The First Turnabout - Phoenix Wright Guide

The Goddess Bracelet XF loop means that, once you are touched(hit or blocked), you cannot escape. Arthur can immediately go into another GB right after the precedidng gone ends, and you cannot escape. I was thinking, if you’re blocking, when during Arthur’s next GB hyper flash, you input the AA, will you beat it?

I doubt it, cuz even without X Factor his bracelet hyper loops, hard timing though,
You’re still in block stun anyway best bet is to alpha counter or what ever its called when your assist comes out. Probably deadpool can go under it with his quick work alpha.
I could be wrong, correct me if I am.

Haha or you can just mash the ace attorney motion hoping he drops the block string with an error that can work


Can someone transcribe this combo?

I’ll do it!

(Start with 1 evidence, “Hold it/Objection” Stun Meter @ 0)

j.:h:, j.:f:+:h: , :m: , :h: , :f:+:h: , :s: , j.:m: , j.:h: , j.:f:+:h: , :s: , (Plink :qcf::h: +:s: ), :s:+:m: , :d::d:+:atk::atk:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: , XFC, :d::d:+:s:, :f:+:h: (Hit Turnabout Mode) , cr.:h: , cr.:h: , j.:h: , :f:+:h: , :dp:+:h:

After looking at this video, I think the hardest parts is actually getting the evidence (which is a crapshoot), the plinking of Maya + evidence, the quick mode cancel from the last evidence grab, and correct positioning of the final “Break the Witness” attack.

Skipping the evidence gather parts, this is basically a kill combo.

Aside from the risk, this is actually quite viable for use in a match.

Yeah. Now the question becomes what do you do if you don’t get good evidence? I’d probably just not XFC the OitC.

Also, Mode change is :d::d:+:s:, not :atk::atk:.

Now, I was thinking, if you started with two pieces of evidence, could you, instead of double evidence collecting while Maya OTGs into Order, instead collected one evidence, mode changed into Bridge to the Turnabout.

Something I’d like to add to the Hawkeye match-up:


But srsly, if you want to win the match, kill Hawkeye first with a different character, no questions asked. Nick vs Clint is just as bad as Q vs Makoto in 3S, Cammy vs Honda in ST, etc. If you see Hawkeye ANYWHERE on the other team and you start with Nick on point, switch your team order at the versus portrait and make it a point to kill him first. Snap him in if you have to. Pop Level 1 X-Factor. Use all of your meter. Rig the other player’s controller. Whatever you have to do! Just make sure it never comes to Phoenix Wright vs Hawkeye.

Is it obvious how salty I am? >_>;

Idk what you are smoking, but Wright does well against Hawkeye, Maya shield>Hawkeye. I guess Wright may have trouble against X Factor Hawkeye

Try playing Haggar vs Hawkeye…it SUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSsss. Need to get back on to umvc3 got bored of it after fighting team zero may cry the 1,000,000th time >.>

Because we need to start PICKING TOP TIERS with Wright:

Dark Hole: Combo extension, slight pressure
Purification: Works like Jam Session, good cover assist
Liberation: Not bad if you use Dorm on point, but it’s a one shot thing; Liberation with no charge stinks.

Disrupter: Beam assist, you know how it goes
Hyper Grab: Not bad Objection lead in, poor get-off-me assist though
Force Field: Okay get-off-me assist

Judgement Cut: See dark hole
Rising Sun: no
Rapid Slash: okay get-off-me/cover assist

Solar Flare: Meh, only reflects projeciles
Cold Star: decent lockdown
Bloom: no

Hawkeye vs Nick actually isn’t that bad actually. For slow, online players that just use Hawkeye’s Triple Arrow + Assist, you can just super jump, land in front and do cr.L, or punish his cr.H (Because they always slide. Always.)

For smarter Hawkeye’s, just use the time in between things like Exploding Arrow and Scatter Shot to gather one piece of evidence, and throw out Maya against Triple Arrow and his lightning arrow.

And Wright + Top Tiers are best friends.

Well, Most People + Top Tiers are best friends.

About Wright vs Hawkeye I jwanted to add that:

.You can dodge his triple arrows and spritzer shot (the electric looking arrow) with :d::l: expect for net arrow but you can easily kill it with papers. After dodging a triple arrow or spritzer fire back with the photo or watch.

.If a Hawkeye player is doing the low arrow :h: to triple arrow you can thow paper and then do :d::l: unfortunately for the explosive arrow, nail arrow, or kamikaze shot you’ll just have to take it, or risk Maya shield.

.Oh try to stay in trial mode for if a Hawkeye player tries to Gimlet you and you did something unsafe, you can just do Order in the Court for safety.

Hopefully this helps.

Maya shield absorbs all of gimlet, and honestly I don’t think Hawkeye can do a thing outside of X Factor against Wright

Ya just played a hawkeye with nick there is nothing they really can do with maya’s shield since 95% of hawkeye users spam triple arrow

Well, what about the other 5%?

That 5% means it’s combofiend’s Hawkeye

And about Magneto’s Hyper Grab assist…

I think it would play awesomely with Maya Shield, since you can literally freeze them, change to Trial mode, and freely Object while keeping Magnus safe… H,mmmm

Not a bad idea, but you’re missing out on a beam. Then again, I don’t play Magnus, so…

well maya absorbs a gimlet
but aslong as its isnt skrull you have a chance

Can she take a focus attack from Viper?