The Comprehensive Firebrand Thread: Lab Notes for Beginners (almost done)

Here’s a gif:

So you just do H with helper and then alternate between mashing QCF+M and L in the corner? Do you think that might work with any other set-ups/assists other than the exact specific one he uses?

Man that level 3 combo is fucking hard. There’s gotta be a trick to it.

Also, how do you get those really low wall clings that zack bennet does? I’m trying it with upback > back and it’s kind of inconsistent. Seems pretty nice if you can get an L wall cling fireball at the lowest height though.

Anyone who watched my “sway” firebrand tutorial probably saw the luminous canceling invisible overhead trick with demon missile M/H . I believe its an awesome midscreen opener, anyone else try it?

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Is there a low/throw option from that setup to prevent people from just holding back or upback after the super flash?

I posted it partially in hopes that someone else would figure out the inputs, haha.

I’d love to know a good trick for for this, too. A video of Zak’s hands would be enormously helpful, he is just amazing at performing the wall cling. You don’t even see him do it sometimes.

It’s a neat trick, but it’s mostly a gimmick once your opponent understands that it always puts you into flight.

You know, the fact that it’s taken us until now to even find a decent combo for his LVL3 is a testament to how bad it it. Is it a good Hyper? Maybe. Is it worth 3 meters? Not right now. Would Firebrand be significantly better if he had a LVL3 that did damage and combo’d. Dramatically.

I get a ton of setups off it. Also you can bon voyage for an easy +10 everytime. I would say its a half gimmick since even if the opponent trains to block low you still have many options. Im very surprised people arent working with this more often. Its very effective.

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Well, I managed to get the infinite going for a bit before they dropped out. It’s pretty straight forward, just hard:

call dorm at the end of combo > otg fire breath > asshole helper summon > H (time it so the helpers swoop hits at the end of dark hole) > immediately M fireball, then after M fireball, mash L until you see the helper spit, then while the helper is spitting, input your M fireball, so on and so forth

The key is making sure you input your qcf+M while the helper is shooting so you don’t accidentally get one of his other moves. I believe spacing is important to this as well, you want to be backed up a bit from the corner so your normals don’t hit them while you’re mashing and accidentally pop them out of the combo. The rest is just getting a consistent rhythm, which is hard. He must have practiced a lot for that.

Also found out he can do it while they’re grounded for a bit if you hit them with a fireball. Just loop L fireball > helper fireball over and over while they’re standing.

Good stuff, too bad I hate dorm. Ill probably be rocking firebrand sentinel forever though. Just cause I like Sent. Anyway Im going to try this infinite stuff w/ drones and see if I can get something.

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Oh yeah I found a weird glitch which may or may not be of use. Looks like Firebrand can combo off his own downward TAC call if he does a TAC pass low enough to the ground. He does the ground bounce but no character switches in. He also has enough time to set up a solo unblockable. Ill see if it works for any other directions before i post more info. Since TACs are generally inconsistent in this game.

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It should work with any assist that holds them long enough to get an H swoop from the helper. Probably gonna have to use some other variation for drones since they’re slower.

I’m sure it’s effective against people who don’t understand it, but what about people who do? I also wish we could figure out some good Luminous Body combos. It’s just sad how little we can do with it right now.

I assume you can do it from any assist if you figure out the method.

That has been known for quite a while. I don’t think anyone has found a practical use for it, though.

The only decent combo I know of is the MHS loop. Yeah pretty sad.
Anyway if the person knows the gimmick just BV for +10 and then go to town. I mean Firebrand can’t pull of Dante shit with Luminous so why not cancel into it at a very obscure height for your opponent? If you have shit piling on the screen it’s gonna be tough to make the block anyway.

Also…why do I feel like this forum is slowly becoming an extension of the Dormammu forum :-P?
We talk about the dude so much here lol.

Probably because of the great synergy between the two. Dormammu’s one of the few people that can really get a lot after a Firebrand Dark Fire OTG, and given Firebrand’s low ass damage, that means a lot.

Firebrand and Dorm were made for each other. Firebrand is a low damage character that relies on heavily on setups, and Dormammu is a high damage character who sets up Firebrands nonsense perfectly. Add to this they have perfect DHC synergy, and you can see why people love them together. It’s like Spencer/Sent; or Wolvie/Akuma or even Doom/Strider…the pairing just makes sense.

Here is how I do it

normal jump, QCB+H, slight delay, double tap back

I haven’t had any problems while using that method

Because people are lazy, and Zak Bennet is pretty much the iconic Firebrand player everyone wants to copy.

Firebrand and Dorm are really good together though, and I’ve noticed that before I’ve even heard Zak Bennet and I’m sure many other people have. Dorm adds damage, has some of the best DHCs, and to an extent they’re both demons and have some sort of relation with fire.

I think Firebrand/Dorm/Ammy is an awesome combination don’t get me wrong. But I feel like the team starts to falter if Firebrand is taken out early.
The reason I run Firebrand/Wolvie/Sent is because even if Firebrand is taken out I can still rush with Wolvie/Drones (Which is a pretty godlike combination anyway)