The First Turnabout - Phoenix Wright Guide

Standing L
Standing H (TA)
Crouching H (Inv)
Slip up
Note scribbling
Team building - Akuma, C. Viper, Chun Li, Dante, Deadpool, Dr. Doom, Dorm
Match up - Arthur

Regarding the strategy of stalling against turnabout mode :

There aren’t much ways to run away from Wright. Zoning won’t work well even if it’s Hawkeye (Morrigan+Missiles is tough but the judge hyper can easily do the job for Wright. There’s a chance you might get hit OTG by them missiles). Rushing down will just get you killed or zoned easily. Blocking ,honestly, won’t work half the time since ALL of Wright’s attacks are positive on block so he can apply incredible pressure and he can create his own unblockables but it requires 1 meter (Maya hyper).

The only solid way to drain turnabout mode other than doing long combos is if you have some sort of air-stalling attack/flight option. That won’t work unless you get hit by the ace attorney (Not a good idea to use it if your against the last character) or the cellphone. Wright players in this situation are usually forced to super jump and use his j.H which is (Unfortunately) aimed tilted downward. The best thing to do when it comes to situations like this is to air grab. Air grabbing is effective especially when it comes to Wright vs Anchor character (Since it’s not so likely that the other player can easily grab break during pressure unless you have good clutch).

That’s what I think. Stalling isn’t that effective against Wright unless you got some sort of flight/air-stall option but that could be countered by grabbing… imo

While this may be already known to some but the folder evidence can absorb even the strongest non hyper projectiles. (Arthur’s gold lance, Hawkeye’s :qcf::h:, and even Dark Phoenix) just a shame that folder can only be randomly placed.

How about Chris’ magnum?

Yes it can absorb that too, as far as I know basically it can absorb all non hyper projectiles feel free to do some testing for I cannot since I don’t have access to a PS3 till later.

How badly does Wright need a low hitting assist? I’ve been thinking of dropping Akuma for someone who does, but I dunno…

I’ve never played PW with a low hitting assist (aside from training mode) and from my results it seems he doesn’t need it, at least not now. A large part of it is because people aren’t familiar with PW and the matchup, and I think that they think cr.:h: hits low so because of that they’re trying to block a mixup that isn’t there if you get what I’m saying. If you’re good at airthrows then there isn’t a need either. Airthrowxxj.:h: can go into a full combo. This doesn’t work if your opponent is great at teching throws but hey it’s worth a shot.

How is Wright against Morrigan? I THINK he has a general positive match-up, but I’m not sure.

It’s positive. Morrigan+Missiles is a bit messy though but the judge hyper can easily do the job. Morrigan with no clone or missiles can’t destroy Maya’s shield easily. In trial mode, zoning Morrigan won’t be that hard unless she has missiles or the clone hyper. You can also super jump then object her if the player likes super jumping and using soul fist in the air. Go crazy in turnabout, use s.H or even j.H against her j.S and zone the hell out of her using your evidence. Her flight kinda makes her hard to hit so be ready to air throw or do j.H close to her.


[]Match ups : Magneto, Super Skrull, Strider Hiryu
]Team synergy : Dr. Strange, Felicia, Frank West, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Fist
[*]Some errors to be replaced (i.e: Some texts state “Chris” instead of "Wright)

What is best strategy against Deadpool or Logan?

Wolvie isn’t that hard. Well, he is kinda troublesome in investigation mode. I usually stay in the shield because when I’m investigating without a shield, he easily punishes Wright with Berserker slash. Avoid using any of your attacks in investigation against his dive kick. Knife and paper works really well against him in trial. Go crazy in turnabout mode.

Deadpool isn’t hard to deal with in investigation but avoid getting grabbed by him. He’s really annoying in trial mode. His trigger happy guns are fast and they can go under Wright’s photo beam and pierce through his papers. He’s hard to zone simply because he can cover the screen by simply spamming his quick air trigger happy M. I think it would be easier to zone him if you use Maya’s shield then switch into trial mode. When he super jumps, embrace the opportunity and use your evidence. Even though you might get hit by a grenade or a ninja star. In turnabout mode, you should use s.H when he uses his air trigger happy and j.H when he uses it while standing.

I’m having trouble landing the following Turnabout BnB combo:
s.:s:,j.:m:,j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:d::h:,s.:s:,j.:m:,j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:d::h: into whatever appropriate.

The j.:h: and/or the j.:d::h: sometimes miss. Also, on the second rep, the opponent always appears behind me before the Objection and falls out. Something I’m missing?

(BTW, could someone help me do those symbols? Copy-pasta’s a bit of a pain.)

It isn’t that hard to do it. You don’t even need fast to execute it successfully. There’s a slight delay (Very slight) in the middle of the launch and air combo starter (j.:m:) by the way. If you try doing the loop when you have over 15 or up (?) hits, you won’t be able to do the loop.

If it’s not cause of anything that I’ve stated then maybe it’s just that you’re doing it wrong.

Just what Berserker said really. Delay the first j.:m: of the air combo, but I would say it’s more than very slight. Try starting it at the peak of your superjump.

Yeah, that helps. They still fall out behind me a few times, but it’s getting more consistent.

Team synergy : Firebrand, Ghost Rider, Iron Man, Jill Valentine, Magneto, Nova, Phoenix, Ryu, Sentinel

Does this work midscreen? And most of the time i use “a.:h: -> a.:d::h:” without having a :m: in there, they just drop out of the combo. Is there a weird timing on that?

It just takes timing. You also can’t do it mid-screen since you can’t follow up Maya’s special.

Oh, and that combo does about 611k, not 632k. I was mistaken about that. I also found a slightly more damaging combo that does 614k, but the timing is too strict.

Since the combos mentioned in the first posts of this guide doesn’t clarely specify it, what would the most damaging midscreen combo be from investigation and trial mode? And am i right in assuming that without an otg assist Wright can’t otg in combos if not in the corner?

Investigation mode I think the best you can do midscreen is the basic combos unless something new is discovered.

Trial mode without the vase evidence this is probably the most damaging midscreen aka lightbulb juggle combo.
:l::m::h::h: jc. j:h: j:h: j:s: land :h: :h: jc. j:h: j:h: j:s: land :h::s: sjc. j:m: j:m: j:h: j:s: land :qcb::atk::atk:-595,300 damage

With the vase:
:m:–>:d::h::h:—>(vase)—>:h:—>(vase)—>:h::h:—>j.:h:–>j.:h:–>j.:s:—>:h:—>:s:—>j.:m:—>j.:m:—>j.:h:—>j.:h:—>:s:—>(vase)—>:qcb::atk::atk: --684,400 damage

If anyone doesn’t mind experimenting maybe someone could find a relaunch combo in investigation. I think it might be possible to delay the air “hold it” that you land on the ground first and then do a :s:. Maybe against big characters?

Even without the vase, PW can still do about 680k with Hold It loops midscreen in Trial Mode.