Hey I think I noticed two small errors in the guide. In the discussion notes for Hold It! (AKA questioning) and in the Assist specific combo involving Wesker and Spencer. In the Hold It! notes you say that if you land 3 of them you can throw the next one out without fear, which seems to imply that it’s an unblockable. The other error says that the combo is for Trial mode, however it actually starts in investigation mode.
Edited the mistakes. Thanks Poryon.
Great stuff on the crouching under projectiles, used to hate the wright doom matchup so bad lol. Alright megapost time:
Never seen anyone confirm after ground combo > launcher > bridge to the turnabout > st.H so hope that helps.
Air normals tech:
If you’re in trial mode, as soon as you regular jump press j.L then j.H when the recovery from the first move finished. The hitboxes are pretty good since it’s disjointed and wright’s active frames are beefy. If people are on the ground then they’ll probably run into the j.H and trial j.H is an extremely good air to air. Must’ve had at least 8 separate instances where someone landed on anti air paper, air recovered, got hit with jump L,H,H, air recovered, got hit with jump L,H,H, air recovered, got hit with jump H,H etc. So yeah really pesky hitbox, especially against aerial opponents. Just don’t do this against people with swords for obvious reasons lol.
If you’re in investigation then j.L to j.L will work, j.L to j.S is also pretty good if they’re grounded.
Just stay in trial. Hulk’s illiterate so just throw paper at him. Not even joking here, paper shuts down hulk’s approach so badly. Can’t gamma charge through it since papers hit more than once, and can’t jump at wright since it’s his anti air. Only things hulk can do are gamma wave/tsunami or meteor smash super. Don’t get paper happy though cause there are gaps.
If you’re in turnabout against hulk, just stay throwing paper. Hulk’s armor can withstand a finger and you can get punished pretty badly. If he runs into paper though you can combo off it.
How does one beat Spiderman? What about Nemesis?
If you have that gamma charge assist then Spiderman should be no problem at all. He also has difficulty going around Maya’s shield ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE INSIDE.
Nemesis is not hard at all. Nemesis usually has a hard time grabbing Wright because his command grab L is short ranged. His only option of actually getting a hit on Wright is to hope that Wright jumps then use command grab M/H. In trial, just keep him away. Turnabout, go ****ing nuts
Using the tutorial that was posted up about a week ago as a reference, I came up with an actual ToD Turnabout Mode combo that only uses one bar. It does 1.253 million damage, just barely enough to kill Thor. So, call this the “true” ToD combo or something lol.
j.:h: -> s.:s: -> j.:h::d::h: -> s.:s: -> j.
:h::d::h: -> opponent is stunned -> Break the Witness :h: -> walk back -> c.:h: -> :f::h: -> Paperwork Storm Low :h: xx Steel Samurai Maya Smelting! -> c.:h: -> Break the Witness :h:
Nice! How much meter do you need to start the combo? Does it build one meter up to the Maya Smelting, or do you need one bar to start? Also, how much is done before the Smelting?
You don’t need any meter to start with, and you build like 2.1 or something.
And pre-Smelting damage?
929K. Actually, the combo is exactly the same as the ToD combo in the tutorial video up until after the super, so instead of Paperwork Storm Low :h:, you can do Break the Witness :h: for 1.012 million damage. I wanted to find a way to kill Thor for only one meter and I found it.
When should you use Maya:m: vs Maya:h:?
. Wright recovers faster.
.Lets you continue the combo after an overhead or corner combo.
.Maya cross up on forward rolls after an overhead (collect two evidence then call Maya) or after a combo(collect one then call).
.Slower Maya can punish some teleports and attacks.
Maya :h:
.Faster Maya, but slower recovery.
.In some situations this can disrupt the opponent’s attacks for a bit.
.If you’re willing to take a risk this can disrupt an opponent’s hyper.
.In some situations you can punish some stuff like assist calls or a someone shooting projectiles.
.If the opponent is too far away to be hit by the version.
.It can punish some teleports and attacks.
I generally like the version for the faster recovery and for catching the opponents forward techroll, you can use both to mix it up to confuse the opponent on the timing though in most cases no one fear investigation Wrights for that to happen.
Though this might be known already but here are some characters that can give Wright a chance to hard tag in and land the objection.
.Iron Fist’s crumple rekka: :qcf: (Too bad he’s not very good)
.Doctor Strange’s impact palm: :f::h: (Though he has problems also)
.Viper’s ex thunder knuckle: :qcf::s: (I think, can’t test it atm)
.Firebrand’s ground von boyage: :qcf::s:
.Spencer’s bionic arm: :qcb::atk::atk: and armor piercer :qcf::s: (Needs otg assist and also testing)
Actually, Wright has the same amount of recovery frames for all versions of M-Maya. It’s Maya that recovers faster for M-Maya .
But yeah, you use M-Maya the way GO described it. Actually, it’s possible to continue a combo midscreen after doing an overhead -> M-Maya , but it’s only possible on the edge of the screen, character dependent, and these characters require a certain move to be comboed, like s.:h: or s.:s:. So yeah, it’s extremely situational (because how often would this happen when you don’t already have Maya’s shield up?), but it’s good to know nonetheless.
Don’t know where this put this but how do you deal with zero shenanigans? I just get beat by him…
This can depend a lot on your assist, and how the Zero is playing. If the Zero is a turtling Zero (ie superjumping, throwing lasers everywhere but not getting too close) it shouldn’t be too hard, just call Maya and use your assists well. If it’s a rushdown Zero be sure to use Maya shield when you think you can, but also use a Get Off me assist. The shield is decent since his attacks don’t do much damage on their own but they won’t scale and with an assist she’ll die quickly. Also the Cell Phone can be really good to zone against him. If they’re overly aggressive use Order in the Court.
This is really the only advice I can give since I have a lot of trouble against him too. IMO best thing to do is get rid of him quickly or have another character fight the battle.
Ya I use Haggar still learning match-ups with this team never took vanilla seriously(used arthur/haggar/doom for the fun of it never learned them) but started to take UMVC3 more seriously but thanks for the help
Hey guys. I’m testing on which characters Wright’s cr.:l: will hit on the ground at point-blank when they’re chicken blocking. I’m pretty sure that all characters can be hit by it on the ground when you’re at a certain distance, but you won’t be able to always position yourself accordingly in a heated match, so this list’s purpose is to show you that you don’t need to. You can be directly under them and still hit them just as they land.
Akuma: Yes
Amaterasu: No
Arthur: No
C. Viper: Yes
Captain America: Yes
Chris: Yes
Chun-Li: Yes
Dante: Yes
Deadpool: Yes
Dormammu: Yes
Dr. Strange: Yes
Dr. Doom: Yes
Felicia: No
Firebrand: Yes
Frank: Yes
Ghost Rider: Yes
Haggar: Yes
Hawkeye: Yes
Hsien-Ko: Yes (but not when she neutral jumps, strangely enough)
Hulk: Yes
Iron Fist: Yes
Iron Man: Yes
Jill: Yes
MODOK: N/A (can’t chicken block)
Magneto: Yes
Morrigan: Yes
Nemesis: Yes
Nova: Yes
Phoenix: Yes
P. Wright: Yes
Rocket Raccoon: No
Ryu: Yes
Sentinel: Yes
She-Hulk: Yes
Shuma: Yes
Spencer: Yes
Spider-man: Yes
Storm: Yes (strangely, her hitstun animation is standing while everyone else crouches, which means she’s hit 1 frame later than everyone else)
Strider: Yes
Super-Skrull: Yes
Taskmaster: Yes
Thor: Yes
Trish: Yes
Tron: Yes
Vergil: Yes
Viewtiful Joe: No
Wesker: Yes
Wolverine: Yes
X-23: Yes
Zero: Yes
Be careful, obviously. These characters can retaliate on their way down and hit you with a combo. Pick your opportunities of when to use this.
EDIT: I didn’t expect so many characters to be susceptible to this. Basically, it’s the midgets + Felicia, so it should be easy enough to remember.
What’s “chicken blocking”?
I do believe it’s jumping while blocking(holding up+back). Not to sure tho
That’s correct. Chicken blocking is indeed holding up+back.