against Fei-Long c.HK couse most of his jumpins to wiff thats specialy nice becouse you can imidatly grab him while landing
Vs rufus matchup is a bit difficult, especially with a continuous dive kick spammers…the only way for me is a back dash (oiled) and counter with a air mp, but it is risky Against boxer i noticed most of the players are annoying turtles, just crouching and spamming lp all the time and waiting you to connect their buffalo headbutt with super or ultra so i use to play with a lot of feint! but another risky tactic.
Dunno if this is the right place to post this…Thought you guys might be interested, we’re having a New characters only tourney (PSN) tomorrow:
Hope to see some of you there :tup:
f. lp will stuff close dive kicks ( low ) and st. hp stuffs high ones. Hes not that bad, i still need to play a very solid rufus but its hard to find one around the chi.
I think vs Rufus is a pretty even match. Hakan’s air grabs, air normals (j.MP juggle please), U2, and DNC, make dive kick spam a pretty worthless as well as risky strategy. Any forward or back throw could get you free HK oil since Rufus’s longest range punish is c.HP. even then it’s not fast, and it’s possible Hakan’s throws put Rufus out of range for that.
Hakan’s oily Oki can be just as strong as Rufus’, if not stronger.
Rufus will triangle all of his divekicks or use them as crossups. the only thing that saves this matchup from being 7-3 rufus imo is f. lp beats out dive kicks, Also your normals are much better then his, you can actually pressure him by throwing out pokes since he doesnt have a ton of ways to deal with your poking game outside of EX messiah kick. Cr. hp is hakans worst enemy in this matchup since its a really nasty spacing tool and rufus’ that know the matchup are not going to be rushing down hakan the whole time.
Hmmm. Well, I came back from that “leveling up session” I mentioned in my last post. I did learn a thing or two, but I also learned that I suck against Dudley.
'Course, the Dudley player I was playing with is the #1 Dudley on XBL, so that didn’t help matters. In every game, I found myself getting forced into the corner on the receiving end of Dudley pressure and 50/50 mindgames. Arrrgh, it sucked. I did decently playing footsies, but it eventually led to me in the corner getting raped in the ass. I suck, but that’s another matter. Hopefully I can get some matches recorded via XBL just to show you folks what I mean.
Any tips vs Dudley in the meantime, folks?
Nah man, I secondary’d Rufus at one point. I’ve never done it, but I can tell that c.HP from Rufus would have nothing on Hakan’s DNC f.HK. Rufus isn’t that good at zoning. His footsies, aside from s.LK and c.LP are all pretty slow. He needs dives to stay threatening. But when Hakan is oiled, he can just focus a dive, then DNC for punish. Triangle dive or not, after any dash, Hakan will auto-correct with advantage.
Also it’s probably well worth going air to air against Rufus’ dives because you can throw him, you can juggle him, and you aren’t in danger of a dive combo. Rufus’ j.HK is still a threat, but just as much as Hakan’s j.MP.
Rufus vs Hakan is far from 7-3.
A question: against a dhalsim who teleports behind you spamming mid air fierce punch? i tried to counter with different normals but they didn’t work. So which is the best solution? just wait?
Keep teching throws and blocking until the Boxer fucks up.
Or if you have meter, use 360+PP.
That’s pretty much the only suggestion I can think of, Boxer is stupid hard.
you know, as long as you’re oiled, you don’t even need EX Rocket. Oiled Rocket makes any block string that doesn’t give frame advantage unsafe. I imagine if Balrog were to do that little jab and step technique, you could buffer Rocket in block stun and catch him when he walks toward you.
Any tips on how to beat cody?
Play it safe until you get a knockdown. Keep blocking and teching throws, and continue to look for an opening. You can anti-air him as well, but overall just play this one safe as Cody can fuck you up hard.
When you get a knockdown, its a big breather. Cody’s wakeup is garbage and is only decent with EX Zonk (which by the way is highly punishable on block). Wreck his wakeup with j.rh > DDT, tick into rocket, etc. If its a slide, lk oil to rocket also works well.
Just use all of your oki options, really. Cody is especially hurt by them.
If he has EX, don’t forget about EX Zonk; it can hurt. Bait it out, punish with slide, start it all over.
how excactly do you guys teching throws with Hakan his jab/short is damn slow and usaly the enemy use a WEAK blockstring into Throw so if im hammering a crouching techthrow instead of hitting him with my c.LK i get hit by his weak string and comboed into something nasty so i need to sit it out and then i get thrown…
Well, to tech more efficiently (and I still need to work on this too), is to not mash the option select tech. That’ll get you thrown because of the startup on What I do is press in time with the blockstring, that usually gets the tech for me.
Alternatively, you can also plink the throw tech by press jab and short and then immediately press jab+short+strong. That gives you I believe 2 more frames on your tech window (itmay be only 1, not sure).
yeah thats what i do but i got often hit from a blockstring with 1 framehole where the enemy decide if they throw or execute the string into something nasty… so its a 50/50 and the blinking give 1 more frame but in disadvantage it will optionselect with a c.MP with more startup so its not as good as a usual blink
I’m starting to think that Claw isn’t nearly as bad of a match up as I thought it was. After finally throwing in coward crouching on wall dives, he doesn’t seem as bad. If oiled, you can punish his wall dives pretty easily with CC > SPD. His poke game is really all you have to watch out for, and if you use your normals, U1, and SPD intelligently, it becomes a lot riskier for him to try and out-space you all day. His wake up seems pretty easy to take advantage of too.
Yesterday i fought a good rufus (good in spamming dive kicks and messiah kick): he was able to perform a dive kick into another dive kick at the begginning of a jump: an incredible pressure hard to avoid. i tried to perform a spd but it did not work, f lp and it never clearly stopped the dive (my fault?), back dash works sometimes (only oiled)…then dive kick mixed with thick throws, special moves and dive kick…terrible pain!
Claw’s wake up is not dangerous with f Hk you’ll crush his legs without too problems. With U2 most of good Claws begin to do a lot of “faint” izuna drop/barcelona attack. So the problem it is his poke game and thick throw game (scarlet terror - throw).
hey there all, dont normally post here but thought id just post wat i found when mucking around with hakan.
maybe it was already posted before or u guys already know but i like to use the varying oil ups to bait attacks.
eg: vsing my friend’s juri i would do lk oil and he would try to punish with the dive kick, which i could block and then punish with an oiled light SPD, which allows you to then use mk/hk oil and be properly oiled up.
or if i would do lk oil some ppl would wanna jump in on me, so then id recover and activate ultra 2.
once they opponent is wary of this, you can proceed to every now and then just do mk/hk oil on the spot and they wont try punish, since they may think its another lk oil. meaning u get to oil up without being smacked.
just an idea i thought hakan players can play around with.
hope its not some repost of something.
thats something i mostly use in a certain situation–> Fullscreen LK-OIL it baits Fireballs like hell! then EX-Slide+BB