I saw the one from a launcher didn’t know necessarily if this would work just on a tag in,ya know.
I’m not entirely happy with the editing, but I was learning Vegas as I went, the idea’s are there. I’ll throw up Hwoarangs notations here also. Half of it is about Akuma so if you want those go look in the forums, I’ll be posting it there too. This was just to the creative juices flowing, combos are by no means optimized.
c.lp > clp > s.mp > s.lp > c.mp xx hk Sky Rocket
j.hk > s.lk ~ s.mk ~ s. mk ~ c.lk ~ s.hk xx hp Axe Kick
f.mk > c.lk ~ c.mk ~ s.hk xx ex Special Step xx hk Sky Rocket
db.lk > c.lk ~ s.mp ~ s.hk xx ex SS > j.hp > hk Sky Rocket
(CH)Axe kick > c.lk ~ s.mp ~ s.lp [B!] b.mk xx Super
Tag ins
s.lk ~ s.mp ~ s.mp xx hk Sky Rocket
c.mp xx ex hk Hunting Hawk
c.mk xx super
Extended tag ins
j.mp > s.lk ~ s.mk ~ s.mk ~ s.mk ~ s.hk (launch Akuma)
> c.mp xx hp Shoryuken [TC Hwoarang] > s.mp s.mp xx hk Sky Rocket
What is the timing exactly on the st. LK, MP, MP xx HH on tag in. A lot of the time, not all the hits connect on HK.
I think because of the height of the character being juggled with 3 normals, HH would be very difficult to connect. In the video, as you can see in the notations, if going for HH after a tag in the best think to do would be just connect a c.mk or c.mp.
Waiting Patiently to Watch it. I’m also going to go get the guide in 45 minutes (lunch Break).
As far as cancelling his normal tekken moves is his c.lk > s.HK the only one that cancels into any of his specials?
I can see some use for it as an AA. s.HK is also a good AA.
On the plus side, in the event of a counter hit, both can be cancelled into Sky Rocket and will connect, since the CH will put the jumper in juggle state.
How are you guys keeping inside with Hwoarang? I have very little trouble getting in, but I do have trouble staying in and opening up my opponent while remaining safe.
What are we doing for pressure?
What pokes are we feeling with and what are we buffering? Dynamite Heel?
I’d like to ask how you’re getting inside
I can’t get inside and when I do, I can’t stay in either.
One of the better characters,
high damage mix ups
not unbearably slow
Light HH has done well for me, If you time it well you can go right over fireballs, and (as mentioned by many people) it seems pretty safe on block. Mixing in the medium and heavy of it just confuses your opponent on how long they need to be blocking.
I can’t seem to get the timing on canceling special step into Sky Rocket using the buffer, which seems to be the preferred way of getting in. Any tips on this?
Just do another DP with K. It lets you DP way later in the command dash than if you just press K.
L.HH is -5 on block, it can be punished it’s just very hard to do.
About Sky Rocket after SS, just press any K button after special step it may take a bit of work as the SS is really fast and if you don’t press K during the dash it won’t come out.
I don’t find any trouble getting in with Hwoarang (I usually have Juri on point though, so he gets tagged in, but even if I lead with him, no problems really). Between his SS, guessing game on the timing/spacing of his jump with Air Raid mix in.
It’s getting the business done when I’m in that is the problem.
So how are you fellas using Hworang vs. superior footsies characters like Ryu? I find myself getting stuffed out by all of Ryu’s normals when playing footsies and it’s rather difficult finding an answer to mid-screen Ryu.
Any combo opportunities after landing an air dive-kick?
What frame-traps are you guys using?
i just noticed taht his divekick is an overhead, which is pretty cheap imo. u can instant divekick in blockstrings for instant overheads and u can easily link cr.jab after it (cr.lk whiffs pretty often).
what i do is if blocked, just cancel the cr.jab into iron heel and continue your pressure, and on hit cr.jab, st.mp, st.hk/hp launcher etc…
Are you doing the TK motion or canceling from a move? Also, which button are you using for the Air Raid, or does it not matter?