The Fast Food Thread

Oh my god. You’re right.

I’d never thought about it before but you are so right.
Look at him trying to act like he’s flatbread there!
Who do you think you are, lettuce?! A pita? Or a soft taco shell or something?? It makes no sense.

And even when you make a sandwich, the lettuce is always just clinging to one of the bread slices, hanging out in the condiments and pretending like its a slice of bread too! Same thing in kaiser buns. As if you are holding my burger together, lettuce. AS IF.

Head of lettuce all poking out of the crisper drawer, thinking it belongs on the next shelf up. Lettuce, you belong under the shelves! Sit dowwwn!!!

Well now I’ve caught onto these lies and I’m going to make myself a bread salad tomorrow.



Bread, Caesar dressing, croutons. I’ll probably sprinkle some bread sticks on top too. Would go nice with a dinner roll on the side.

Well yesterday I tried Taco Bell’s new Cantina Bell Burrito (or Bowl) which is their answer to Chiptole and between the lower starting price ($4.79), zesty but not unhealthy sauce, and accessibility it was actually pretty good and I would get one again. I wouldn’t say it’s better that Chiptole or any fresh mex place simply because everyone else has better ingredients and give you a ton of food so if I’m really craving Chiptole I will go there over TB but this is a great alternative and I hope they do more with this menu.

You are NOT alone! I remember a long time ago I ordered that same combo that included those flavorless luke warm potato waffles. I just stared at it in disbelief before choking it down anyway because I was HONGry. I downed a whole bottle of water to get that dry after taste out of my mouth. That was the first and last time I gave those fuckers my money.

I don’t eat fast food nearly as much as I used to anymore, but when I do, I go to Mooyah’s because they have a mighty tasty turkey burger there.
I still want to experience some Roscoe’s chicken and waffles though.

Is chicken and waffles ever supposed to be good? I always figured it was novelty. There are couple of places in Chi but they’re all subpar. I would need to taste the OG shit from Roscoe’s tho.

Also lol, I can never stop thinking donuts and chili thanks to Black Dynamite.

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Roscoes is HELLA rich, you will be defecating sticks of butter a few hours later.

chik-fil-a is the equivalent of white people’s food, though. like, i live right across from one, and all you see are whiteys getting down a DAT CHICKEN with DAT MAYO-NAZE (ew, yucky). if i wanted real chicken, i go to Popeye’s.

Worth it though.

I fucking love Roscoes.

nom nom

I also like the Bacon Deluxe at Wendy’s.

When I’m at home I like to top my burgers with a fried egg over easy and guacamole.

Eating at franchise burger places is low tier, support your local small-time restaurants for your burger needs. I’ve eaten some of the best stuff in my life in small joints, beats the shit out of garbage like MCD.

I forgot about this local place. Here is the menu:

CHARGER 1/3 lb $6.49 | 1/2 lb $6.99
Peanut Butter, Fried Bananas, Smoked Bacon, Pepper Jack Cheese, &
Grilled Red Onions on Sesame Seed Bun

It’s amazing.

Scored some easy McDonalds last night. We all had the cotton mouth, so the four of us go through the drive thru late as hell just to get 4 courtesy cups of water. My guy is like “Low key we might get free food”. The drive thru was semi packed. There was a car in front of us and maybe 1 or 2 behind us. Next thing you know the drive thru guy hands us 4 cups of water, then reaches back in grabs a large sprite & coke, and a bag chock full of mcdoubles, mcChickens, and french fries. The car was silent as the guy was handing us the food, but I died after we drove off.

Five Guys is massively overrated.

To me it just tastes like the burger I could make at home. Not that that’s a bad thing but when I want a burger that’s not from home it needs to either have special meat or special toppings that I just don’t find laying around at home OR it’ll be just fast food.

but still not bad. I have to cosign yomi on the hole in the walls point. There’s a small time burger place with like 100+ menu items near me that looks pretty modest; but whose burgers are dericious and are probably the only place you can order both a bacon cheeseburger with a side of eggrolls+ vess cola assist.

What’s good at Wendy’s I always just get the chicken tender thingies cause the last two times I ate a burger there I almost killed myself.

Spicy Chicken sandwich is the only thing I get at Wendy’s. Personally they ruined their fries.

Texas BBQ Whopper + Texas BBQ Tendergrill + Carolina BBQ Tendergrill + Medium fries + Diet Coke = $18.17 = 1,990 calories

Not to mention a huge waste of food. Why the fuck do they stuff a garbage bag full of fries even when I order a SMALL??

I also think In N Out is massively overrated as well. I lived in California for a long time, and when I went back there for a tournament last year I was excited to eat some In N Out for the first time in five years. But then afterwards, I thought to myself (I used to orgasm over this?) and went to Carl’s Jr. (HYPE) the rest of the trip.