Will they be streaming this because I would love to watch and be able to root you guys on. And Shadow’s right, don’t sleep on anyone…especially Rog. Even though Hakan has the edge, one lucky overhead rush punch or well timed jump in and it’s B&B into U1 before you know it. Also don’t forget to buffer into oil rocket off of low jab or fwd if Rog attempts an EX dash punch of any kind. That will definitely draw some oooh’s and aaah’s from the crowd. :tup:
Best of luck Liquigen and hopefully you’ll prove the Hakan naysayers wrong on Sat.
You’d be surprised how many players tend to forget about U2 in the heat of battle or when desperately trying to make a comeback. Plus the mere threat of U2 makes it easier for Hakan to stick to his ground game and slowly move in on his opponent. Believe me, after a couple of DNC mixups and dash in EX OR’s even the most disciplined player will take to the air eventually. You really can’t go wrong with either one though so I guess it just boils down to individual playstyle. Good luck on Sat. as well. :tup:
against some charakters 3 times dash after EXGRAB is nasty as excample Rufus EXMessiah will hit BUT wiff halfway throu and you can punish with everything he got even excanceled ones
and its a nice EX-Grab setup its unsave i assume but still nasty try it out
and as excample after HPOilrocket its save against blanka and a good setup for followups
Just use standing fierce against balrog. it trades with headbutt and stops any dash punch even ex dash’s. remember, just stand and push fierce. good aa against him too. I haven’t heard alot about his fierce killing balrog. it should be known. oh and use u2 against him because your fierce will ruin any ground game he has and he will have to jump in.
What you say is only half true. s.HP is a great normal vs Balrog, but it doesn’t mean he has to resort to jumping to fight against it. If anything, Balrog has to play a lot more defensive, more reliant on normals etc. I like U1 because you can substitute s.HP with a quick GP to make (probably most) of Balrog’s dashes whiff, then buffer 720. And there are a few occasions when dash punches are punishable on block with 720.
First of all, good Balrog players aren’t spamming random dash punches anyways.
Second, why do people think Balrog doesn’t have beastly normals himself? His are probably better than Hakan’s, and much harder to punish. Balrog standing HP, HK, and sweep are as good as or better than any footsies Hakan has. Rog sweep is crazy.
VS Sagat/Seth
after an oil-dive, dash forward, dash back, jump towards roundhouse
Seems to avoid all reversal DPs. Only works when you’re dry, but at least it’s very easy to do.
I guess the hard part would be landing the oil dive in the first place.
I’ve been playing around with wakeup stuff after sweeps / oiled F+hk and I thought I’d share this. If someone else has found this already I apologize ahead of time.
Normally, after a sweep, I would dash forward to setup for oil dive tricks but I found this to be too one dimensional and too unsafe. After a successful sweep, move the joystick to the 9 position (towards + up) so you will instantly jump forward after the sweep animation is done. It’s totally safe and you’re right up in his face. You can even use j.hk: it won’t hit and you’re instantly safe when you hit the ground, which is an excellent way to bait out reversals and punish into your slide wakeup game. It could also just cause your opponent to stay blocked, thinking that he should block the whiffed j.hk and you can just U1 or rocket. If you think the j.hk didn’t scare him and he’s gonna jump, keep the joystick at 9 and air grab. Just depends how you read your opponent. I tested this out against Ryu’s shoryuken and Chun li’s EX spinning bird. Also this WILL NOT cross up unless you’re close to him and he’s in the corner.
For the oiled F+hk, it’s a few frames faster than sweep so if you hold position 9 after it connects, whiff j.hk and go into U1 it might not connect. Just hesitate your jump at the beginning for a few frames and you should be in the same position. This will usually crossup your opponent as well. Just practice this in training mode to get a feel.
I like these two setups and I just wanted to share them if no one else has brought it up.
Hakan has a FAKE Crossup by Wiffing a mp (and he can althou meety slide after) thats althou a savejump but it HITS instead of wiff thats the best option hakan has since the way it hits (oferhead/Crossup) depents on the enemys time when he blocks and in which way and on the time you execute the hk!
I almost got out of pools today at Wednesday Night Fights. Beat a Zangief and a Guile on the way to winner’s finals, lost 2-0 to shglbmx’s Blanka (probably the best Blanka in these parts), beat the Guile again in loser’s finals, and faced shgl again in grand finals. I won the first set to reset it, but then he took the 2nd set. Last week all the pool finals were on the stream, but unfortunately they weren’t this week.
It was my first time playing against a competent Blanka. Did poorly at first but started to figure things out. I’ve read you guys saying you think it’s a win for Hakan, and I can definitely see that. Shgl says it’s a win for Hakan too. Notes: punish balls, u2, oil if he’s far, meaty option select toward+fierce os stand fierce beats wakeup ex rainbow, jump back air throw from neutral positoin is really easy on reaction to his jump, very susceptible to focus and dnc pressure.
Blankas hafe a hard time specaly the LK-Oil after S+BB is in Hakans Favour he can 50/50 betwean block or throw and both are damagewise much better then Blankas options^^ but i prevere U1 in this Matchup its punish blankas Chipping U1 and most blankas even the best ones can trained and read pretty easy
but dont use Meety Slides (Electricity beats it clean)
I definitely think u2 is better in the Blanka matchup. When you’re pressuring Blanka, all of his escapes involve him leaving the ground such that he’s susceptible to u2 and not u1, and all of his escapes that hit you can’t be punished by u1. When Blanka is pressuring you, he doesn’t want to be right in your face so much as he wants to be crossing you up with jump attacks and side switching with hops; crossups and hops lose to u2, not u1. If Blanka does a stupid horizontal or rainbow ball at you, you can punish it before it hits with u2. In fact, because u2 has such a huge hitbox, the whole ex rainbow ball crossup shenanigan dies as an option. If Blanka tries to chip you out with meaty u1, you get a free u2.
I picked u1 against shgl in the winners and he blew me up. Once I had u2 in the grand finals, I did much better.
Nicely done sir. Good to see you back in the tournament scene and repping Hakan once again Quick question: Has the overall consensus about Hakan changed or are many players still refusing to take him seriously as a viable tournament character despite your strong showing?