lp is alot slower and the range on it can be quite a bitch. thats why I use lk most of the times, also you can keep a bit of space with that which will make ur enemy think twice about srk on wakeup.
about the roll, i didnt know it at all. yesterday i used my throw to punish rolls and it worked all the time, must have been noobs who didnt tech.
What I mean is, you say “If it doesnt hit go into hcb+lk, then when ure +1 either try to frame trap or use cr.mp, on hit combo, on block hcb+lk chargecancel dash in grab”. Light hunting hawk is -4 on block, but light heel is +1 on block.
And yea, you have no recovery after a roll what so ever, so you can block a meaty, tech a throw, jump out of a command throw etc.
From this thread: "That's it? That all you've got?" The Hwoarang Combo Thread
Doing a transition to FLA let you recover faster from certain chains. Can be cancelled via crouching and returning into normal stance for more mixups.
Have do some calculations bout FLA transitions.
With MK,MK~3(d/f), LK being a 1 frame link and these frame data:
MK,MK -2 on hit
LK 5 frame startup
Doing a transition into FLA let you recover 9 or 8 frames earlier.
from -2 to +5 are 7 frames.
FLA transition mostly 1 frame
crouch cancel another frame probably.
I don’t know, if this apply to all attacks with a transition into FLA, but this means, we can probably make some attacks from Hwoarang safe.
MK,MK~f would be like +1 or 0 on block, if you time it perfectly. Use FLA moves for safeness and pressure, use Normal Standing moves for mixups.
I don’t have the game (buying Vita Version), so can anyone abuse P-Mode?
P-Mode? You mean Pandora? I don’t really feel like it’s very useful at all (please correct me if I’m wrong) especially with Hwoarang because he doesn’t even have any EX moves he can abuse repeatedly in the few seconds he has before it runs out. I’ve thought of a couple uses for Pandora mode with other characters, you can’t do much more with it than you can with 3 bars. I guess it could be useful if time is going to run out, you can take you opponent out in one combo and you don’t have meter.
Can someone give me a list of all the different ways he can go into Flamingo? I know there are some target combos that go into it, and you can go into if you do st.LK (link) st.MK, but not just off a plain MK. This info is probably listed somewhere, but I couldn’t easily find it.
so i might be wrong on this, but i think hwo’s low/high combo doesn’t work on sagat…or at least the last hit.
also he doesn’t have a cross up attack? i thought his dive kicks would
Some things I have been working on regarding wake up game and general rushdown. At the same distance that j. MP crosses up, j. LK will connect and not cross up creating an ambiguous jump in game. Add the frame advantage granting j. LP, MP and Hwo’s jump in game can be annoying and dangerous and I describe it as being Ken-esque. j. LK does not give any guaranteed damage, but it leaves you in range to throw and start the mix up all over again. Once the opponent recognizes the jump in game, you can work the ground game a little safer and take advantage of whiffed and blocked DPs by the opponent.
Also, on the s. LP vs. s. LK debate, I have been using LK more lately because its faster and has more range. s. LP is slower but grants more frame advantage to play with so it has its uses once you are in the opponents face.
Oh lol. I did do some training last night. I tried doing those crazy flamingo cancel combos, but it’s extremely hard to do. I only got it 2-3 times…the difficult part is that you really have no cue for when you’ve done the stance cancel.
So I picked up Hwoarang because he seemed fun and somewhat easy for me. Been running Hwo/Relento and it was going really well online. Took my tech to my local “fight club” and bodied people for about 4-5 games than consistently lost there after. The only reason why I was winning is because no one knew how to fight him and rarely ever blocked his overhead. Once they learned how to block all of his mixups, Hwoarang became useless.
So, here are the problems I am currently having with Hwoarang:
Pokes - his are terrible. Flamingo stance LP and LK are ok, but you have to be in Flamingo stance.
Getting in on someone safely. Command dash is good for fireballs, but they recover too quickly from a fireball that you could get stuffed with a normal if it is fast enough or they will be mobile again and zone you out. Anyone that knows to anti-air will anti-air you 100% of the time if you rely on jumping in. Dive kicks are completely useless.
Opening up someone - For people that never fought Hwoarang, it was super easy, just get in and s. lp > s. mp > lp into your combo of choice. That works only a few matches. Once they start to block that string, can mix it up by throwing in a grab or mix in some cr. lp or cr. lk to catch them standing up to block the overhead. The only problem is that if you fight someone that is good and aggressive, you’ll get stuffed with a fast lp or lk and get opened up.
Hwoarang is a fun character, but I need to create new tech if I want to continue to play him. My mixup game with him is really weak and I want to see if I can fix it. Are there any high-low block strings that include more than 1 high and 1 low? Or what could you guys suggest to improve his game?
That being said, I really need to increase my yomi.
Imo u have to rely on footsies to get in I just whiff punsih everything I could with sweep since its 7 frames and cancelable but his faster oh is +2 so use it even if. U can’t combo from it yet. The way I play him is if I think ur blockin imma oh u or try to cross u up or if ur not blocking I do strings that leave me at adv and frame trap. But I think hwos greatest weakness is getting past fb’s and ya just jumping to get in will be a very bad thing against most chars as the game progresses, but a lot of chars have bad aa’s and have to go air-to-air so Imo it wouldn’t be to bad to do it every once in a while
Honestly I still have a lot of work to do in regard to diversifying my strings and tactics. As far as jumping over fireballs you can neutral jump and do a divekick, which kinda lets you control how far you go and avoid the DP.