The Hakan General Discussion Thread

Not sure if this is entirely new or not, but I found a fun little OS. I’ve been testing it with guile right now.

Post slide, whiff s.MP for the j.RH set up and OS LK DDT. With Guile, LK catches back dashes and when he whiffs FK. Should work pretty well for anyone that has a basic reversal though

Jab–>Light MGB against dudley

How do you get out of that? I can’t do anything except ultra 1.

Edit: Nevermind.

All righty, for the moment I am editing some of the matchup blurbs with links to particular posts that detail a particular matchup. I give credit to the poster in each link. I also added Dhalsim…because I apparently forgot to the first time and never noticed until recently. Gah.

Well, no matter. So far, I think this link dealy is effective. I’ll edit more when I’ve got the time.

Why don’t we just use the SRK wiki?

I guess I can’t say much though… I’ve never used it. :sweat:

It’d be great if people made use of the wiki aside from checking frame data. then I’d rarely visit the forums :lol:

We have a wiki?

quick question: Is it a good idea to use FA as an anti-air when not oiled-up? Was playing a sagat player who did jumping HK but then it just broke my FA by doing a DP after

Nope, it’s universally a bad idea to use FA as an anti-air. Oiled Hakan is just an exception.

is a fadc from a slide safe?

Depends. If you’re oiled, iirc you’re -2 after slide fadc toward and safe after slide fadc back (because you’re so far). Not many things can punish you at -2, but some supers and command grabs can. But if you do oiled slide fadc dnc low short/jab, then you’re safe. Unoiled iirc you’re -3 after slide fadc toward.

Quoted with emphasis. Most often, it’s probably best to just let the focus attack in the FADC ride.

I was reading one of these posts and someone was talking about walking momentarily before special throwing, (e.g. 8,7,4,1,2,3,walk forward, lp) which I wasn’t aware was possible to the degree that it obviously is now that I’ve tried it out. How useful is this and against which characters? I was imagining that at a minimum when not oiled, it would be quite handy for oil rocket, seeing as his range sucks. I also realized one could dash, do a 360 and do crouching defense for a second, too or walk backwards, which could be interesting with the oil dive.

Is there a way to FADC a slide even if you pressed the followup already?

nope, gotta pick one or the other, but you can do it any point before the slide touches the opponent

Yo David you still in the VA area?

Something about this… I like the wait-a-second-in-block-stance and then hit the buttons for the special. I’ve thought about using it against downed opponents to see if I could stay safe from DPs and SEE if they jump before I try to grab them. I’ve just never really remembered to even try it in-game. :sweat: Seems like something you’d need good reactions for too.

I do think ending at down-back is a good idea in general though. You know how you can do whiff/empty jump into 360/ultra, right? I’m sure we all use it sometimes (I know I sure as hell do), and I think you can actually use that technique to make it better.

When doing a jump attack, upon landing, there are 2 (I think it’s 2?) frames where you can block, but cannot do anything else. You can’t reverse, attack, nothing, just block or get hit.

Knowing this, and trying jump-in 360/ultra, we then know that while we’re doing the grab motions, there is a period of time where we are vulnerable (those 2 frames) and we CANNOT grab the opponent, be we CAN block. So, instead, we should be doing the motion and ending at down/back FIRST (so we’re blocking during this 2-frame window, just in case) and then the ultra comes out.

It’s basically an option select. If you try to whiff a jump-in and 360, they can attack first and hit you during this 2-frame landing recovery window… but if you do the motion ending at down-back, you will block instead.

It would also be useful if you were trying to option select a 360 after a jump attack. Ending at down back makes you input 2 frames of blocking before your special move. You might as well do it, as you can only get hit or block during this window, might as well block when you can, right?

I’m not sure how empty jumps work either… is it the same way? This is pretty specific game-mechanic stuff too, I hope I’m not wrong on the numbers. Anyone know for sure?

Seems like more of a lab-thread type post too… lol

That would be an adjustment, but I think it might be worth it. Two frames of extra safety is nothing to sneeze at. I like it. I was wondering about this exact point so thanks for the feedback. Cool. By the way, I’m guessing this only works when you don’t attack on your jump, correct? I think if you attack, you can’t block when you land. As far as your idea of seeing if they jump or not I thought about that myself. It’s a single button press… but you have to choose the right button, too. If someone is able to do that, hella kudos.

I was also thinking about maybe baiting opponents with a retreating oil dive but maybe combining it with a (relatively) safe retreating oiled-up s.hp or something. I think the step back before the oil dive is too short to bait by itself, but maybe combined with another retreating move, it can trick people. I don’t know. I couldn’t think of any other uses for a retreating oil dive. It looks kind of cool, though. ha! I think I’m going to practice the extra defense-360 today, though. Would this also work for the 360ppp? What about db oil combination on the third tap? Can that delay? (Yeah, this sounds like a lab post).

Thanks for the help.

P.S. I added something to the lab thread about this.

Something I just started doing that I think is pretty nice is confirming into ddt. I’ve been annoyed at Hakan’s lack of hit confirms (especially because cr mk is so unsafe on block that doing jump rh to cr mk has become untenable, have to just try to confirm the jump rh itself), but this is pretty nice. Meaty st lp st lp, then see whether the opponent is standing or crouching. If he’s still in standing position, do cr lp xx lk ddt. If he’s not standing, oh well, try something else.

I’ve been having the same thoughts about A couple of s.lps, and you have nice uncombo potential. I honestly haven’t decided which to go with, because doing s.lp to c.lp is a bit tough for me. In practice, no problem… otherwise, I’m shaky.

I dunno if you guys are aware of this already, but if you block Ryu’s cr rh sweep, you get a free hp oil slide. Yay!