Formatting stolen (without permission) from Karsticles’s amazing Dormammu thread. Thanks to Karsticle for encouraging all character forums to use this format.

[SIZE=5]"I think we should have a test to ascertain your readiness"[/SIZE]
A Word:
I want to make this a one-stop spot for all inquiries regarding Phoenix Wright. Please do not hesitate to suggest changes/additions or alert me to errors in the main thread or via private message. A brief overview of what is contained in each section:
•The Basics: General character information, such as X-Factor and health values, along with the legend for notation that will be used throughout the guide. Each move is listed, along with the frame data for that move as well as how to make effective use of that move in a various situations. If you are looking for strategies on how to make one of Phoenix Wright’s normals, specials, or hypers useful in a variety of situation, read the “Discussion” portion of that move’s section.
•Strategy: First, a general overview of what it means to play Phoenix Wright. Then, a breakdown of general methods of approach, zoning, creating resets, and X-Factor usage, etc. is provided. This section is purely with regard to Phoenix Wright, and does not involve considerations of team functionality.
•Team Building: I have presented a general overview of what it means to make a team in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. This is followed by a section for each character in the game Phoenix Wright can pair with, along with the various synergistic abilities between Phoenix Wright and the given character. As often as possible, I will include videos of any claims made.
•Matchups: A specific section exists for each potential opponent in the game; within these sections I will try to list effective strategies against each character in the game, especially options Phoenix Wright has to directly counter specific abilities each character has. Be sure to read the Legend so the information is intelligible to you.
•Gameplay and Combos: Here contains an archive of videos showing excellent Phoenix Wright gameplay or concepts, and also a listing of combos possible with Phoenix Wright. If you would like to contribute to this section, please be sure to read the rules for video submission. This section does not deal with team-based combos. If you want to see what Phoenix Wright can do with a particular assist, consult that teammate’s section in the Team Building part of the guide.
Please do not hesitate to contribute! All assistance in making this guide as comprehensive as humanly possible is welcome; please do not hesitate to suggest changes as well.
The Basics – Introduction, General Stats, Overview
The Basics – Normals: Standing L,M,H,S
The Basics – Normals: Crouching L,M,H
The Basics – Normals: Air L,M,H,S
The Basics – Normals: Throw, Dashes
The Basics – Command Normals: Slip-up, Questioning, Air Questioning, Illuminating Point, Note Scribbling
The Basics – Command Normals: “Just a little more…!”, Cross-Examination, Air Cross-Examination, Bridge to Turnabout
The Basics – Command Normals: Air Bridge to Turnabout, Pursuit, Air Pursuit
The Basics – Specials: Investigate, Discard, “M-Maya!?”, Paperwork (High)
The Basics – Specials: Paperwork (Low), Press the Witness, Evidence Overview, Present Evidence
The Basics – Hyper Combos: Steel Samurai Maya Smelting, “Order in the Court!”, Ace Attorney
The Basics – Other: Assists, Snapback
Team Building
Team Building (Akuma - Deadpool)
Team Building (Doctor Doom - Haggar)
Team Building (Hawkeye - She Hulk)
Team Building (Shuma-Gorath - Thor)
Team Building (Trish - Zero)
Match ups
Matchups (Akuma - Deadpool)
Matchups (Doctor Doom - Haggar)
Matchups (Hawkeye - She Hulk)
Matchups (Shuma-Gorath - Thor)
Matchups (Trish - Zero)
:l: - Light Attack
- Medium Attack
:h: - Heavy Attack
:s: - Special Button
:a1: - Assist Button 1
:a2: - Assist Button 2
:atk::atk: - Any Two Attack Buttons
(Air) - Performable While Airborne
(Low) - This Move Must Be Blocked Low
(High) - This Move Must be Blocked High
(OTG) - This Move Hits Prone Opponents
(Mid) - This Combo Requires A Mid-Screen Opponent
(Corner) - This Combo Requires A Cornered Opponent
(Assist) - This Combo Requires An Assist
(Reset) - This Combo Requires A Reset
(XF1) - X-Factor Level 1 Damage Levels
(XF2) - X-Factor Level 2 Damage Levels
(XF3) - X-Factor Level 3 Damage Levels
c. - Crouching
s. - Standing
j. - Airborne
sj. - Airborne Via Superjump
(XFC) - X-Factor Cancel
(DHC) - Delayed Hyper Cancel
General Stats
Health: 1,000,000
Ground series : Stronger+
Air action count : 0
Air dash : No
Double jump : No
Level 1 X-Factor Bonuses: 135% Damage (200% in Turnabout Mode), 105% Speed, 11 seconds Duration
Level 2 X-Factor Bonuses: 160% Damage (200% in Turnabout Mode), 110% Speed, 16 seconds Duration
Level 3 X-Factor Bonuses: 185% Damage (200% in Turnabout Mode), 115% Speed, 21 seconds Duration
Overview of Phoenix Wright
Mr. Wright has a rather unorthodox style of playing for a fighting game in that he has three modes to work with, those being Investigation Mode, Trial Mode and Turnabout Mode. While the first two modes can be alternated between each other at any given moment, his ultimate one – Turnabout – has a set of requirements that need to be met in order for it to be activated. Basically, Wright’s main goal is to collect evidence (which can be used as an offense) then land an objection in trial mode in order for him to reach his powerhouse mode.
Investigation Mode is more about being defensive while attempting to gather good pieces Evidence. It is also his default mode at the beginning of a match. You’ll have to gather evidence while being attacked by your opponent. From this mode, Wright can freely switch up to his second one, Trial Mode.
Trial Mode is where you are able to play more offensively. The evidence gathered from the prior mode act as projectiles, however any bad evidence that is used will put him in an embarrassed state leaving him open to attack. If you however have three good pieces Evidence, you can activate his ultimate mode Turnabout by hitting your opponent with :f::h: or :d::h: with the jumping version.
And finally Turnabout Mode, is basically a buffed version of Trial mode. With increased speed, damage, normals and an amazing level 3 hyper combo, Wright becomes much more offensively threatening. It is however a timed mode that lasts for 20 seconds.