The Good But Generally Bad Police Thread

man, sometimes black cops are the worse ones. Man, you give certain black men power, and they go ahead and abuse the shit out of other black people so they look good.

Hey, but now that I think about it. Why don’t he have some 60 minute special about niggas on PCP and how they wile out? I mean, all day yesterday they were advertising the 60 minute special on how to stop an assassin? The media definitely treats black criminals and white criminals differently.

If I saw a barrel coming out of there, I would’ve shot too.

Again, I’m with Weeks on this one.


That sounds about 10X less likely to be the truth than the cops story.


That sounds about 10X less likely to be the truth than the cops story.


Word I have seen drunk ass white dudes who rage the fuck out and cops always take them down with non lethal methods. Like c’mon now they give you all tazers ,clubs and spray you have 3 options before you get to the lethal one.

Word. I couldn’t believe people where actually taking hims eriously.

Yea, beat the shit out of them with the clubs, the fucked up rodney king’s shit with them

Uses the P Gorath Signal

Did you actually read what he said?

This is very believable and logical. Making people strip for collateral happens all the time. I got a cab ride home just a couple weeks, and when we got to my house I realized I was short on cash. So the cab driver asked me to get naked to make sure I didn’t rip him off, to which I agreed. I could have just, I don’t know, told him that he’d better wait or he’d have no chance of seeing his money, or even just let him hold my watch or something, but I got naked so he’d know I was serious about wanting to give him his money. To put him at ease.

It’s happening at restaurants, too. I went to an upscale French place, and the Maître De expressed doubts, based on how I looked, as to whether I could afford their services. “How about I get naked and you keep my clothes as collateral?” I offered, to which he responded, “Right this way, sir!” and showed me to a table.

It’s sad that the cops are so out of touch with how things work nowadays. Might have saved a man’s life if they knew that naked crazy people were really just reassuring someone in a transaction.

bear, you got me.

i paused after reading the first statement in your post to face palm, then finished reading.

good shit.

One time when I was working as a host for this lady and she said I had to strip in order to receive payment .

lol @ pepper spray. People think someone with a gun in their hands will drop their weapon and curl into a fetal position when they are met with PEPPER SPRAY? Really? No. They’ll just fire blindly (If you’re close enough to hit em with pepper spray, it’s nearly point-blank range) and walk away from your corpse coughing and wiping their eyes.

You know why I actually kinda believe this story? Because the cops didn’t just come out and say the guy grabbed the gun. It’s so easy to cover it up after the fact; get the dude’s prints on one of their weapons, and boom, self-defense, no media, no outcry, no NOTHING. Open and shut. The fact that they didn’t just do that makes me believe this story wasn’t fabricated and the guy really went after the gun. So many cops are killed by their own weapons every year, it’s practically a built-in cover-up that they didn’t use.


PCP is a dissociative and makes you numb to pain. Many times it makes you hot as hell as well which is why you see people with all of their clothes off on it. Literally Incredible Hulk shit if you have a bad experience on it(And even if you don’t go crazy it still makes you numb as hell).

Decent call by the cop, since it seems that their lives were actually threatened when he decided to reach for the gun.

I don’t see how two cops had trouble subduing one guy tbh.

He was a football player but how big was he? We’re just assuming he was a 300lb linebacker with Zangief arms.

Not sympathizing though…

You know, retreating is always an option, and just come back later.

Dude was 6 feet tall and 190 in his playing weight in college. He was also a track and field star besides being a football/basketball player. How did the cops catch up with him is the question. Maybe he was so blitzed out of his mind he was running in circles or something.

We know almost nothing about the other two officers so far except that the one who shot him was a male who had 17 months experience. The other could be a small Asian woman for all we know. lol @ equality.

lol what? Retreat and come back later? So just leave the naked, violently shouting man at 3AM in the morning on the streets and just hope everything will work itself out?


If a taser will drop a bull weighing over 2,000 pounds stiff as a board, it will drop a human. There’s a reason they have to catch people they demonstrate tasers on and that’s because it locks all your muscles up and you fall like a chopped tree without any way to brace yourself from hitting the floor. Unless we’re talking about alien beings which can redesign their nervous system on the fly, a human’s nervous system is fucked when high voltage flows into the body.If it’s a faulty taser, then all bets are off.

**Edit: ** Disagree with thread title and what we’re supposed to be lead to believe.

wtf at this pepper spray bullshit talk. some of y’all need to make friends with cops in large metropolitan areas and have them tell you all the shit they see on a daily basis. it’s not a cakewalk and it only takes one time for them to get killed or seriously injured. your ass is going to get got if your mindset is to first protect suspects from themselves.