The First Turnabout - Phoenix Wright Guide

Is there any hyper that Ace Attorney can’t beat on reaction to? I know it beats Gravity Squeeze.

Joe’s Mach speed beats it I do believe

Any super with enough invincibility frames will be able to at least avoid it. For example, X-23’s Weapon X Prime.

Does it beat the “I CAN"T CONTROL IT”? As in, assuming the Phoenix Play is holding back throughout the hyper flash and animation, will Wright be able to hit her?

Well, it only has 4 frames of invincibility, but I don’t know why you’d want to put yourself in a situation like that where you have to guess where to block on wake-up (if she doesn’t to an air TK Fireball and combo you first).

The reason I ask because I know, as long a Phoenix is not too close, Wright can hit her with the Ace Attorney before the fire burst hits him. I’m trying to figure out if Phoenix can block the Ace Attorney.

As long as the Phoenix player isn’t mashing she will be able to block it. IIRC Dark Phoenix Rising is completely invincible and has 0 frames recovery. In terms of beating other supers on reaction it all depends on how much invincibility they have. Also, by on reaction I assume you mean when you see the opponent super flash, so other supers that are 0 frames after the super flash wouldn’t work, unless you can react fast enough before the flash.

Is Gravity Squeeze not zero frames then? If I put the input in while Magnus is sayin’ “Gravity Squeeze,” the Ace Attorney will hit first. I’ve also hit right after “Dark Phoenix Rises,” although I haven’t tried it if Phoenix blocks.

Gravity Squeeze has 1 frame after the super flash.

I saw on a match a player used Maya Shield to block Dark Phoenix’s burst… I think that is noteworthy…
You could easily have Maya out, kill her while being inside Maya’s shield, and the proceed to do a full combo after that to take care of DP.

Made an account just to say - Dormammu’s Dark Dimension can beat AA… I think.

I was playing against another Wright the other day, and he was in TB with 3 bars with 20 seconds left. I had 3 characters and one of them was TB Wright, so I knew he would do raw AA.
AA came out first, DD came out right after, but DD landed from fullscreen.

Maybe DD has invincibility frames? I can’t imagine it was faster than AA. Heck, there’s that slow moving thing across the ground which is the hitbox.

Come to think of it, since AA has so little blockstun, maybe you just blocked it, didn’t notice, and then hit him.

Try doing DD first, and AA right after.

That’s the thing, it didn’t beat it out with speed - the game took the time to just let DD cross the entire screen. And I didn’t block because I was already doing the input, and the animation happened right after Wright’s face came on screen. I’ll try it out in the lab real quick.

Edit: After doing it with multiple timings, AA is faster, but if the opponent is already using DD or knows you’re going for a raw level 3, DD will always win. If they startup around the same time, DD will win. You cannot stop DD with AA at all.

But I’ve countered Dark Dimension with AA…

Are you sure? D: I did DD before AA plenty of times, fullscreen too. And I know it works in real matches because of that one TB Wright. Strange…

AA beats DD.

Just saying since I use it too like ElDom

The invincibility of DD will beat out AA’s if done on reaction. However, there’s nothing stopping the other player from simply blocking a raw DD and punishing with AA.

I was wondering, can you escape XFArthur Goddess Bracelet chip loop with the Ace Attorney? I’ve been meaning to test it, but have never gotten around to it.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean, but as long as there is a break in there it should work, or you could XF cancel during it. By Goddess Bracelet chip loop do you mean they link multiple Goddess Bracelets on block?

Well is ace attorney 0 frames of startup ? Cuz to X Factor, that takes one frame. They’ll have to be a one frame delay or from Arthur, also the block advantage from goddess bracelet might be safe if you can loop it