The Fast Food Thread

YO that looks fucking amazing. Props to Japan. Also, LOL at the Windows 7 burger, I just looked that up.

Currently trying to stay away from MC’Donalds even though I like the Chicken Nuggets. BK has been “so-so” for the most part. Carl’s Jr is “ok” and so is JITB but have fun paying an arm and a leg for a burger =/

I may have to start hitting up local joints around my city.


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Will end all wars for all eternity if there was one on every block.Never had Jack in the Box, or Hardees, or Sonic, or White Castle.

BurgerKing is my personal favorite grease pit. Bacon and onions on a cheese burger make me a happy man.I can pretty much only eat onions on a burger or other meat-like product, it’s only for the spicyness and crunchyness.

I hate most rabbit food. The only thing lettuce is good for is helping you shit.

Shit green at that.

BK and Taco Bell are ass =/

Taco Hell is undeniably bad, but BK makes no apologies about not being healthy or any of that, that’s why I like it.

McD’s is a lying slut.

Wendy’s. Thread done.

I’m afraid not.

In the history of bad fast food it goes from best to worst, (But all bad)

3.Mr. Hero’s
4.Taco Hell

Just came in here to say that the old Fast Food Horror Stories I and II threads were among the best threads on this forum ever.

That’s your opinion and your opinion matters to you. Wendy’s is great in my opinion. See how that works?

I love how seriously you’re taking fast food man.

I was more illustrating a list more than anything specific about Wendy’s.

In fact I agreed with you that it is one of the better fast food chains, just not my personal favorite.

See how that works? :sunglasses:

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey,
I am too fuckin stoned to take this thread seriously.
I just want a burger and curly fries and a frosty and a cup of chili and a baked potato and a salad.
Then another frosty.

Sounds delish.

I’m a health nut, but I love me junk food one meal a week. Pizza Hut’s new P’Zolo is pretty gdlk for being just $5 for two. And loving Burger King’s revamped menu. Last Saturday, I had a Texas BBQ Whopper, two Texas BBQ Tendergrill Chicken Sandwiches and a medium sweet potato fries in a single sitting.

Also, contrary to what many people think, you can eat healthy at McDonald’s. It’s actually my #2 choice for fast food behind Subway in terms of being able to eat relatively clean and the cost of the meal. Hell, you can eat healthy at a lot of fast food places (although nothing will ever beat cooking your own lean meals).

I used to LOVE BK back in the day but it’s just gone down the drain in quality.

Well that or ANYTHING at Subway. Subway is to Stoner as Water is to fish.

It’s alright.

I don’t like the bread or salami.

too stiff.

What the heck?? How?!??

What are you supposed to do, tear off a leaf and tickle your asshole with it?

  1. Wendy’s: Cause I love sweet potato
  2. Checkers: 2-for-2 double decker fish sandwiches, and the seasoned fries are the best for the money.
  3. Long John Silvers: $1 for 12 hush puppies. Cost-effective, and delicious. Oh, and the fish is aight too if you smother the stuff in cocktail sauce.

There is that as well.

I meant it is nothing more than a source of fiber for me. It tastes like nothing to me.

Lettuce wishes it could be bread.