The Hakan General Discussion Thread

So I’m just a bit confuse, the only tier list with a matchup is saying the match favors 'rog, and the OP here says it’s a hard fight, why are the guys in the hakan evo thread saying they hope they match up against him because he’s almost free? Confusing stuff.

Anyways, I haven’t run into a good enough one I guess, so I’m wondering what’s supposed to make the T. hawk matchup hard? Seems like Hakan can stop almost anything he does.

I don’t know what those people are talking about, but Balrog is a very hard matchup.

Perhaps they mean BAD Balrogs. I dunno. But a Rog who knows wtf he’s doing is gonna be very difficult.

I can see that I’m going to have to prove how easy this match up be once Hakan scores a knock down. Ok. I challenge anyone on this forum with recording equipment to fight me in endless battle so I can show EVERYONE on this forum how Hakan can be a MASSIVE threat to Balrog. Add me on PSN. Gravehunter24. After the match all I ask is that you please upload the match to the forums so that everyone can see that Balrog has to fear Hakan. Not the other way around.

the only thing you archive against a good balrog is your oqne stupidity:P sorry dude i dont play Balrog but after your profe i will make a excuse to you if your right :wink: LOL

All I need is someone with recording equipment…

Grave, it’s a matter of hard data. A good Balrog simply can’t be touched. Boxer can just turtle it out and win the match most of the time.

I don’t think he’s Hakan’s worst match up at all, but he’s by all means better than Hakan in that fight.

My friend who mains Rog gave me some input on this, stating it could be Hakan’s favor. So, Gravehunter, I apologize. But it’'s not a “rape” matchup for him though. I will give you the advantage, though.

Dogysamich 11:10 am
cause in all honesty, hakan has an answer for everything balrog does to mount offense
he does, i just know you honestly dont think it through
think about it like this
at long range, what can both characters do
balrog can rush punch or move, hakan can oil, slide or move
slide beats rush punch
Dogysamich 11:11 am
save some random, well timed, well spaced, lower
at that range, you can slide on reaction
to a rush punch
so balrog realistically SHOULDNT be rush punching from that far, or he gets put in untechable knockdown (which is where he DONT wanna be seeing as hakan has a super ambiguous crossup)
so he has to either close some distance or back up
that’s where the problem continues
because at certain ranges, hakan can slide, and even if balrog blocks it, he’s at disadvantage (meaty slides)
Dogysamich 11:13 am
this goes just outside of balrog’s sweep range (iirc) so now sweeping becomes a liability because it could potentally put him in mixup (or untechable KD worst case scenario)
the WORST part about that is, even if he does block it, and he’s in disadvantage, his reversal game is weak as fuck (one of balrog’s weaknesses), so he’s got to make a good guess to get out ok, his “noob out” takes 3 meters and isnt fool proof, especially against hakan
inside sweep range, hakan has all sorts of ways to contest with balrog. I cant say for sure who has better footsies, but hakan has some good normals to throw around, so it’s not like balrog dominates this range like he does everybody else
so the ONE place where balrog normally shines is in close range when he gets to get up in people’s face, right?
Dogysamich 11:15 am
which, in large is still true, but he’s always got the inherit danger that hakan is going to ex grab
and grab reversals are the one thing that can scare balrog out of running his close game
would i go as far as to say hakan RAPES balrog? Na, dont think any matchup is like that in this game. But i could totally see hakan has advantage

You know what? I’m going to friend request you and show you so you can see what I mean.

I like the balrog matchup as well.

I just happened to post a video vs. rog in the video thread, but basically I agree that Hakan does pretty well against boxer, at least compared to other chars. Mainly because oke game is extremely effective against rog, ex rocket beats his blasted jabs, and slide counters all dash punches. And he can’t focus cancel his main oke defense (headbutt) so it’s easy to bait and punish.

I mean I haven’t played any ultra pro players or anything, but I much rather a pro use balrog against me than most other characters (assuming same skill)

I agree, I think Hakan does well against Rog. It’s true that a properly set up meaty slide beats 100% of Rog’s options, thanks for that tip. Do: slide+followup (knockdown), whiff cr mk, mp slide. This beats reg headbutt, goes under ex headbutt (and is safe), breaks ex dash punch, beats ultra and super, catches backdash, and is safe on block. Yay! Obviously this opens up gigantic mixups. When he looks to block, do jab slide instead so that it whiffs and you can do 360/720. If he blocks, it’s another good mixup for you. Or go some other route like lk oil into mixups or push him backward with a slide while he’s downed.

Oh yeah ps, I dunno if you guys are doing this, but when the opponent is knocked down, you can do a slide to push them backward pretty far. Fierce slide moves the opponent like 2 large training mode squares and oiled ex slide+followup moves them back like 1/3 of the stage. Corner time!

Anyway, I think Hakan does fine against Rog in footsie range, pretty even. Outside of footsie range I think Hakan is a little better off. If Rog doesnt have super or ultra, you can trade blood for oil from outside like 2/3 screen range where all he can get is a jab dash punch. If you have meter to spare, you can get into footsie range mostly for free with slide focus backdash (or the occasional focus toward into ex spd/u1). When he’s rushing you down, he has the advantage, but that’s not surprising. Ex spd and u1 are there for psychic shenanigans, and if you’re oiled you have some other good options too.

I hesitate to say Hakan has the advantage, but he definitely at least does fine.

Btw, reading these Rog tips have made me a little more into the game again. Thanks, guys.

Ultradavid is interested again, huzzah! I hadn’t been doing the slide thing Ultradavid, but I’ll see if I can work it into my game (I’m playing no-oil Hakan right now to get a better feel for his normals and the slide. And to break my command grab mashing habit)

On the rog match up, it’s not rape in Hakan’s favor by any means, but I do think that it is, at worst, even. Maybe 6:4 Hakan’s favor, probably closer to 5.5. While Oil slide is fantastic against Rog, the trick is going to be finding the opening to use it. Turtle Rogs are, I think, going to be a much tougher (and interesting) fight for Hakan, as they aren’t going to just randomly full or half screen rush punch you. It’s probably going to turn into a pretty intense footsie/bait game if I had to guess. Hakan will have trouble with turtling Rog, but at the same time Rog can’t leave his shell with random specials.

In my experience, the mp slide isn’t safe on block. I’ve been jabbed out of the recovery. Maybe I’m dumb, though.

If “whiff cr mk, mp slide” is how you set up a safe slide, then maybe you’re just doing it wrong.

In other news, I was having a hard time against a Seth player who just ran away the whole time. I believe lag was the culprit, since I couldn’t do any DNC through his fireballs. In fact, even when I tried to cancel out of focus at the last second, it’d go ahead and release for a level 3 whiff. :zzz: Regardless of lag being the problem or not, I need to practice this match-up more so I can be convinced the match up isn’t as bad or hopeless as I experienced earlier today. And certainly not as bad as Zangief vs Seth.

“Whiff, mp slide” is what UltraDavid suggested after slide press, and I tried it. So, don’t see how I could be doing it wrong.

That aside, it seems that you get more lag on a slide if the body press input was inputted.

i usually use dash thenlp slide or mp slide since all slides have the same time and its a almost perfect meety I assume you can use dash mp slide instead of mk?

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I played a long set with Jinrai in his hotel room, and the only equalizer in this match is damage… I won matches, but I also lost a bunch too, and even ate a few perfects here and there. I have no idea what to do against headstomp either. It even beat a fully extended jump back HP!

You can hit his limbs though, and pressure really well after a slide. You can catch him teleporting out, and any mistake he makes trying to get out of pressure hurts him really really bad. But if he doesn’t make any mistakes, it seems he can can just zone and riverdance all day.

One cool thing is that Hakan glitches out and takes way less damage from Seth’s U2

Alright, I don’t know if you guys know this already but Hakan j. mk crosses up (Dhalsim I haven’t check anyone else yet) There’s a certain timing and positioning for it where you almost try to kick him when you’re directly above him. It’s not very meaty so I think you can only combo it into his faster normals.

EDIT: What is Hakan’s answer to dread kicks?

Neutral jump or guard position into Rocket.

what can hakan do after a blocked Messiah Kick?

After EX messiah, you have some options.

If you suspect either overhead or flip, U2.

For overhead, you can CC to ex rocket.

For sweep, I think you can ex 360 before it comes out but you’ll have to predict it.