The Hakan General Discussion Thread

Any tips vs. guile yet?

Turtle, use U1, use EX slides whether you’re oiled or not (learn the dry version!), use guard position when he’s full screen (except on slow booms), don’t be afraid to block sonic booms, crouch tech OS, get a life lead, turtle more, don’t jump much, don’t use EX oil up, slide if he jumps at or over you, don’t concentrate much on staying oiled up… most importantly, BE PATIENT!!

i need desperatly need tips against hondas spamming SumoSmash (the butbomp)… they keep spamming and hitting me even after block it seems save against throws and all normals i hafe i got shipped to death…

Sumo Splash Light Kick HLH 80100 100150 3030*20 - 14 7(14)6 18 -2 D 1~12f invincible, 2nd hit(???), cannot fast recover, charge 55f

Sumo Splash Medium Kick HLH 90110 100150 3030*20 - 14 7(14)9 18 -2 D 1~13f invincible, 2nd hit(???), cannot fast recover, charge 55f

Sumo Splash Hard Kick HLH 100120 100150 3030*20 - 14 7(14)15 18 -3 D 1~12f invincible, 2nd hit(???), cannot fast recover, charge 55f

Sumo Splash EX HLH 10080 100*100 -250/0 - 9 6(14)12 18 -2 D 1~9f invincible, 2nd hit(???), cannot fast recover, charge 55f

I was trying out coward crouch against Honda, and it seems to be a fairly good thing to use against Honda’s specials. It avoids the headbutt, and it avoids the second part(aka the butt slam) of sumo smash. It even avoids Ultra 1! You CAN use coward crouch if you block the first part of a sumo smash to avoid the second part, but the timing’s fairly difficult, particularly for the LK version of sumo smash. If you successfully avoid the second part of a blocked sumo smash, I believe you can immediately rise up(press down upon using the coward crouch), and punish with either jab/throw/oil rocket. I didn’t have enough time to test this out, but this is what I believe will work against Honda.

I was playing a Honda named BigHawk97 or something, and since I play a bit of Honda myself, I tried some things to adapt to buttslams:

jump back instant air throw. If you do it too early, j.LK comes out which has good active frames and priority anyway.

Backdash when you see his follow-up coming. Then you could stick out a poke, or Oil rocket when oiled.

Focus when you see his follow-up coming. This would be best when you’re oiled, and if you focus with proper timing, so Honda doesn’t end up behind you. I don’t think you’d be able to get a Lvl2 in time, so it might be best for DNC/reset.

Block the follow-up, and grab him. Not sure if oil rocket would work unoiled, but even a normal grab would be good for positioning and to get some oil.

Finally you could U2 the buttslams. If a Honda player was doing them while you have U2, then he’s just trying to take advantage of you

since this tip obiously dont work i would like to ask if you seriously tested your tips or if they are just wild guesses?
(frameadvantage is to les and he got invincbal for throwas as soon as the 2. butslam went out)

I understand your frustration. Honda is a pain. The best advice I can give you is to try to read your opponent as best as you can in order to anticipate the buttslam and then get into the habit of properly timing your FADC’s to punish. This may be your best option when unoiled, when oiled it’s pretty simple, just block and oil rocket. This is a matchup I dread, not necessarily due to the fact that it’s not winnable (it is very much so) but because it always turns out to be such a grind.

YOU CAN NOT BLOCK AND THROW!!! sorry thats more frustrating then the matchup itself i write its impossible

butslam ONE block / block -2 Frames
Reversal Throw STARTUP 3 FRAMES
Reversal Butslam starts 1 Frame EARLYER then Throw=invincible = HIT!

Oiled its OK Focus DNC firce punsh but unoiled its almost impossible to leav the trap coward crouch may help or maybe some of the other tips above BUT SINCE HE MENTIONED althou THROW im not sure if the TIPS are TESTED or WILD GUESSED!

oily back dash seems to get out of everything.

And u2 works wonders.

I got beat by my first El Fuerte today.

The other ones didn’t live long enough to see Turkey, cause they were relying too much on body splash and flying throw, which you can just coward crouch.

Now, a good Fuerte that mixes the running kicks in his game is trickier, but getting interesting :slight_smile:

Yeah you can. you just need to be oiled and use it as a reversal. If all else fails just mash down and 3K

I’m not sure if ALL versions of buttsmash can be punished by Reversal SPD but at least one of the 4 versions can, that’s for sure.

Also, guys. is godly. It ticks amazingly well, especially on wake up. I’ve been messing with it a lot. Suffice to say, I love it.

Not to mention it stuffs a LOT of stuff.


I’m slowly getting a better instinctive hang of all his normals, and I end up thinking nearly all of them are godly. We should really put more about them down on paper.

Im trying to do testing on all of his normals in all matchups… its taking awhile and since i dont have someone to test with i have to rely on the record feature in training which sucks.

In general though his normals are scarier then his throws and his mixups. All of them are really useful and he feels like vega almost just with alot more fun coming off of his normals.

if just tryed coward crouch against sumosmath and it is not usable it requieres a strikt timing and favours honda in every way even with good exceution

suggestions against reversal sumo smash users (only the HK is throawable oiled!!!)

you have to bait it out, go in training mode and figure out the spacing for each. when buttslam whiffs it’s pretty punishable, i would suggest punishing it with low forward slide. Of course, you could jump back strong as well as air grab Honda out of it. But it’s something you definitely need to work at in training mode.

im talking about a blocked butslam followed up by a 2. reversaltimed butslam and a 3. and so on

the only reliable but BAD ANSWER is a f+MP(it stuffs the butslamm but is highly punishable on block and lose to ochio)

If you block the 2nd hit of buttslam, I don’t think there’s much you can do to punish it except for U1. If you don’t have U1, he’s going to be able to do another one if he wants. If you know he’s going to do another one, you can hit him on the way up with delayed s.HP, or you can just mash F+HP or even 360+LK to hit him. You can even do fancy stuff like absorb the first hit with focus and then dash underneath before he comes down (and then airthrow! lol). U2 also eats up repeated buttslams, but I know we can’t have ultra all the time.

One thing to remember is that if you are crouch blocking, the only buttslam that can hit you on the way up is LK-buttslam. If you DO happen to crouch-block the first hit of LK-buttslam, STAY CROUCHING, and you can make the 2nd hit whiff for a free combo. If you stand up, might have to stand block the buttslam as it comes down, and I don’t think you can punish a 2-blocked hit LK-buttslum with anything, not even U1 sometimes… it’s extra safe.

So I guess the ideal (safest) thing to do after blocking a buttslam, would be just to simply crouch block. If he does another buttslam, and it you block it as it’s going up, you KNOW it’s a LK-buttslam, so you can keep crouching for a free combo. If it whiffs instead, you should at least be able to do a quick LV1 focus as he is coming down. If oiled you could turn this into a combo… if not, backdash? :stuck_out_tongue: It’s damage at least and stops him from doing repeated buttslams.

I don’t think Honda can punish lvl1 focus > backdash with anything except fierce HHS… it would suck if he canceled into super though. lol

the only reliable answer is to not put yourself in the situation in the first place