Anyone care to elaborate? I don’t see a substantial “advantage” anywhere?
The boxer match up has been 5/5 for me so far. I don’t want 'rog to get inside and start working pressure, because he can work hakan’s less than stellar defense pretty hard. Buuut, Hakan actually does pretty well at keeping 'rog out. You can slide dash punches or jump ins a little bit more easily than I originally thought, and the post slide wake up is where hakan thrives against boxer. He can’t do anything against meaty slides without using EX or Ultra, mix that up with j.HK set ups to put the pressure on and make him whiff headbutts and you can put some pretty decent pressure on him. It’s still even though just because of the trouble Hakan can get in if boxer gets his roll on.
It goes like this.
At long range, Balrog is at a clear disadvantage. He can either slowly advance, rushpunch, or turtle.
Likewise, Hakan can oil, advance, or turtle.
From this situation alone Hakan has the advantage, because each of those options are bad for Rog. The safest is obviously walk forward. If Rog turtles, he isn’t getting anywhere, leaving it at neutral, and allowing us to oil. If he rushpunches, it’s easily counter with a xx slide.
At midrange, it gets evenish. Rog has some nice pokes. He’ll most likely be throwing out some sweeps, s.rh’s, etc. beats out all of these allowing a slide. IF he attempts to jump in, be prepared to s.fp, f.lp, or lp slide to anti air. Again, don’t forget about the rush punches, throw out an occasional with a buffered slide.
At close range, it gets slightly in Rog’s favor, obviously. He’ll no doubt pepper you with jabs, occasionally tick throw, rejump in, etc. The thing is, our U1 makes it so Rog can just haphazardly abuse us close range like other characters. He’ll have to put some thought into what he does, like backdashing, neutral jumping, etc. If he neutral jumps, hp slide to escape. If he gets predictable, air throw. Be on the lookout for throw setups, and be ready to tech. Again, if you somehow get put in a bad position while oiled, don’t forget EX rocket.
Of course, standard DDT setups do work on Rog. You can get him with these and do the standard baiting, and mix it up between safe slides. But in this particular matchup, your oil is even more important so you may wish to forgo the ddt in favor of some oil.
That’s about it from weeks of playing Rog’s around here. Really, it isn’t that complicated and if you don’t know the matchup its really hard. But, so is Hakan in general, and thats fine. As said previously, it isn’t a HUGE advantage by any means. Its maybe 5.5/4.5 or at most 6/4. And 6/4 may even be pushing it.
I also find this match 5/5 or 5.5/4.5 in Hakan’s favour. Most of Balrogs plays the same kind of game, jab-jab-jab, thick throws, look at me i’ve an ultra so i’ll stay crouch to punish you with headbutt combo. At maximun distance slides punish all of his special moves, at close range fierce punch punish his jabs, and if you knock down him you can easily perform a DDT set up, (especially after the first oil dive). When balrog start to jump he could be annoying and create some troubles so i suggest U2. It is also nice elude his ultra or super with CC! This match and the match against blanka i think are the “easiest” for hakan.
Those last days i use Hawk. It is nice to see how hakan has some interesting tools against shotos (teleport slides) nice tricks (ddt setups), cool punish against blanka and honda… but i feel like the poor hakan is a bit broken. Especially for his command grabs and the lack of defense. We know his command throw is “mediocre” but how much frustrating is see him close his arm with the opponent close in front of you? I hope in a little imporvement.
Using thawk sometimes i did the motion to oil up! Am i Hakan addict?
I’ve heard talk from a couple of sources, one of them being a commentator at EVO and they were talking very vaguely about “tricks” that Hakan has that makes Rog his bitch. I even heard someone say 7-3 in Hakan’s favor. Am I missing something? Is this thread missing something? Or am I thinking of a totally different matchup lol
someone hafe some hints against dictators? his skissorkick is almost not punishable and he deals me serious chipdamage with it
MY ONLY option so faar against it are COUNTER HIT c.Jabs into slide but they need to be perfekt timed…
and then the crossups and his pokes seem to clearly outpoke mine or are so damen fast i had no chance against a decent dictator…
That was me, although I don’t remember saying 7-3. After reading other people in here saying they thought it was a good matchup for Hakan, I tried it out and I agree.
I have found Balrog to be easier then others because of this setup,
Slide+Body Press, jump over him, meaty… from here on you can do multiple things by how your opponent plays… if he tries something he will probably get hit (if unoiled, grab), if he blocks you could try to grab (or ultra), if he likes to backdash try 360+k, if he jab spam then you will need to be more careful
Jump over him so he lose charge and if your oiled theres no way he can grab your Not sure how safe it is vs reversal headbutt…
thank me later if this helps
as faar as i know balrogs headbut will wiff on meety slide after slide+bodypress and it was punishable with DDt after so its hard but not 7:3…
but i start to belive dictator vs hakan is 7:3 for dictator he is so damn hard soo faar i hafe no tools against any dictator or rufus
Use jumping jab, fierce, strong and RH to deal with jump in attempts, devil’s reverse and headstomps and keep your distance. Rarely go for the air grab because the headstomp and ex headstomp will stuff it clean in most situations. Bison is one of those matchups where it’s almost mandatory for Hakan to oil up as much as possible. Once oiled up and with meter bison has very few options. Any scissor kick attempts result in oil rockets, headstomps and devil’s reverses, even at max range, can be countered with a well timed oiled up EX oil slide. Regular ex oil slide can also be used to counter a close range DR and in the case of a headstomp get into the habit of focusing the initial stomp and then following it up with an oil slide. Neutral and back jumping fwd seems to work well at stuffing both scissor kick and PC. Use Hakan AA normals sparingly because Bison can stuff them clean with jumping fierce at the proper range.
A good Bison player will either try rushing you down at will or waiting out the oil and then going on the offensive. The worst thing you can do is to panic when he starts applying SK pressure. Well timed low/high shorts and jabs, low/standing strong, fwd + standing strong and standing fierce are your best options. And if you happen to land a knock down via a slide try baiting out the ex stomp before committing to any meaty slide, DDT loops and/or crossup attempts. Oh and you can air grab his U2 but the timing is a bit tricky.
quick edit: It seems that Hakan’s AA fwd + jab can also be followed up with a RH DDT against certain characters. So far I’ve gotten it to work on Dudley, Abel, Sagat, Cody, Zangief and Balrog. Surprisingly it doesn’t work on T. Hawk, Rufus and Hakan. Mix that up with a couple of follow up dash in ex oil rockets and you suddenly have a ground based AA that can lead to some additional damage/mind games.
New tier list. Don’t know the origins but Hakan is bottom 3 now, tied with Dan, while top 5 is all charge characters. I smell bullshit, but give it a look.
Longshot, about that Bison DDT, how specific must I be to land it? AA F.LP > HK. Oil Dive? Non AA F.LP > HK Oil Dive? Sounds cool, but I just want to be certain.
Well, the positive/even matchups are chosen properly but some of those 3-7s are a bit exaggerated.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work on Bison :sad: It’s only effective against the characters that I listed. Against Bison I’d be reluctant to even attempt DDT’s on him unless he has no meter and/or you’ve managed to bait a reversal whiffed EX HS or DR.
Hakan being Dan tier once again is not surprising at this point due in large part to the unique complexity of his advanced techniques. While people are slowly but surely starting to realize his potential I’m afraid the overall consensus in regards to his effectiveness or lack there of will remain until someone has some success with him on a tournament level.
Very much so. Not saying that he doesn’t have his work cut out for him with those particular matchups but there’s no way it’s anywhere near that lopsided. Honda and Balrog a 3-7??? :nono:Maybe if Hakan never ever bothers to oil up or build meter. In all my years of playing fighting games I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character evaluated in such a half ass fashion as has been the case with Hakan.
I was most surprised by the Abel matchup they gave Hakan. 7-3 in Abel’s favor? I can see an Abel advantage but not that much.
Edit - @Longshot , only Honda, Bison and Abel are 7-3 vs. Hakan, Balrog is a 6-4
I can understand the Honda and Bison as they are personally some of my toughest matchups, but again i think 7-3 is pushing it.
Practically no one knows Hakan yet, so it’ll probably be a while before anything is concrete. Plus, there isn’t a giant number of Hakan players.
Looking at that and going over all the match-ups though, I really don’t think Hakan has any match ups that are above 6/10 for him. He has the occasional 6/10 with Abel, Chun, and maybe Bison and Viper. But overall seems like he has even match ups across the board. His post slide game with j.HK and meaty slide set ups has changed most of my match ups by itself. He should end up around low mid or high low.
On a side note, for people that use meaty slides, what do you use to mix up SPD/U1? U2 could be decent, but I really don’t want to give up the threat of U1. I’ve been thinking maybe just regular sweep, but it seems like it could be too slow. All I’ve got so far is j.MP > slide. Any suggestions?
I stand corrected. With that said I still disagree with it being 6-4 as well. An oiled up Hakan with meter has a pretty big advantage against Rog. A week ago I would have agreed with the Abel matchup but I’ve discovered some ways to deal his step kick tactics. Also Hakan’s fwd + strong shoulder rush gives Abel fits.
If the AA f.lp to hk ddt works, I see no reason why A2A jab to lk DDT or something wouldn’t as well. Off to test.
EDIT: Was unable to perform. IT may work, but if it does then the jump angles have to be perfect.
Been messing around with and theorizing an OS.
After slide+press: dash forward, slide (meaty).
From there, they have some options.
Reversal (depends on the reversal as to whether it beats slide or not).
Block, attempt jab or something. Counter: EX 360/ultra
Block, then jump. Counter: immediate 360lk.
Reversal backdash. Counter: 360p, or a delayed 360lk (?)
So yeah. I dunno if this is even possible (I doubt it is), but I’ve been trying to formulate an OS that encompasses all of the escapes. Any input on it?