the future

this is accurate. from what i’ve been told, a lot of japanese players don’t like SF4 very much and have migrated back to CvS2. that’s AMAZING news. :wgrin:

that would be awesome if they give us a new version of cvs2 for Online

that would fucking rule

CvS2 + GGPO = heaven

It makes me sad that this game is dying moreso than turd strike.

i don’t get why 3s is still so popular, yet a great game with tons of variety, and loads of things still to be discovered (like those anti-a teams in japan) gets put to the curb like a box full of recycleables

3s is popular because its great, kind of like st, cvs2 is also great just not as popular because the learning curve is quite high for most.

There’s a bit Tourney happening in France, Lyon for CvS2 as well as other games anyone from the states going?

Yep. It’s getting harder and harder to be motivated to play it. I think once SF4 is on consoles it’ll be non-existent.

that makes no sense. unless you know how to parry, you’ll get owned. You can’t play 3s “like ST”.

Maybe he thinks he have enough cow so no need for milk, yes?

Anyway, No matter if CVS2 has a future or not–its going to have its haters, just people who prefer anything but CVS2.

lol at ur ignorance, ask around why people dont play cvs2 they will tell u its too hard or its cheap or other shit

I highly doubt CvS2 would ever really die. Considering the fact that not many new 2D fighters are coming out anymore and the sheer quality + depth of CvS2, it’ll live on. Of course, an XBLA / PSN version with updated online would help bolster the ranks nudge nudge Capcom.

Well, there’s always CvS3. I suppose that might steal some thunder should it ever come out.

I just saw this, and I wanted to make sure that Dr.B knows I meant him no disresepect with this statement, as Daigo got owned hard by that tactic and Dr.B totally used him not countering it to his advantage. I mean I haven’t beat daigo so why would i talk shit. I imagine the LOL means Dr.B understands, but just checking.

Also with the advent of console only characters (or at least currently console only) becoming a part of SF 4 lifeblood will future cvs 2 tourney’s start allowing Orochi Iori and Evil Ryu? I know buktooth said something about them once upon a time but I don’t really recall whether he thought they were broken or not, Im thinking he said they weren’t broken. All I know is Evil Iori is funny because he has no command grab which limits some of his sick mixups, plus man do these guys take damage. So anyway, would you all want to play in a tourney with them as available characters?

I’ve always wanted to run Evil Ryu in a team. He’s hella fun. So I say I would!

O Iori is dangerous son.

Just look at his damn walk speed.

Didn’t folks play with evil characters in CvS1 in the tourney scene as I recalled?

I know it’s because they were in the arcade, but I mean I do believe those characters were never broken on CvS2 console only. Although I do remember a Shin Akuma infinite I saw that looked easy bake to pull off. Like no skill whatsoever…well like I always say you ain’t blocking good enough.

I don’t think he’s talking about Shin Akuma/ORugal. And for CvS1 the reason they weren’t banned because they were Ratio 4 only. Okay, My Evil Ryu versus like Nak/whoever.

Yeah I wasn’t included Shin Akuma, O.Rugal, O.rugal might be okay, but I don’t know much about him, I don’t know if the damage tone down is enough, Im pretty sure his teleport is full invincible on frame 1 and has no recovery… soooo yeah. Shin Akuma gets too much with dumb fireball lockdown especially against the taller characters, so I wouldn’t be talking him either, Im talking just about the two unused characters who are default on the select screen.

Maybe I’ll record a few combos with them just to show whats up.

Man And I Just Dived Into This Game…Maybe I Should Keep Going??

It would be nice to just to play E. Ryu and Iori in a serious tourney. I dont think they are broken.

though i doubt anybody is going to know enough about e.ryu to make him look good in tourney play, you probably don’t want to see e.iori

he’s… good.

anyway, with this game on life support already as it is, we probably don’t want anything that could split the community further and make tourney results even less legitimate