Yes sir, these are all very viable setups. It also seems that both dash in and fwd + strong can be used as a universal meaty slide setups post landed oil slide and fierce/EX oil rocket. For the block then jump scenario you can also add standing fierce, fwd + jab, follow up super oil slide (oiled up EX OS), U2, air grab and pretty much every one of his A to A attacks to the list of counters. For reversal backdash you can add standing fierce, oil slide and dash in super oil rocket (oiled up ex OR).
Also don’t forget to make sure you input the second part of the OS in the case of a poorly timed reversal or if they just decide not to block. Also feel free to throw in some oiled up meaty slide FADC DNC shennanigans from time to time to keep them guessing even more. Hakan is shaping up to have one of the most devestating vortexes in the entire game.
If they reversal backdash meaty slide, then I’m almost positive it’s a free SPD every time. Can’t test right now, but you might be able to get > slide too. Would DDT really fast enough to catch jump after a blocked meaty slide though? I think I’m just going to stick with air throw for now. I just need a meaty slide set up for air throw.
Also, use MP for a meaty slide set up. Same frames as forward dash, and it’s much more ambiguous as you can go for the j.HK trap.
s.LP after meaty slide should stop jump-outs and lead to combo, and possibly even let you react to the backdash and still hit them? Probably the safest option, along with plain ol’ forward throw.
It pains me, but I think meaty slide is useless against characters with moves that can hit it (a lot of them). It’s ok once in a while, but any decent player should be able to just DP you on reaction when you try meaty slide. It IS a 33 frame startup meaty attack after all, lots of time to just react and punish. Doing it earlier isn’t really an option either, as all slides have the same total frames, and you still have to cover it’s 15+ frames of recovery so you have to do it VERY early… easily recognizable.
Sucks. It’s awesome against characters that can’t hit it, people with slow reactions, and people who don’t try to hit it anyway… but otherwise… :sad:
I think late slide (depending more on distance) is way better, as you can easily vary the ranges and draw stuff out, so they can’t just try to hit it every time, so (hopefully) they won’t try at all.
A combination of late and meaty is probably best, but IMO getting close to a knocked down opponent and trying meaty slide is like raising a flashing neon sign saying “DP ME!”
Yea, it seems like it’s much harder to get meaty slides off on opponents with good reaction time. It became much easier though after I started throwing in j.HK set ups and early slides so I can block reversal DPs, makes opponents much more hesitant.
na your wrong meety slide is not easy react to; you just need to read the opponents wakeup game
is he waiting and lookout what you dooing ? THAN he can reakt to it
if he randemly choos a safe option Jump/Backdash/crouching jabs SLIDE HIM
so you need first to mindfuck him up with some REALY HARD to read fake crossovers into grab (works best with lk)/lk.strings(oiled) / Sweep/or empty jump into grab
THEN after he dont know what comes next and just get random or try to anticipat you CAN SLIDE! its easy to react if you waiting for but all human brains need a split second to change a dession to a other one and so you can actualy meety slide DP Chars
all you need is to notice the diffrence betwen patance wakeups and reactions AND random wakeups
they star geting random when you grab them often becouse patiance LOOS to grabs!
Unfortunately that’s going to be the case until 1 or 2 “top” Hakan players show up. I really don’t mind though.
It’s also nice to get props at the arcades for shitting on people with “bottom tier” Hakan. His comedy factor also contributes greatly
Actually, my personal opinion, Abel is the only Hakan matchup in the game that I would put at a 3 - 7. Maybe Chun, but I don’t think she’s that bad. Her lower health kind of evens it out.
It’s mostly Abel’s tornado throw and sidestep that really shut me down. But that’s a personal problem of mine. Not to mention after Ultra 2 there’s been a huge influx of new Abel players, which means I really need to learn the matchup…
Have you tried backdashing out of Abel’s TT attempts specifically after the step kick? While it’s hardly a difference maker it does give Hakan more options against an agressive Abel.
@reaper: my sentiments exactly. Nothing is 100% full proof with Hakan. Everything seems to be matchup, opponent specific. I’ve also started using early oil slides after a knockdown to throw my opponents off even more and maybe land a follow up ex oil rocket as they’re caught off guard. And like you pointed out, a couple of successfully landed dash in ex oil rockets will plant that seed of doubt which then makes the meaty OS that much more of a viable option later on.
Also my reactions are garbage and i hate the input for u2 so I use U1. Always. Except vs elf. How do I fix guise
EDIT: Wow. BDNC s.fp/etc completely NULLIFY Rufus’s divekick game. Do it after blocked dive kick, it beats, grab, another dive kick, etc. I believe he can do ex messiah, but in that case he’s burning his meter on a gamble (meaning mixup the bdnc).
F.lp can be used in the same fashion I believe. Im not sure on the specifics of that one.
Right. And, if you know the Rufus is gonna try and do something on the ground (grab, blockstring) you can block dive kick, then BDNC a xx slide. Commence rape.
I think it’s been mentioned before but focus a jumpin > bdnc a xx slide/
Umm yeah but BDNC is the best so far I think. For example:
Cody’s frame trap:, c.fp. 2 frames between the two moves. Normally, if you tried to jab or something you’d get counterhit by c.fp then eat an ex stones to u2 combo.
But, in between those, you can BDNC a xx slide. So yes. This is amazing for pressure situations.
DNC (Dash Normal Cancel) which basically functions as a sort of super armor by way of immediately canceling out of his FA with a dash into any one of his normals. With meter you can also do oil slide FADC DNC as a way to cover some ground very quickly and apply some much needed pressure.
Quicker oil slide. EX version of oil slide when oiled up is one of Hakan’s most lethal attacks.
EX oil up is impervious to projectiles and various projectile based attacks.
Forgot about the 4 x low short combo. I shouldn’t have because it greatly compliments everything else he gains with oil. I remember when the game was first being tested and one of the biggest gripes about Hakan was the fact that he couldn’t FADC out of his oil up. I could just imagine what he would be like if that were really the case.
damn, I would that finished his trial much sooner had I known about that. I had to plink like hell to link those low shorts. Thanks for the info guys. This is why I’m here.