I almost bought this on sale a while back. It looks great.
I wish it had a campaign of some sort though, especially with how thicc the atmosphere is and the 3D audio sound design. The graphics look great too.
I almost bought this on sale a while back. It looks great.
I wish it had a campaign of some sort though, especially with how thicc the atmosphere is and the 3D audio sound design. The graphics look great too.
Is there any interest in Crucible? It looks like a fun third person shooter. It reminds me of Paragon which is my primary reason to be interested in it.
Daikatana?..fucking perfect.
Rip and Tear may be back on the menu!!
Stupid that it’s even come to this but I’m glad the community manager and devs seem to be listening.
It is refreshing to have a company actually listen to negative feedback and care about their customer base. Color me surprised. It does show that they actually care about their image and product.
If anyone’s wondering what the new empowered demons look like, I finally had one pop in during my UN run tonight. He seemed to have more HP than a normal enemy and was pretty hard to kill.
Episode 1 down, I really do need some actual time to sink into this.
Fyi Voidpoint(ion fury dev)/eduke32 team released a beta of their shadow warrior engine port.
Holy shit nice, cheers for the link.
If anyone is looking for some GIT GUD tips for Doom Eternal:
EDIT: The following speedrunners have really helped me progress through ultra nightmare, be warned though, they make some really difficult executions look way too easy.
E2M3, This level was a bitch at the beginning, all depended on how aggressive the red ninjas and coolies were for me, that and not using explosives.
Anyone redownloaded DOOM Eternal after they patched out Kennel-level anti-cheat?
How is it running now?
Like a dream. I have only had crashes in multiplayer vs having it crash multiple times every time I play.
I don’t think this has been posted but here’s Sandy Petersen, level designer for Doom, Doom 2 and Quake, watching his son playing Doom Eternal and talking about his id days.
Def gonna scour through these vids to see what nuggets of knowledge he imparts.
I’m glad to see the remake of XIII keep the cell shading and comic aesthetic. That’s what drew me to the original game.
Speaking of which
I’ve actually never played XIII, always thought it looked cool though. Def gonna pick em up when I can.
also forgot to drop the new Civvie vid