The Hakan General Discussion Thread

Indeed c.lp has gotten me out of some terrible situations. The more I use Hakan’s normals the more I’m amazed at just how effective they are. Situational to say the least, but definitely effective.

Indeed c.lp has gotten me out of some terrible situations. The more I use Hakan’s normals the more I’m amazed at just how effective they are. Pretty situational to say the least, but definitely effective.

Just got back from WNF.

Rufus is hard as fuck. Not a lot that can stop triangle jumps.

Played against Valle’s Guy, U2 can stop a lot of his mixup game, just don’t get caught in the corner and slide the hell away if you do.

i just want to write it out somewhere

Slide+Splash - DASH - Slide+Splash

is the BEST SAVEST AND SCARRYEST perft timed MEETY i ever FACED…

try it out guys its a killer

Ya, been (ab)using it for a while now. It’s **great **against characters that can’t do anything about it (or until they get ultra or whatever), but it’s terrible against anyone with a DP/reversal attack.

It’s very very very easy for them to simply react to the slide and hit you. Against character that can’t do this though, it’s awesome, I do it all day. lol.

as faar as i tested you can mix it with a normal slide without dash the reaktion to see that the dash was skipped would be inhuman and there the mixup starts;)

Hey fellas,

While in the lab I came across an interesting variation to the meaty oil slide setups which, unlike the traditional versions, seems to be universally effective. It involves a late low fwd/fwd + strong, jab slide after a successfully landed crumple FA. Seems to be relatively safe on block and can lead to furthur damage if you guess correctly. Of course its level of effectiveness depends on the matchup. Obviously characters with exceptional wakeup/reversal attacks will be something you’ll need to take into account. However, the window of opportunity for that reversal (specifically after the delayed low fwd and before the final frames of the jab slide) is kind of tight so it may not not be as risky as one may think. Other characters such as a meterless Rufus, Sakura, Rose will have no choice but to block the jab slide and as a result be in perfect position for either an EX oil rocket/Ultra I to counter a grab attempt, Ultra II to punish a neutral jump while trying to avoid the previous follow up and/or an air grab to counter a fwd, neutral or back jump in an attempt to escape. While it may be common knowledge to many here be sure to include the second jab input for the slide in case they decide not to block. Not sure how entirely full proof this may be but I’ll leave it up to you guys to determine how useful it actually is. Good luck. :wink:

you can cancel super out of those normals right? would the mixup also work if you did a late low fwd/ and then cancelled into super held a slight bit? i wonder if they can duck right after landing from that hit, if not that might be a good way to mix up into landing a super.

Personally, I think it’s actually pretty easy to react to dash or no-dash before the slide.

Against characters that can’t hit it though (Rog with no meter, etc), it’s a great way to get in… I’ve even whiffed normal throws afterward, meaning I was at least +2 on block. They can’t jump it, they can’t do an armoured move, they can backdash it but you can react with free throw/360/combo if they do.

Already tried it. The opponent recovers too quickly and is therefore able to duck/reversal by the time the super is activated. I even tried super canceling directly off of a late slide and no luck. However, that’s kind of why this new setup is actually effective especially against characters who lack adequate reversals. They’re either forced to block the slide or take the hit which then leads to the guessing game that apparently seems to be in Hakan’s favor.

Longshot, I’m confused by what you’re saying. From what I gather out of it, you said that you should do xx slide + splash, and then what? Normally I would jab slide into U1, if I have enough Ultra at the time. It seems to be what those Japanese Hakans are doing in the videos that Liltre posts.

Please explain.

no the point is to do a focus attack, then hit with a late or to reset them in the air. Then cancel into jab slide and you tick them with positive frames just as they land from which you can U1 or ex 360 or whatnot.

Precisely. Apologies for the lack of clarification as far as pointing out that it is indeed a reset that leaves you at plus frames on block. One other thing I’d like to add, against shotos and other characters with reversals you may want to mix it up a bit by just delaying the low fwd/Fwd + strong without the slide and following up with either nothing as a way to bait them or buffering into a slightly delayed super (short version). Still experimenting with other options but at this point it’s a viable tactic against a good deal of the cast especially when they don’t have meter to work with.

What does DNC mean?

DNC is an acronym for Dash Normal Canceling. While Hakan is oiled he can cancel a dash by doing a normal.

Thank you very much guys for that info

For one of the meaty slide set ups (the post slide follow up one, where you dash in then slide) I’ve found that you can also somewhat use standing strong. If you do it frame perfect, it seems like the slide completely whiffs, but on most occasions it gives me at least +1 on block. Seems to work just as well as dash (Hakan’s dry dash is 20 frames, oil dash is 18, strong is 18.) So far it’s actually pretty nasty since it makes the visual cue of what I’m setting up for much less noticeable.

Also, I’ve been using the slide set up: d.HK knockdown, then hold back until you see even the slightest bit of movement, jab slide. I’ve also been able to get at least +1 for that one.

Thankyou to Superlooper for answering my noob question. I’m not only new to Hakan but to SF4 aswell, I haven’t played any SF since SF2:CE. Anyway since starting out last night I’ve been reading through this thread between fights and I’m very proud to say I just had my first rage quitter, and he was a Balrog!

A couple of things I’ve noticed about Hakan’s slide priority vs a couple of moves:

Ibuki’s Neck Breaker, if we do it at the same time or I react to hers she wins. Earlier I beat hers though, or a least I think it was her Neck Breaker, she pulled it out just before mine connected. Can anyone confirm this?

Also Blanka’s ball. I read somewhere on this board that the slide beats it hands down, but his ball beat my slide on the 2 occasions I’ve tried it.

Hakan’s slide is invincible from the waist-ish up to his head, the hitbox being where his hands are. Thats why jab oil slide beats things more reliably then others, or so I’ve noticed. Since it goes slower, the invincible part of the attack stays in the same general area, where as medium or fierce go farther and faster, taking the vulnerable area with it.

I personally use jab oil slide for every counter move, for this reason. I find it trades a lot less, at the expense of a little damage.

This would also explain why when I’ve tried mp slide as an anti air it gets beat; the normal hits his lower body, interrupting my slide, since Hakan went so far. But with jab, he goes slower, keeping the vulnerability behind.

Yeah I know it’s been said already, but jab slide is great - so far I’ve been using it to counter jump ins(doesn’t beat dive kicks) and to try to get out of Jump in combos(not sure what to call this, where they jump in do a combo and use your block stun to jump again). Normally I’d just get dizzied when they do the Jump in combos because I can’t seem to do coward crouch properly against jumpins