I’m curious what some of you guys like to do with Hakan’s meter. I find I run the bar all the way to super often, but I don’t really like his super, and I’m terrible at landing it. Absolutely terrible! lol… Any EX-esque suggestions? Or do you think I should use it for slide FADCs?
I learned today that slide provides terrible blockstun. I jabbed Jarekov after his FADC slide all times he used it. Sure he got close to me, but I interrupted whatever he had planned.
Seems if you’re going to focus cancel it, it might actually work if you use the focus attack, and in the best conditions, DNC. Maybe you can counter-hit that jab attempt and go directly for rocket.
You should abuse the fact that Hakan is a meter building monster.
I think slide fadc dnc to low shorts is a true blockstring, if you dnc fast enough you can’t mash srk out of it. I don’t know exactly but I’ll test it out later.
Ex Oil Rocket does a crapton of damage. If you have meter, and oil, you’re opponent should definitely be scared of EX Oil Rocket.
Also use that EX Oil Rocket to get your opponent off of you, of course, don’t get too predictable with your mashing.
You could use it for super as well, Hakan has a great super.
Ex Oil is amazing as well, it nets you a crapton of oil, of course, use it wisely.
Meter is also great for punishing people with, if you’re oiled up crisco away at whiffed srks or baited grabs. You can do a crapton of damage.
Don’t be afraid to burn meter with Hakan. As long as you’ve got the momentum you’ll be building so much meter that you won’t know what to do with it.
I guess it depends. Usually if I FADC forward with it I just go for oil rocket. I agree it’s not safe though, the block stun is garbo. It seems to work on a lot of the blokes online but I think dashing backwards is the smarter choice. I can’t shake the feeling it’s usually a waste of meter though heh! I wish you could plink jab with focus attack and it would option select, but focus attack has input priority on body splash it seems. Against fireball opponents I use EX slides often, but non-fireballers I haven’t found what i like best yet. I might start using EX oil rockets more… I’m still anti-EX oil up.
for the meter there is just one plain good answer
Grappler–> EX-DDT
and then EX-Oilrocket only when neccesary becouse of invul frames
its damn hard to use the Super right the hitbox is just strange like every DDT but after learning to use it against jumpaways and backdashs on reaktion or jumpins (lk) its realy great
I think Oil Slide > Body Press > LK Oil puts you at -1 to -2 when done right, if against something without a good reversal who’s likely to spam jabs when they see you do an LK Oil, you might be able to catch them with an EX Oil Rocket, what you think?
I too find myself with Super a lot but it does make for a pretty good counter if you can predict something with it. Or if you land a Focus crumple that’s a free Super right there
thanks IDIOTS like you how think instead of test it this myth from a -frames on lk oil is still spreading its completly and 100% save a reversal SPD from zangief or shoryuken from ryu would else HIT! and afer my tests THEY DID NOT!! goddamn
last time and then every stupid idiot can post its unsave without comment ITS COMPLETLY SAVE against some of the best reversals tested and if there is a unsave on PROVE IT!!
Wow what’s with all the aggression?
For a start I said “I think”, so I’m not confirming it as hard facts. Secondly I did my own testing and couldn’t get out the way of reversal SPD. Finally I only remember you saying it being safe from reversal DPs.
Also, I did say “-1 to -2”, -1 would be safe from reversal SPD. Who looks like the idiot now? Jeez.
I actually do that quite a bit, especially against players who’ve shown they tend to wake up and block or characters who have crappy reversals. For instance, EX SPD grabbed Juri out of her EX Pinwheel twice in a row for me in a match just now. This is also nice because EX SPD sets up for whiffed f+HK to close distance, then 360+LK to grab them on their wakeup during the frame where they’re considered standing. It’s a fun gimmick.
Edit: Obviously, if you expect a reversal you can’t EX SPD or a jump to escape the EX SPD, act accordingly and try to put them right back in the same guessing game.
well your right its unsave ^^
I also did some testing yesterday to practice my timing for the lk oil after the slide followup, and I would probably guess that its -2. I probably don’t have perfect timing, but I wasn’t able to get away from t.hawk’s reversal grabs. However, i have never been normal grabbed, or been unable to block a reversal attempt, so i would guess -2.
I just learned that you can punish blanka balls with hp-slide, and if you’re oiled you can punish them on HIT with EX-slide. Upballs can be punished on hit and block with HP-slide, oiled or not.
I have also punished a ball with oiled f+MP into slide, but it’s not as easy, seems tricky? I don’t know about upballs, but they should be easier, right?
I’ve definitely been able to backdash to avoid T.Hawk’s SPD after Oil Slide + Press, LK Oil.
Dude, I’ve had HP Slide flat-out beat an incoming straight ball. I almost wanna say the match up is 6-4 Hakan.
yeah hakan owns blanka, he has so many tools to fuck him over, U2 works of horizontal and rainbow ball. Slide is easy as shit to punish with and your normals shit all over his.
Seriously hakans normals are like a few leagues ahead of blanka.
First of all, this thread needs to be stickied just like the other characters.
Or maybe it should be remaded by someone who can update it consistently.
I also think the match-up for Blanka is 6-4.
He can punish Blanka Balls with slides.
Plus his normals causes blanka trouble.
U1 limits his rush game but obviously U2 is the way to go.
U2 extremely limits him.
AS for Ibuki, yea that match-up is pretty rough.
My suggestion is to keep her back with your normals.
Zone her out. J.MP, f+HK are decent here.
Obviously you want to go with U2 for your get out of vortex card.
Ibuki without Vortex limits her mix-up damage.
Also slide/EX slide can punish Shuriken attempts.
Also Shurikens from far away are free Oil-ups I Believe.
Even if they hit while you oiling up, they don’t do that much damage and you get Oiled Up.
Be careful oiling up as EX neckbreaker is fast.
Ibuki’s normals lack range compared to Hakan from what I am seeing especially when he is OILED.
I do play Hakan for fun. I don’t main him though. I am decent with him.
Okay those Claw players totaly mindfuck me…
- the Specials they come out to fast to block (the exone)
- i dont know in which direktion i need to block they can control it for left or right
- then they hafe a stupid kick which allow a tickthrow setup i tryed to tech the throw or reversal spd both DONT WORK…
- they backflip on almost everythig and i dont know what to do ddt dont catch them they just flip again
- the claw pushs me to faar away to get in
- all normals seem to suck against him…
I do this often actually. I’ve had some success using oil dive after the lk oil also, but I don’t think it’s fast enough to catch wake up standing frames, it just works when they try a crappy reversal or back dash I think.
Yea Claw is pretty rough for Hakan. Claw’s cr. mp is really good against him.
Backflips can be baited and punish accordingly You have to be aware which version they doing or you are screwed.
F+HK, Slide, and maybe an oiled grab can punish it. He is vulnerable after he flips for a little bit.
Oiling up can be difficult too as Claw has EX Wall dive to punish that.
The Claw dives takes some practice blocking but it is tricky.
Also if you see the opportunity go for a j. MP to Slide when he does Wall dive.
I haven’t played this match-up much but I used to use Claw.
yeah vega is brutal, learning to properly block the Flying Barcelona attack is key since you can punish it with slide every time. His flips are easy to punish and alot of vega tactics are gimmicky… look out for corpse hops and be on your toes when waking up since vegas can put out alot of damage if you block the wrong way. Another good way to deal with FBA is to oil up and use your ability to slide around while focused to fuck with his timing and spacing of his FBA.
of course a good old back dash is the best defense against FBA and it leads to a very easy slide punish, and the slide is even better when oiled up.
The main issue though is he outpokes the shit out of you on the ground and is very hard to pressure. Ideally with other characters you just want to keep him in block strings/ on defense until he drops the claw and cant outpoke you anymore.
U2 is good for the matchup since the hitbox is so massive, if he steers towards you at all you should be able to nail him with it, I really like U1 shenanigans though and the much higher damage from it is always nice.