The Hakan General Discussion Thread

Against abel f+hp is a good countr against his wheelkick

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Against zangief is hard especialy in two situations: when he is cross up continuosly and when he is turtling. Sometimes you can anticipate him with air throw but it is a bit dangerous :frowning: with ultra 2 you’re a bit more safe. A nice trick i use it is: on his wake up i always perform a lk oil dive, it anticipate his green glove and double lariat.

can anyone help me cecipher this method of doing walking 720’s?
He’s using numeric inputs and it just looks like a math problem to me. gracias.

refer to the number pad on your keyboard and correlate their position to joystick directions.

Buffer 495 walk 225+PPP (123K698741236 walk 32147PPP)

does any hakan in here try walking 720’s?

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Don’t know if this is old information but you know if you CC on all of Vega’s dives it gives you frame advantage to do whatever you want when he wiffs.

Yeah I’ve definitely been underusing “Guard Position”. Thanks for the reminder.

CC has been changing so many match ups for me, especially Vega. I’ve been trying to CC honda’s headbutts and Abel’s wheel kicks to punish. It’d be cool to list everything we can CC into a punish.

Also, I tried to punish abel’s last hit of CoD with U1…whiffed -_-

I like to use f.HP as a meaty attack does anyone else do this? It seems to work well when people toss out jabs on wake up and the beefy damage on that attack is awesome.

Question: I was fighting a Gief yesterday and we both did U1 point blank at the same time, then wiffed…

Does Hakkan have invuln frames or something on his ultra…why didn’t either of us win on that?

I was playing a set with one of the best Chun players in my state, and that matchup is annoying! Granted, I’m not too experienced on the matchup anyway, but I was getting outpoked, and I couldn’t beat his jump-ins. I tried using slides(against his jump-ins), but they must have been at the wrong time as I was constantly getting hit out of them. I’ll get better at the matchup, but for the moment I’m getting completely stomped.

On a side-note, though: I’m steadily updating the front page with more matchup info.

Maybe Chun can just straight up hit you out of slide? I bet headstomp works at least… ?

Slide isn’t incinvible at all while he’s sliding, it’s just really low… I found out the hard way that it doesn’t work against divekicks. lol

It sadly doesn’t work against a lot of things. Like Ibuki’s damn low grab

using slide as an anti-air requires a bit of timing, you can’t do it too late or too early. It also requires the correct positioning, if she jumps in too deep and you do it a bit late she will hit you depending on what jump in she uses. If you’re not sure your best bet is to do the strongest slide as early as possible, as that will get you out of trouble.

air-to-airing chun is a bad idea.

To be of any threat, you need to oil up. On top of that, you should be standing right in sweep range prepared to focus attack at anytime. Any lvl1 focus should either lead to a knockdown on hit, or at worst dnc into block string on block.

If chun is rushing you down. Well there isn’t much you can do. Wait until the situation resets and read your opponent as best as you can.

It’s a pretty bad match-up, but it’s not unwinnable.

Edit: becareful if chun has u1 available. your usual oil-up setups may not work in most cases, usually, the rule is to use light oil in instances where heavy oil would be safe, and don’t oil up at all in instances in which light oil would be safe. if the chun knows what she’s doing, she can easily reversal you with u1 when she still sees you oiling up while she is getting up.

First time poster here, and I got some bad news.

I was fighting an Abel today when he focused attacked and I did Hakan’s U1 and it wiffed. I then tried to replicate it in training and I was successful. What happens is that when Abel is charging his focus he starts to duck. In his lowest point of his focus attack right before he strikes, the U1 will wiff and Hakan gets hit. I have no idea why this happens.

Since there is no Q&A thread I’ll just ask here:

I’m interested in learning Hakan but have no idea on how to aproach him. Does nayone have some starting tips and advice on basic shenanigans that should be learned asap when learning Hakan? He seems very underrated, and I was fascinated by the daigo vs hakan fight that’s on youtube at the moment.

I just want to get some basic tips on hakan and some basic tricks/shenanigans I ought to know. I don’t mind a challenge as I used to main Gen during the whole time vanilla was out but I’m still soulsearching a new main and Viper is little bit too random/advanced for me to be honest.

First, your better off learning what type of character Hakan is:

Hakan is a high risk unorthodox grappler. His strength lies in his mixup when the opponent is knocked down, as all of his knockdowns are untechable. He relies on various setups that take advantage of these untechable knockdows. Most of these setups involve a large amount of risk, if your opponent guesses right and your setups fail, you will eat a huge combo as the setups are fairly punishable. Another strength lies in his normals. Many of his normals have excellent range and damage, especially standing fierce, towards fierce, towards roundhouse, and towards strong. Utilizing his long range command normals in an effective manner requires the player to know which characters (and which players) are capable of punishing them, as they have slow recovery times.

While Hakan has these strengths, he has several flaws that limit his ability to achieve victory. The biggest of these flaws is his difficulty escaping situations in which he is under extreme pressure. Ex Oil Rocket is pretty much Hakan’s only reversal that can get him out of these situations, however the range of the command grab while un-oiled is horrendous. Both his Ultra Combos can help in these situations, as Oil Combination Hold will catch anything from the air, and Oil Coaster has the range and quick-startup to punish many specials on block otherwise unpunishable while un-oiled. While oiled, however, Hakan becomes somewhat of a threat. This leads to another big flaw that Hakan has: he must oil up to actually be scary. If you every want to convince your opponent to jump, you either have to be very close to him, or you have to be oiled up. Oiling up gives Hakan several benefits, generally, oiling up increases his durability, his range, as well as his damage. As all of Hakan’s knockdowns are untechable, this gives Hakan an ample amount of opportunities to oil up, however it is usually at the expense of the opportunity of keeping your opponent under pressure. Also, knockdowns are not always in abundance, and in many situations you will have decide whether or not to oil up at the expense of some health.

Hakan is a high-risk, unorthodox grappler that requires a patient player that can make smart and quick decisions. He does well against predictable opponents who follow patterns and who are either unable to adapt quickly to his tricks or just simply do not understand how they work. A knowledgeable opponent is Hakan’s worst nightmare, once his setups are figured out his oki game becomes hindered somewhat. Hakan is a character that does not rely and big damaging hitconfirms or quick blockstrings, he is a character that relies on smart decision making, risk taking, and a whole lot of luck.

Check the stickied threads if you want to learn more specific things about Hakan. The Japanese Strategy Thread contains a large list of Hakan’s uncrouchable DDT setups as well as his safe slide setups. Memorize every single one of those setups, as well as the character specific ones. The other threads are largely unorganized so you’ll have to browse through them, but there’s good bits of information here and there.

Good luck

Excuse me, but what does DDT stand for, I assume oil dive?

What interests me the most is that he is a grappler but indeed has a whole new level of interesting stuff and techniques (I read some stuff on dash normal cancels, and crisco) which give him sort of an advanced character feel that I always like.

Thanks for your post, I’ll read up on the japanese strat thread.

DDT is his Oil Dive, it comes from Alex’s command grab from Third Strike called the DDT. Hakan’s Oil Dive is not an actual wrestling “DDT” but it’s just called that because both Alex’s DDT and Hakan’s Oil Dive share the same property that they only grab standing opponents.

Last question for now, sorry to be such a bother aha!

What is his best anti-air when he is grounded, people jump in for free atm.