I think that people are judging CVS2 harshly in terms of getting rid of it next Evo. CVS2 is an amazingly competitive game and I hope that people vote for it. If not, people should be prepared to organize a side tournament for CVS2.
So I’ll see you there? :woot:
In all likelihood I will be able to make that upcoming tourney, Rokiseph :lovin:
really i wanna sees groove dan chang and and king in top 8 next yr bet it:woot:
i wish Dr. B would do a s groove write up, cause i like the style, my dodge abuse just never comes at the right times
well, I beat kindevu with s-groove at evo last year, so there you go…lol
Dr. B beat daigo less with s-groove and more with roll super. Lol.
Laugh: Much respect you are a great player…we will get those money matches in next time we see each other.
Zal: I would be glad to do an S- Groove write up. I might make another advanced tactics thread
FullMetalRoss: LOL
Support the CvS2 side tourney at EVO 2009
-D R B
Boston has a small scene and a great arcade (tokyo game action). I know this game has alot more in it but the top players need to start teaching these young cats instead of making them cry with A-Bison (bad times). You know CVS2 is already very technical but people dont make it easy to learn.
There will always be a hardcore community until the next version.
anybody got season’s beatings footage?
i wanna see this steve h beating buktooth for myself, damn i wish i’d been there!
Check out the CvS2 Video thread in the Video’s section of SRK.
just wait, if CVS2 comes online through GGPo or any other means, i think the game will have a resurgence…and if not, then it doesnt matter, the game is sick. Has so many layers of complexity.
NEC, CVS2 tourney needs to be hype! gonna try my best to go
if theres something you don’t understand or wonder why someone did something to beat you or tried to hit you with it, you could always ask them after the match. Thats how I learned my mistakes and what habits to get rid of and what habits to pick up from veterans and experienced players.
I love CvS2 but the rest of the EVO community doesn’t give much for it anymore since it won’t be in next EVO :mad:
i would be interested in that. i randomly find myself thinking about cvs2 and throwing all kinds of S-groove theories around that seem viable.
I’ve been meaning to throw some S-groove stuff into a new thread for a few years now, lol. I have pages and pages of notes on strategy that I’ve made over the years on the subject. I think there are different schools of thought on S, and they might be interesting to discuss at least.
It will probably best to make another thread specifically about S Groove.
Ive currently aquired the arcade version of CvS2 in the hope that another arcade in London installs it
i can’t wait to see the CvS2 side tourney at evo
hopefully we can get some of the top 8 to take part in it
while the growth potential is limited, this game isn’t dying yet!
and yeah we need an s groove thread
even with all the new games coming out, and me playing SF4 quite a bit, CvS2 is still my favorite game, and any support i can give, i will.
Japan is “seemingly” in an upswing for CVS2. Doesn’t seem like they’ve given up on it yet–I could be wrong but I’ve seen alot more vids popping up. Some old and some new. Its sad CVS2 isn’t a main event but if it becomes a strong side tournament that would be great. It definitely needs to be recorded.
I saw some random post in the SF4 section that not a lot of japanese people are play SF4 atm. Could they have come to their senses and started playing more CvS2?
Cvs isn’t dead as of yet I mean new players are starting to get in the mix. For me cvs won’t die I like playing this game soo much. If it requires me to travel more by all means when i get the time im there to play.