the future

Ive been playing around with E.Iori, I wonder what you think makes him good, not that Im saying he’s not, but more what makes him better than reg iori as I would put them around the same level, but I guess thats a different thread.

I understand the idea behind the split in the community though.

He has an amazing walking speed–seems like his normals don’t have as much recovery, he has more punishing opportunities since his rekkas actually have juggle potential. E-Iori with RC is probably damn strong. N or C. E-Iori is pretty good, despite being without command grab.

e.iori doesnt need the grab

  • link stand jab easily after ridiculous low jump rh (into rekkas, into dp if near corner, into you’re probably stunned)

  • hes so fast he gets in nearly for free. mix up run, low jump, regular jump, roll

  • he can punish tech rolls off of midscreen rekkas (or sweep, or regular throw) by running up and doing another combo

  • he walks so fast he’s pretty much always able to threaten with throw, which opens up people for low shorts


  • crazy fast run lets him punish tons of shit for big damage (tech rolls, blanka ball, etc)
  • crazy fast run/low jump/jump/farther roll lets him get in easily
  • rekkas into dp in the corner is crazy damage/stun
  • rekkas into super in the corner is also good

Ah cool. That makes sense, I somehow didn’t take into account that his run would be faster than regular iori’s as I was always messing around in C-groove.

Random notes

you can do rekka into super midscreen off of certain combos you just have to do a fp rekka than a MP rekka, lvl 2 works and lvl 3 also works.

He can do more damage off regular combos but probably can’t punish the tech roll with
combo into fp rekka, mp rekka, sweep. Does about 100 more damage.

Full Stun Combo near corner

Jump rh, Stand fp, rekka, rekka, st.fp xx dp super [1 hit] whiff 1 mp rekka, hit second rekka, DP+hp is 65 stun, add a fireball before and it stuns 70 for sure, maybe even 80?

Its cool he’s good and all, he’s still fun to fuck around with. I also noticed there isn’t an evil iori forum in the characters threads.

low jump roundhouse, link jab is nuts. you can get really far with just standard low jump rh/empty low jump short/empty low jump throw mix ups

add to that he has rc rekkas (into big potential damage), and he only needs to be about half-screen away to run after a jab fireball

just try him out in ngroove. it’s borderline broke

If people want something different maybe they should try running a tournament without Sagat/Cammy/Blanka/Bison/Sakura/Vega. There’s a whole bunch of mid-top/mid tier characters with potential in this game imo, doing a tournament without top tiers might help people see that there’s more to CvS2 than just A-are or K-CBS.

or no a groove at all.