The Hakan General Discussion Thread

you have to block all that shit, one hit off of a dive kick and you eat a huge combo. Sometimes it’s just best to take the throw. There’s no clear way to stop divekick pressure as it is pretty situational. You definitely cannot SPD after blocked divekick, Rufus is pretty safe after it. The whole gameplan against Rufus is to not allow him to get in the position to start his divekick pressure in the first place. Divekicks destroy option selects, if you guess wrong on when Rufus is going to grab you then it’s a potential counterhit and you eat big damage. You just have to have a feel of when your opponent will grab you.

Feeling is not enough. it’s really best to try watching for it. Say a Rufus never throws you and he lays on dive kicks like it’s some kind of infinite. Feeling when he might throw could prove to just as well allow dive kicks to be infinites. It might even be a good idea to jump forward after a dive+ s.LK on block. Unless they have the 1 frame link combo/frame trap into s.HP down, you can’t just let Rufus treat you like you’re planted.

Other ways to deal with divekick pressure are ex slide fa back dash and cr. mp o-s throw tech (ie cr mp+lp+lk).

You’re right Metro, my suggestion was assuming that the Rufus players has the combo down. I’m just used to my opponents having the capability of performing that combo.

While I might not be used to opponents having that combo down, I block enough where they opt to do repeat dive + throw crap instead of going for chip + positioning. Rufus’ forward throw does more damage than chip HP Tornado and puts us further in the corner too, so maybe it’s smarter to go for that mix-up if the Rufus player underestimates our reactions. Given the fact that I only play online kind of makes the strategy imbalanced when one always considers lag the worser enemy.

I’ll try to do the ex slide to counter dive kicks but time is strict! Anyway i fought 2 rufus and both were capable to perform the infinite dive kick loop mixing throws, combos and place at the proper time a nice combo with ultra; unfortunatly, even if his damage is nerfed, any combo is painful and put him in a fovourite position to continue is pressure!

Neutraljumping “Knee” should help here to if i remember right

Does standing HP work?

i think the frames take too long for hp.

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Usually it’s a good idea against Rufus to option tech a normal that will hit divekicks, after blocking a divekick.

With Gouken I believe it was crouching MK+LK+LP. If he throws you tech, if he dives again, you anti-air him with low MK.

Does Hakan have anything like this?

Yeah better to let UltraDavid say it.

^ Could you also plink a F+LP~LK? Does that work against throws?

EDIT: I shouldn’t post while drunk anymore… that’s obviously a kara-throw. lol

Last days i didn’t have a lot of fun playing ssf4. It is the reign of sir Boring Turtle. It is annoying…i think most of you are bored against: bison, guile, cody, honda…
Cody in particular is a terrible match up (for me):

  1. all the time he is ducking and sometimes spd whiff him
  2. his pokes are a lot better than hakan’s pokes
  3. his normals are good anti air and can stop all your jumping
  4. very hard to punish when he is spamming his “tornado”
  5. air attack vs air attack is in favour of him
  6. terrible and not always clear cross up (is it in front of me or behind?)
  7. when he is jumping in front of you (vetical) - j. HP, it is ultra hard to punish him clearly…
    Dear guys some suggestions?

P.s. about spd? why sometimes it whiff a crouching character even if he is really close? that is not good!

Last days i didn’t have a lot of fun playing ssf4. It is the reign of sir Boring Turtle. It is annoying…i think most of you are bored against: bison, guile, cody, honda…
Cody in particular is a terrible match up (for me):

  1. all the time he is ducking and sometimes spd whiff him
  2. his pokes are a lot better than hakan’s pokes
  3. his normals are good anti air and can stop all your jumping
  4. very hard to punish when he is spamming his “tornado”
  5. air attack vs air attack is in favour of him
  6. terrible and not always clear cross up (is it in front of me or behind?)
  7. when he is jumping in front of you (vetical) - j. HP, it is ultra hard to punish him clearly…
    Dear guys some suggestions?

P.s. about spd? why sometimes it whiff a crouching character even if he is really close? that is not good!

Quick question is there anything that Hakan can do when Rufus has the lead and decides to turtle up?

I ran into this tactic a lot lately Rufus players realize that they don’t have to take any risk attacking and sit back controlling space with cr.fierce, that completely shuns Hakan at this point. The only thing that works and that’s if Rufus becomes predictable with his pokes is to oil up and advance while focus.

Guile is another problem…

cr. hp is so SLOW in recevery i would not be suprised if you can focus it and still hit him with F+MP from almost fullscreen… and even when not oil up focus DNC into c.HP should hit him while he recover

Are you using u1 or u2? U2 has very little comeback potential, which is one of the reasons I tend to prefer u1.

In the end I think it works out better if you pick U2, but not necessarily use it. It would be the only think working as a deterrent to keep the opponent from continually crossing you up.

Hakan cannot non-oil 360 Abel’s focus.

Yeah I’m using ultra 2 at the moment, guess i should switch it up and learn how to use ultra 1.