them, can hworang do anything similar?

I just been sweep punishing everything but that shady k strin looks cool but can people mash out of it?

Hwoarang seems totally overpowered right now. I’m almost definitely going to be using him on my main team.

Y would hwo be overpowered? I thinks he gonna end up being mid tier

I asked this question like the day SFxT came out. Probably too soon. Now it has been out for a week.

How is everyone pressuring on wake up to open people up? What are your go to strings and methods of attack?

That’s iam wonderin so far everbody is trying to press fucking buttons or reversal on wakeup online this shit is annoying I just block or spam st.lp until they get hit or block

What I do on wakeup is either crossup jump, bait a roll and throw * or this :,>mp -
[ if hit continue with a combo either HK hunting hawk/>ex HH/boost combo into tag ]

[If it doesnt hit go into hcb+lp, then when ure +1 either try to frame trap or use, on hit combo, on block hcb+lp chargecancel dash in grab]

I hope you can follow my path of writing lol…

  • throwing is not actually a punish to roll.

MK MK HK xx HK HH has been good to me, and the execution requirement is hella low.

When you say lk, you probably meant lp in both cases right? And when you say bait a roll and throw, you know the opponent can tech after a roll? Other than that, you seem to describe a good strat:)