The Hakan General Discussion Thread

What is DDT?

360k, aka oil dive.

I found a good tactic against Dhalsim. Begin with rush game first. Jumpin with mk. It beats c.hp. Dhalsim wil start throwing FB’s. Go al the way back, do hk oil. Then the fun starts. Focus cancel al the way in to dhalsim. And on close range start throwing
When you’re focusing you way in. Bait, c.hp. the moment he hits, cancel > to combo. On sims wakeup, use Dont stand in grab dinstance, just near him. if he lands ultra1 > do ultra 1. (I choose always ultra 1, except guy, gen and rufus) It always beats it. c.hp and j.hp are the same, when focus canceld a j.hp, double dash Its not so hard. When fighting a good sim, dont try to command throw, just block. And poke with. c.lp or s.hp. on teleport alwasy f.lp, beats every time. When you have done enough damage. go back and wait for him. every FB forward. and then walk back. he cant do anything. Only thing he can do is. FB teleport > just jump back over the FB. And u will be fine.

I can’t get the slide to work on wakeup. Good players DP me out of it. So i’m using still de DDT. Only the lk version. It’s a guesing game, but in favour of Hakan, until they have ultra. I manage now to use always, slide and followup.

I don’t know if it’s been posted already but to those of us who have gotten good with oil dive on your opponents wake up I’ve discovered that apparently Blanka is the only character who can get up ducking and therefore is immune to wake up oil dive.

About the Guile matchup: it’s hard. Basically, thats all there is to it. I play with one regularly, and I’ve started winning more and more since then when I started.

Guile can easily keep you distant, so make your way slowly to the corner, keeping him there. Slide his attempted jumps, if you predict a boom, slide, etc etc. Where you really want Guile is on slide wakeup. From here, he’s dead. Cross him up with j.rh xx slide, to another crossup or a normal jump in. Guile deals terribly with crossups and this is no different; as soon as you land one slide in this matchup, make it count.

Aside from that, if you have trouble getting in on him, oil up when you get the chance (be wary of EX boom). From here, teach him not to throw booms with EX oiled slide. After that is established, the boom pressure will cease and is when you can get in.

If the Guile attempts to poke after booms, s.fp. It beats his, f.fp, and s.rh clean (or so it has for me). Don’t get crazy with that though; they’ll quickly mix up their patterns.

Try to snipe him for standing with f.rh or sweep (oiled or not).

If you can land it (which isn’t hard) after a forward throw, do HP slide only. No This will take you farther to the corner, and set you up for a little mix up. He blocks, you grab him, and forward throw again. He flash kicks, you block, punish with xx slide or another forward throw. He throws (he probably won’t at this point) you’ll tech (or you could bait the throw, walk up and throw).

Also, c.fp is a pretty decent way to get in; not to mention ticking with it into ultra. Guile will quickly learn to fear a coming headbutt and will probably retaliate with something of his own such as a jab combo or flash kick; use sparingly.

Liquigen, good Guile advice for sure. I remember someone saying something like if Guile isn’t too far away from you, almost full screen, that you should go for sliding under his SBs. And the EX Slide is projectile invulnerable too, unless what I read was wrong.

You can also CC on his wake up into a 720. Bait a flash kick, CC, 720. GGs, Guile, haha. =]

Right. I forgot about that; U1 is definitely the matchup of choice (as if that wasn’t obvious lol)

Also, stuff about Sakura and Rog, respectively:

For Sak:

You and Sakura have two main goals. For you, its to keep her hindered with constant pressure; be it jab links, throws, whatever. For her, its to get you hit by an ex tatsu one way or another; from there her mixup/reset game begins.

Your first prerogative is to make sure she can’t get in on you. Once she does, its a bitch to get her off. Be careful with your antiairs, as I believe lp slide is beat by her j.rh (can anyone double check?). This means f.lp is also very necessary to use.

Her is a pain. It’s best to stay out of that range, but hover in and out of it. Bait it, and f.rh.

Be careful around her wakeup. EX Shoo is excellent for a reversal, and she can FADC to save her ass on block if she wants to spend the meter.
However, if blocked and she doesnt fadc for whatever reason, punish with the standard xx slide.

From slide, it gets a little easier. 1: It means her pressure is stifled. 2: It puts you in a HUGE advantageous position.

Standard stuff about slide. Mess around with the crossup and jump ins, even test their reactions with a lk oil after slide. From there, plan your counter whenever you plan to mix it up again. Again, don’t get careless and get hit by EX shoo. That’ll just put you in a bad place; wakeup against Sakura.

One of Sakura’s best pokes is s.rh. If they get a little too happy with it, hp slide that shit.

Sakura has a very nice anti air with c.fp. It gets really annoying, but it’s incredibly easy to bait. Space an empty jump to land right in front of her, and punish the lag on it with a xx slide.

During her mixup shenanigans, such as ex tatsu > dash under etc, use U1 to grab her out of her attempted combo. Granted, this may not work, but it probably will, if only once. After that, they’ll be scared to attempt a direct combo, and thus jump. That’s when you either air throw or juggle them. Make them AFRAID to mix you up.

For Rog:

This matchup is pretty weird, to be honest. I find myself either winning very decisively, or getting my ass handed to me. Its obvious its very momentum based; but what match isn’t?

For starters here, what you want to is either grab him or hit him with a slide. Either option is good, but in different ways.

If you land a grab on Rog, lets say, 360p (you’ll probably want to do hp version), you have a couple of options.
1: Try to safe slide him or empty slide him.
2: Lk oil to somewhat reset the position.
3: Close in on him with a f.rh or just walk towards him.

Basically what you’re looking at here is trying to land one of those two move consecutively. I.e., I landed a rocket. I want to land another. Or a slide. Because against Rog, someone who’s normals greatly outclass our own, we have to get our strength somewhere else. And, since Rog’s wakeup is less than stellar, that means we can have a marginally easier time when he isn’t punching the hell out of us.

At middish or so range, Rog is aiming to get either a knockdown/armor break from gut punch, a sweep from low swing blow, or a jump in. So, in general, the safest option is to keep the space between you to at about half screen.If you see a jump in coming, lp slide it. If you see an overhead coming (for whatever reason), do c.lp xx slide (counts as a counterhit).

Your is pretty decent in this matchup. It keeps him a certain distance away, but you’re still in sweep range. Do not forget to block low.

If you sense a rush punch coming, slide is obviously the go to option. Armor breaks and all.

Also, the matchup becomes a lot better while oiled. Oiled = a better focus. Rog hates focus. If you continually do sliding focuses with no intention to hit (fakeout, if you will), Rog will probably try and gut punch you. Block. Since your oiled, its punishable by 360.

EX 360p is very good to get out of Rog’s c.lp strings. Even better while oiled.

Again about focus: if blocked by Rog while oiled, immediately DNC string. Tick to 360. After a couple or so of these, he will jump. Good. Predict the jump, air throw or juggle.

U1 is definitely the best one for Rog, as it punished all of his blockstrings if he gets a little too happy. Not only that, but it gives you an even scarier wake up game after slide. Example: after several mixups between crossups and jumpins, you intentionally whiff the j.rh, going behind him, into U1. Simply one of many.

Yeah, my thoughts are all over the place… lol.

with proper spacing, jab slide will beat sak’s jumping roundhouse. If she does it real deep then it’s no good, but that goes for all characters with super angled jump-ins (except for blanka jumping roundhouse and gief’s jumping forward, those will almost always stuff slide unless it is a very far jump in).

Also, another thing that makes U1 better than U2 in the boxer matchup is that it punishes a lot of his shit.

Good stuff, Liquigen! I added the Guile and Sakura information to the front page.

…and it is with that addition that I realize that I should have split up the main post. I was going to add the Balrog info, but there is not enough room.

Right Gaoser. And thanks for the info about the j.rh, that’s really good to know.

And no prob Ultimate. I just thought I’d share what I’ve learned in the past few weeks.

Another thing to note about the Balrog match up is though his normals outclass ours there is one move that COMPLETELY EATS ROG ALIVE!!! Learn to land oil dive on wake up and the match up becomes IMMENSELY in your favor. There’s nothing Rog can do about it if timed properly.

Rog can crouching jab or any other normal, or ex headbutt. It’s good for sure, but use very sparingly.

Or he can EX Headbutt into Ultra and GG.

No thank you :rofl:

Im sorry but whenever i see this thread title i hear megaman in my head.

Carry on.

Something small I’ve noticed with the shotos and haven’t seen anyone say it anywhere. It’ very tight but you can air grab them out of their tatsus.

Even Gouken though his is way harder to land it against, and I’ve only been able to do it against mk and hk. The timing and spacing on his is so tight though there’s no way you’re ever going to do it in a match other than sheer luck.

Ryu seems to be the trickiest of the horizontal tatsus, probably because his is a bit higher. Still very doable though, enough so to go for it in a match if you can see it coming.

Ken and Akuma seem slightly easier, I’ve even managed to land it on these guys on the upwards part of my jump.

Sakura is probably the easiest of them all but hers is so short you can only do it on reaction if they tatsu while you’re already in the air.

Dan is very easy before he starts kicking and after that I think it’s impossible, his leg is higher in proportion to his upper body than the rest of them.

Clearly you haven’t tested this because I have. Anyone on this forum try this in training mode and set the option to record and have Rog just spam crouching lp. You’ll notice if you time it right that he gets caught REGARDLESS after you knock him down on wake up. On headbutt 2 serious on this forum can tell you as he mains Rog that headbutt on wake up gets EATEN by oil dive on wake up. Make sure to test my theories before you try to discredit them. You’ll see I’m not here to hurt the forums. I’m hear to help everyone get better with Hakan by letting them know of some great options he has and when someone like you comes along who hasn’t even gone to training mode with this character and tried what I’ve proposed that others may believe it as well and no one will get better with comments like that.

Or to save some time, you could’ve just said “Actually it works. There’s nothing he can do. test it and see.” To save yourself some time. Nothing against you, since I appreciate any and all contributions. But sometimes the most efficient writing is also the most effective.

I’m having a hard time with the people are who starting to camp on hakan and just crouch. The lack of an overhead is killing me, you can do the occasional dash up and oil rocket but i have not really found a good way around this problem.

I’d give you a straight answer, but there isn’t for that situation.

Here are some things I do.

  1. Oil up. Unless your fighting the likes of Dudley or Ibuki, they probably can not punish a full screen oil In fact, by turtling, they’re pretty much giving it to you.

1a) Spend the meter and do some slide fadc stuff. I.e., slide fadc u1, slide fadc string to tick 360, etc.
1b) Approach with a sliding focus, if they jump, dash forward and punish the landing with lp slide, but if you can’t, then you’re still opening them up.
1c) Do the dash 360, as you mentioned.

  1. If they are HELLBENT on crouching, meaning no jumps or NOTHING, they are dumb and easy to counter. Hang around their max poke range (like right past Rog’s sweep, or Ryu

  2. If they like to downback and then jump in on you, it gets a tad bit trickier. Try to keep in a range so that you can hit with lp slide as an anti air (you’ll have to eyeball this). From there, it should be obvious.

  3. If they like to jump back, you can probably catch them with a hp slide (ex if oiled, as well).

Thanks for the input, i fought a couple like that today and its a pain in the ass because with shotos it obviously eliminates me jumping as well. If i get a knock down then i have a chance to at least start training them to do something else and think on wake up. I did take the free oils in most cases and tried to use f+hk at max range to get in on them.