The Hakan General Discussion Thread

Forward+MP at mid screen>DDT. It’s worked a few times so far. I think because of the distance of where Hakan is, the opponent feels more safer to stand. Maybe that’s why it’s been working.

And forward+MP into slide works wonders as well.

Cool. I’ve just been doing toward hk. Actually, that’s a bit more than cool. That’s pretty huge.

Yea, hit-confirm links into cr.LP > lk ddt are pretty nice, I still need to get the hang of them though. I’ve only gotten it a few times online. It’s nice to have a fairly strong 4 frame punish too. Free lk oil and you don’t have to give up pressure.

Cr.RH is punishable by slide alone? Huh, I thought it was -14…I’ve personally been punishing it with F.MP>slide.

I’ve been looking for a reliable way to work in cr lp xx lk ddt. Will definitely need give this a try.

I wonder if it’d be any better to do, c.lp, ddt after early, as the early, combo allows for the tiniest step and a dry oil rocket. Two lps in a row, and you’re too far away to get away with an oil rocket. Be nice to have something to mix them up a bit. Between the two, you’d have them thinking more. Plus, you could also occasionally try for the, once they’re not used to it anymore maybe.

By the way, this would only work with that high forward which gives more time to confirm as Hakan falls. Since some people can hit confirm with just the, I think the would do it, between the two. I don’t think two lps are needed with such a high jump kick (although the damage and stun is the same for two lps and one mp). I kind of think, c.lp is harder than slp->s.lp->, though. Still I like the former better than the latter.

[edit]After some practice, I’m really feeling the, c.lp xx lk oil dive. It’s not that hard and has fewer button presses. It’s nice. I think it’s one I could handle online, too. The mix up with the tiny step, dry oil rocket is good, too.

Dang hit confirming into LK DDT is tricky shit, too hard for me to try :frowning: I’ve seen a Hakan on those Nico videos do s.LP x2 > c.LK xx LK DDT, two 2 frame links in a row with a tricky cancel, ugh. s.MP > c.LP xx LK DDT is a 1 frame link with a tricky cancel, ugh. Also those links can’t be plinked so double ugh :frowning:

I think another use for c.lp into lk ddt that we need to look into would be punishment against moves with little recovery.

For example, M.Bison scissor kick. A blocked scissor kick can be punished my c.lp. Add on the lk ddt.

I already tried that. I couldn’t get it to work.

I just tried it out in training, scissor kick then held down and block. it works, the window is just really small. It’s worth practicing. I’ll try practicing it on double scissor kick now.

Sorry for double post but this is a followup

If he goes for double scissor kick, it actually helps Hakan. There is a small window where you can punish a blocked scissor kick with c.lp. If he goes for the second scissor kick and you miss the window, Bison will block the c.lp but the dive can catch the scissor kick in it’s early stages. (I’m not that great with charge characters so someone should double check this for me)

If Bison goes for c.lp after the scissor kick, your c.lp can still punish the scissor kick but the dive will be stuffed by his c.lp.

It works, Mordie-Kai. :slight_smile:

Just a quick set up I found against Rose:

Post slide follow-up, walk forward very slightly then do cr.LK. Then go for a meaty j.MK. Pretty sure it makes ex spiral whiff, and it stuffs soul satellite clean

I don’t think it works against lk scissor, which is what Bison usually uses, isn’t it? It’s rare that Bison is close enough after a blocked scissor kick for you to get in a c.lp. I would love that, if he did that regularly. But it’s rare, so it’s risky to try it, I think. I’d like to be wrong, so if you can test it against talented Bisons, and it works, let me know. I’m skeptical, though.

Not sure about the satellite part, since Rose can block immediately after activation, but j.MK probably has enough active frames to last through EX Spiral invincibility on start-up. Since Rose is my main, I can say I’d probably be more likely to block, focus, focus backdash, or jump.

If a Rose player were very observant and had U1, I imagine they could even punish Hakan’s instant j.MK before he can land, but after its blocked… maybe even after hit. That might be something worth testing; especially since I’d actually opt for U1 instead of U2 in this match to prevent Hakan from thinking about oiling as long as we’re both standing.

You are correct, the LK Scissor is not punishable by Hakan on block. Not even by U1 if Bison jumps or back dashes. MK, HK and EX are another story… but you need to be close and for MK you have 1 frame window to press the C.LP :-/ so its not easy.

So I’ll post this here, because there is at least one thing that is definitely helpful. From my post in the Hakan Lab:

Against a Rufus rush-down dummy, I figured I’d try 360 during recover from block stun, ending in down back (e.g. 6, 9, 8, 7, 4, crouching defense hold) and finish with, instead of just lk, lk+lp. Well, if you finish the ddt attempt while crouching with lk+lp, you can tech out of throws. (This makes perfect sense against a rush down, because you’re pressing lk+lp at the exact moment your block stun is finished to attempt your ddt, which is when they try to throw also). I continued to mess around against the Rufus dummy, and he ended up behind me with his dive kick, crossing me up. My lk oil dive came out anyway, as Hakan auto-corrected. If he doesn’t throw and does dive kick, you do your lk oil dive anyway. I think that’s kind of huge against Rufus, isn’t it? If people aren’t already using this, they absolutely should give this a try.

In summary, against a Rufus rush down, you can do a lk ddt without opening up your crouching defense even for a split second, which if done the moment Rufus leaves the ground for a dive kick, throws Rufus out of it; if Rufus ends up behind you, crossing you up, you can ddt him anyway as Hakan auto-corrects, and you can tech out of throws if you do your ddt with lk+lp instead of just lk. Lastly, if Rufus forward jumps without dive kicking, you dive under him and slide across the screen.

There are obviously still some options for Rufus to try to throw you off, but this makes Drykan much, much stronger against Rufus’s rush down. As a side note, keep in mind that part of the key to this is the crouching into the lk oil dive. If you’re not going directly from crouch into the ddt against the looming dive kick, you won’t have any room to move, and it won’t work.

Interesting. Will be hitting the lab with this for sure. How useful do you think this could be against other characters with similar ways to apply pressure such as Bison (scissor kicks) or maybe even Sak (tatsu spam)? If so this can really turn the tide with many of Hakan’s toughest matchups.

I take back what I said. It is really effective vs. Rufus. Possibly Cammy, but thats just a guess (haven’t tried vs. her.)

I doubt it could be useful vs Dictator, considering how good scissors are. If he does what he supposed to do ( xx scissor) you aren’t getting out of that short of a block a u1.

I have never seen Tatsu’s be used for pressure, lol. They just aren’t good enough for that. Lk tatsu is neutral on block (i think) and really the worst she could do is throw or try to get a ch, in which you late tech.

But OS oil dive does seem pretty good…

Yeah a while back I looked into using ddt as a way to deal with dive kick pressure, and at doing the ddt motion with lp+lk in case of throws. I think it’s a fun idea, but I’ve never actually tried it against anyone because I figured it was too dangerous. Seems that all Rufus has to do is leave an open frame of no blockstun in his pressure and then do some grounded attack, which is not an uncommon thing for a Rufus to do. My Rufus opponents throw crouching shorts and stand fierces in there fairly often, and both would beat this.

While testing this again just now, I noticed that if Hakan stays in neutral position, that is without touching the stick to crouch or block, Rufus’s low dive kicks all whiff through Hakan’s weird hitbox and many of his high ones do as well. Interesting, but imo this would be too risky to try in a real game too.

I was going to try Cammy next.

Yeah, I’ve messed around against scissor with lk oil dive. Basically useless, unless you get extremely lucky his start up or he whiffs. This trick would be interesting after a back dash to try to dodge the tip of a scissor kick, provided Dictator’s next move is or something like that. But interesting isn’t necessarily useful. Basically worthless. I’m definitely interested in this against Cammy.

By the way, while messing around in the lab with my Rufus dummy, I lk oil dove OVER Rufus’s sweep follow up to messiah kick. [edit: couldn’t reproduce it]. If I remember right, it was good against both the hk follow up and non follow up (obviously fail against lk follow up). [edit: works against hk follow up. Fail against a crouching rufus non follow up, but it was close].

I would love to see that, but I don’t see that happening with Bison especially.