The Hakan General Discussion Thread

Hey guys, how exactly do you punish blanka balls? maybe I was just late in my timing but i faced the same blanka yesterday and couldn’t beat his ball with slide.

BTW for Guile though I don’t have a solid strategy or anything but lately I’ve been trying to beat turtlers with the roundhouse(crouch heavy kick). It doesn’t always work(I guess timing, again?) with Guile but yours has better range than his. Ryu is meh in this situation still not sure what to do there

edit: almost forgot, for Juri her Devilkicks can be stuffed with j.medium punch as long as it’s not ex(haven’t had much experience with trying to beat ex though) so you control the air more or less

Slide definitely punishes balls pretty solid. Maybe try to block standing…

If someone’s just adamant about trying to turtle against you and they can’t punish you from full-screen for relatively decent damage, then just oil up with MK or RK; hell, if it’s Guile, I’d honestly just EX Oil since he’ll likely try to throw a Sonic Boom, an EX one if he has meter and unless it’s a jab Sonic Boom, I’m pretty sure it will just pass through you most of the time. Once/if they start catching on and trying to punish you, then mix it up with the LK Oil and start anti-airing their asses; you’ve already stopped them from turtling regardless.

Outside of that, don’t use c. RH. It’s decent, but f. RH is so much better. In general, Hakan’s command normals are pretty good.

It’s they’re really turtling, then oil and just walk up 360+P them since it has absurd range when oiled. When I’ve been using Hakan (off and on like everyone else I’ve touched thus far), I haven’t found Guile especially problematic, surprisingly. It’s all about baiting Flash Kicks, staying oil’d up and trying to anticipate Sonic Booms.

I would definitely not recommend EX Oil vs Guile because the recovery on his Booms is so quick no matter which version he uses, he can and will simply walk up to you and get a free combo.

I thought it was only the jab one that he could combo off soon? I guess I’ve faced some really turtle-y Guiles then because the ones have thrown EXs haven’t recovered in time to hit me and they tend to stay back for some reason.


Yeah, EX Oil is a risk, I’ll admit, but if they’re being overly defensive, then I don’t see a reason not to do it, if only once.

EX Oil shower lasts more than 250 frames, recovery on almost every boom version is close to instant. Sure if the Guile you’re playing has no clue about Hakan at all you might get away with it, otherwise I would definitely not even try. You could easily eat a combo into flash kick (or worse), not get the full ex oil animation and lose even more oil while you’re knocked down.

I thought you got full ex oil as long as you got through a certain amount of the starting animations just like all the other animations.

Otherwise, we’re agreed since a good Guile likely won’t just be turtling anyway unless he was close to dead and then has to be pretty careful about throwing out Sonic Booms anyway if you have meter.

Now that we’re talking about it, do both EX Oil and EX Slide go through Sonic Hurricane? It seems like they both should.

That’s true, but Guile can literally walk up to you after a Sonic Boom and punch you in the face while the animation is still happening.

I haven’t tested either myself but I’m fairly sure that they both beat Sonic Hurricane. I would make sure to use Oiled EX Slide though since the unoiled might just recover right into the hurricane.

as long as you have EX stock, do LK Oil after a blocked or dodged boom (In case he doesn’t throw another, and isn’t in your face, you’ll be recovered to deal with pokes). And if he throws another boom at you, you might be recovered, but what’s most important is that EX Slide shuts down fireball possibilities when oiled. If I can react to LP Booms to catch him during the start-up and recovery, then anybody can get caught.

Yeah, I tend to just save my meter for EX Slides with Hakan if I use it at all. I tend not to use EX meter in general, though.

Yeah, I hate that. You get half way under the projectile and then it hits the back of your legs. :bluu:

Getting better vs. Guile matchup I’m spamming lp oil slide alot and its working , try to get about halfscreen or 1/3 screen away

What the hell do you do vs Boxer cr. jab spam? I was just going at it with a friend and it was pretty much 50/50 but his jabs were the one thing I couldnt really beat up on.
And I never focused much before Hakan, is it normal to land a FA1 unoiled and STILL get hit with cr jabs? Its not safe on hit?
I tried empty jumps to U1 and jabs often beat me. Ive had boxer do U1 point blank and Id counter with 720, and get hit.
Also whats with back dashing? When I see others do it to me or in videos, theyre immune to whatever was coming at them. Me, I eat everything.

boxers fucking absurd for hakan, his pressure is very hard to break unless your oiled. I guess just get creative looking for a knockdown and then oil up and try to stay oiled.

Am i the only one who has NO issues with boxer? Anytime he dash punches i U1 or Super with Lk (or whichever one gives invulnerability to hits) Otherwise i punish with the mk slide combo. I may just be lucking out against scrubby boxers or something. Even unoiled fp seems to beat out his jabs.

Updates have been a little slow lately, so forgive me. I haven’t had a whole lotta time to play Super lately, and it doesn’t help that most of my online matches are against the only characters that I’ve updated.

I will be going to a “level up” session later on in the week to learn some more SSF4 tips and tricks with the best player in my state, so I should hopefully be able to update the matchups more.

Against Rufus (close Divekicks) and Dictators repead used scissors F+LP it stuffs them clean maybe mp works against rufus too but i didnt sucess with testing…

prepare to get your cherry popped

your just playing shitty boxers which is evident by the “blocked rush punches”. no boxer is going to throw jabs when hes out of range up close you have to eat his jabs when drykan.

Yeah. Balrog is an incredibly difficult matchup for Hakan; and I even second the sorry bastard.

I do know that s.fp is pretty good in the matchup, however.

Also, I demand a Hakan mainer stream one of these days.

against akuma you can hp slide all air fireballs and either catch him with slide if its a nuetral jump or you if he jumps back from beyond mid screen you can catch him landing with a cr. mk xx hp slide.