The Hakan General Discussion Thread

I mostly use st.HP and f.LP. It is possible for st.HP to beat deep jump ins but alot of the time it will trade or leave you at a bad advantage taking a a high hit stun jump in. For quicker start up and recov when needed I use the f.LP which will put them air reset state. But st.HP is the AA of very little choice.

Don’t forget to use some of Hakan’s mobile normals to throw off their jump / cross up game. df.HP, F.HK, Oil Slide @ the rising peak of their jump can cause them to wiff. While it might not always put you in position to do damage, it keeps Hakan from being pinned for free.

i just noticed that OILED-Back+HP moves considerably backwards (more then the most normals) it may gain good antiair proppertys becouse of this… anyone wanna test it? (im to lazy for today mabe tomorrowg)

Reaper, my old Gief friend, i’ll check it out later. I was wondering the same thing and working on a solid AA game with Hakan. This could help us both.

I just tested OILED back+hp as a anti-air and it does indeed work.

However it trades with some jumpin attacks I’ve tested but atleast it will give you some room and they didn’t get the jump in, which leads me to believe it has the same AA properties as unoiled back+hp.

His best anti-air by far is his jab oil slide. Practice this, a lot. Although a great anti-air, it does not work against divekicks, as well as Blanka’s jumping roundhouse. Oil slide has definitely been underused as an anti-air, I have not seen a single video in which a Hakan uses it, but I use it all the time and it works great. Not only does it work as a great anti-air, but it allows Hakan to start his offense and mix-up.

As other people have said, his standing fierce is a good anti-air, although it tends to trade in many situations (not entirely in Hakan’s favor either). There are other anti-airs as well, such as towards+strong. I wouldn’t recommend towards+jab as an anti air because it doesn’t scare your opponent from jumping in at you at all. You can land 10 toward+jab anti-airs and they can land a single jump in to make it even, it just isn’t worth it.

Also, sometimes you have think about “getting away” as an anti-air. Clydebyrd mentioned some of Hakan’s command normals allow Hakan to sneak under jump ins. Mostly, crouching fierce, towards strong, as well as towards roundhouse are great ways to sneak under a jump in to set up for a grab. If you want the safest option of getting away, your best bet is to just fierce slide under jump ins, which will send you all the way to the other side.

If your reflexes are good or if you’re good at reading your opponent, Hakan has a few air-to-air options. Jumping strong has a decent hitbox and nets you a good amount of damage from the juggle. It can also set your opponent up for a grab if you juggle with unoiled towards roundhouse. Hakan’s air-grab is pretty okay as well.

Finally, I’d like to mention that Hakan’s slide isn’t the answer to all jump-ins, if your opponent empty jumps the slide will not hit at all, and they will be able to block and punish.

Very interesting info. I never thought of that and recently had a lot of trouble with people jumping in at me. I’m going to try this and I’ll report back my experiences with it. :slight_smile:

Ok I seriously need help with the Honda matchup. I literally had an entire match of buttslams in my face and I felt completely helpless. His follow up buttslam would counter any of my attacks. Also, his ex-headbutt would counter my oil up attempts ON REACTION. Was I just not blocking in time or is that possible?

Anyways, I clearly need help, and any advice into this matchup would be greatly appreciated. Any videos I’m not aware of would be cool too.

Coward crouch them buttslams. Seriously, if you get the timing down you can coward crouch them into a free SPD punish, oiled or not. A couple of those and honda will know not to buttslam anymore. You can actually coward crouch headbutts for a SPD punish too, but that’s a lot less likely.

Quite a few people can punish light oil from fullscreen with an EX stock (Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto etc.) Just be careful and patient. Either only oil when it’s guaranteed, or just don’t do it when he has a stock. All in all, Honda (as with a lot of other match ups) is just staying patient, tacking on the damage with normals and waiting for your opportunity to oil to come naturally. Also, the j.RH set up post slide works pretty well on Honda.

Im sorry if this doesnt belongs here, but since you guys are the experts on the subject,

Im akuma player and i really have trouble on what to do against Hakan especially when he has U2, or when hes oily, he seems to under all air and ground fireballs. What do you guys find more anoying when you are playing against akuma.

I apologize if my post bothers anybody.

Thanks on any info.

By the way when when hakan is oily and he holds his focus while advancing forward looks really cool and scary

^ don’t use FBs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Far roundhouse is devastating against Hakan, once it’s out there’s almost nothing he can do about it. Get in close and don’t let him oil up. Don’t do any bad demon flips (always set it up with an air fireball), air fireballs done close to the ground are almost always safe, and you’ll bait a lot of slides. Once you have him knocked down, bait the U2 with safe demon flip setups. Get him in the corner and walk up jab jab jab jab jab roundhouse jab jab jab and just mix it up. Learn the overhead kara into demon it’s really good against Hakan. The matchup is horrendous for Hakan as it is impossible to keep Akuma out. The matchup is similar to the Abel/Akuma matchup, but imagine not having to worry about EX tornado grab or the rushdown. Of course, don’t get reckless because unoiled EX Oil Rocket is still pretty scary if you get too close.

I’m noticing that whenever I beat someone online with Hakan, they often run to Zangief as a counter-character. I do think Gief is a tough fight for Hakan (who am I kidding, everyone can be a tough fight for Hakan), but I do have a stupid little gimmick that seems to work wonders online.

Land a 360+K somehow (meaty 360+K after a knockdown/anti-air is how I usually land it) and then do this:
[dash forward, jump towards, 360+LK when I land]xN

That’s it. I’ve gotten double perfects on lots of people with just this… they can mash lariat, ex-green hand, 360, 720, etc, all they want, but they’ll keep getting grabbed. Most people don’t seem to be aware that they can just backdash out? I know it’s a dumb idea to keep doing it, and it can be easily escaped, but man, people keep falling for it.

For the few that wised up and found a way out, then I just did slide instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t use ground FBs when Hakan has meter or is in easy Oil Slide range.

Learn all the ways Akuma can change the angle/rate of decent of his jump. Akuma is quite possibly the character with the least to fear of U2 once you learn the matchup since he can basically decide to not land on it at will, assuming he hasn’t committed himself elsewhere.

Stand Roundhouse and Crouch Forward are your bestest friends ever. Hakan has a hard time working around Akuma’s foot on the ground. Just be careful about whiffing, as you might wind up eating Oil Rocket if you throw it out too often without connecting to something.

Play defensive while Hakan is oily- Oily Oil Rocket is suddenly a huge threat and Hakan’s sliding pokes can let him punish stuff he can’t normally/be safe after stuff that usually isn’t.

Dhalsim is the impossible match for Hakan, is impossible to reach him, Oil Slide is the only move that moves he foward and can be destroy with Dhalsim c.HP and his short jump is useless.

Hakan needs a move like green hand.

oil up and then focus and dnc a for a knock down from full screen. If that isn’t fast enough you can probably get a hit in with a dnc’d at the least. Also i think and also beat limbs from a distance. Once he’s down he doesn’t have very good wakeup options so go to town.

I think you meant t.MP not MK.

DNC c.HP is also a great possibility for getting in/punishing. Even if you don’t hit Sim with anything, you’re still a lot closer than if you just stood there and got hit, or blocked. Oil + performing DNC is essential in the sim match-up.

nah i meant mk just because it has the 3 faster startup frames than the mp and has decent priority and range compared to lk.

Fair enough. I’d just rather counter a limb, or force Dhalsim to block, all while getting close to him.

Since we’re on the topic of Sim it was mentioned earlier you can trade hits w/ his elongated limbs - If he’s just being predictable and stretchy arming Neutral Heavy Punch and Jumping Heavy punches are good. You can actually slide on Dhalism/Seth’s Jumping stretchy or neutral stretchy hands(and get him next to you with the body press) not completely sure on the timing though. Make sure you mentally know where he can go when he’s teleporting, very often I can catch Sim w/ Jumping Heavy punch and or Neutral Heavy Punch(since they like to teleport behind you, especially in the air).

I agree it’s one of the more frustrating matchups tho. Knock him down once though and don’t let him get out of yer site! Also Yoga fire doesn’t mess w/ your sliding too much(but it’s been a while since I’ve done slide vs fire, not completely sure).

Unrelated note:

J. heavy kick or punch beats Heavy Jaguar Tooth if you do it before it comes out.

against chun there is c.lp it stuffs pretty much from here and should tried on stuff you dont think it could stuff it but it will do :wink: