Hakan vs. Abel
Mid-range 50-50 situation:
There’s not much to say in this situation. Hakan loses in footsies against Abel. Standing short is just too fast for Hakan to punish or counterhit. It’s possible, but it’s like 1 in 10 times towards-jab or standing strong will actually hit Abel, and most of the time it’s a trade. Once Abel gets you locked down in this, it’s pretty hard to get out unless your oiled up. If Abel is a little over-zealous in his usage of standing short, a well times Oil Rocket will stop his pressure. Of course, this is a huge risk to take. Your best bet in this situation would be to already be oiled up, once Abel lands his towards+mk, the mix-up begins. Hakan has great ways to deal with this, but more on this in the Defense section.
Unoiled, Hakan has few options against Abel. DO NOT use towards+hk or towards+mp up close, Abel can reversal each of them with TT. If you want to use either of them, use them at max-range. Even then, on block, Hakan is at a disadvantage when it comes to options:
post towards+hk options on block (no oil):
-Abel can reversal grab Hakan after a blocked towards+hk used upclose
-Abel’s grab beats Hakan’s grab. After blocked max-range towards+hk they both whiff.
-Abel’s grab beats Hakan’s normals on blocked close towards+hk. At max range Hakan’s low+mk will stuff Abel’s whiffed TT.
-Abel’s grab whiffs on Hakan’s backdash/jump.
-Abel’s normal stuffs Hakan’s grab since Abel’s out of range. This is bad, since this gives Abel an opportunity to land towards+mk.
-Abel’s normal cause a trade, Hakan can even block in this situation. This is bad as well since it gives Abel an opporunity to land towards+mk.
-Abel’s normal will whiff on Hakan’s backdash but will hit him out of his jump.
As you can see, all Abel needs to do on block from close range is reversal TT. From max range towards+mk will beat out everything or make Hakan block, which is bad since in this situation Hakan has no oil and is on the defense. All Hakan can do is max-range towards+hk and then backdash right away. Smart Abel players will catch on to this and come after you by dashing towards you. The options are pretty much the same against Hakan’s towards+mp on block. Up close it can be punished with reversal TT, and from max range Abel can just towards mk to mount his offense. Be sure to backdash if Abel blocks anything from max-range.
With oil, Hakan’s offensive options post blocked towards+hk and towards+mp improve, thanks to backdash dnc. Backdash dnc to low+mk beats pretty much EVERYTHING. You still have to use both towards+mp and towards+hk from max range, however all of Abel’s options get beat by backdash dnc into low+mk, which can hitconfirm into slide. You can also do backdash dnc into low+lk, to tick into a throw. However, most of the time you’ll already be out of range after a towards+hk to use low+lk. All of Abel’s grabs whiff anyway since he’s out of range, also, Abel’s normals will whiff when you backdash dnc. This is not 100 percent fool proof though, Abel can simply mistime his normals to throw you off, or he can even backdash out of everything and reset the situation. It just helps give Hakan some offensive options off of blocked max-range towards+hk or towards+mp.
You can also fadc into dnc as a follow-up to max range blocked towards+hk or mp as well. It’s a bit more risk since you accumulate grey health but it will stop Abel’s toward+mk. Be cautious, Abel can simply dash up and TT you.
Remember, MAX RANGE
Also, be cautious when using your beefy ass normals. Smart players will focus your towards+hk, make sure to throw in a standing hp or slide when you see your opponent charge up a focus.
Without oil, Hakan’s defensive options are limited. Use the usual pokes to keep Abel out, stay out of towards+mk range. While unoiled, your whole goal is to find a gap, or score a knockdown so you can oil up. Once Abel gets in with towards+mk, you’re pretty much going to have to play the guessing game.
Oiled up Hakan is a complete different story. Focus dnc or back dash normal cancel jump ins. If Abel gets in with his towards+mk, back dash normal cancel beats ALL of his options. It’ll beat TT, normal grab, close standing fierce, and even crouching lk block strings. Always back dash normal cancel into low short, as other normals are too slow against TT. The timing for the backdash normal cancel is a bit tight, but it’s definitely worth learning. It complete negates Abel’s rushdown, and you can easily score a knockdown for more oil.
EDIT: sorry guys, on further testing this is all wrong. The timing for using bdnc against close fierce or TT are different, since close fierce can land while you’re still in blockstun and TT can only land while your out of blockstun/hitstun it doesn’t quite workout. Although a pretty neat option, bdnc is just as much of a guessing game as deciding whether to block or jump.
On wake-up, backdash normal cancel will beat a lot of Abel’s options. I can’t think of a normal that has enough active frames to negate the effect of backdash normal canceling. Again, if Abel decides to pressure on your wakeup always go for the knockdown with backdash normal cancel. Oil up, as long as your oiled. Abel will have a tough time knocking you down.