Why would you TK Bon Voyage?..
Jill’s only nerf was to her level 3 infinite blockstun setup, which is a good change just like removing Tenderizer’s synergy with Firebrand’s unblockable is a good change. It’s not like Jill got real, tangible nerfs in Ultimate that made her worse. Infinite blockstring setups should be regarded as a glitch. If you want to cite the people you play against as evidence for your argument, include gameplay videos. Otherwise I only care about quality tournament play, and Zak Bennet is probably our best Firebrand representative out there. I hope he’s coming to Evo.
Do you mean j.L into Hell Dive L? Hell Dive L only connects into j.L from superjump height, and isn’t very safe.
Firebrand would not be able to abuse his height like MODOK for two reasons:
- MODOK is only able to get as high as he can due to Battering Ram. Hell Rise, as I envision it, would be more like an upward air dash in functionality, so it would cap at normal screen height.
- Part of MODOK’s abuse is that he can block while flying. Firebrand can’t.
There are uses for Chaos Tide, but not for the L and M inputs. I agree that a solo unblockable on an incoming character for 3 bars is pretty fair, but he doesn’t really need it. Bon Voyage to air throw is really hard to react to reliably in incoming characters, and Bon Voyage to s.L, pinning assist call, unblockable swoop is even more difficult to respond to. For most characters, 3 bars for an unblockable setup on an incoming character is fair, but Firebrand’s low damage and already very strong options on incoming characters make it unworthy. Moreover, he can often set up unblockables just by going into Demon Missile H right as his opponent dies, depending on the hyper that killed them (THCs).
I also doubt whether he can set up the unblockable on incoming characters. I’ve never tried it, though. I’m happy with my 0 meter unblockable setups.
It just makes good sense to make it a soft knockdown. It’s a small change that wouldn’t do anything but increase his team synergy, which is a good thing IMO.
I love Firebrand. Somehow people think that because I want to flesh out a character concept, I don’t like the character. It’s very puzzling to me. I did this same thing with Vanilla Dormammu, and I got the same kinds of responses. “Dormammu is already really good - maybe you should pick someone else if you don’t like him?” Thankfully, Capcom thought more like I do, and Ultimate Dormammu received the vast majority of the buffs I wanted him to from Ultimate. Like Firebrand, they were all buffs to make him a more balanced character with good playability and flow.
I also play a very unique team that essentially has no assists functioning for it, and there are very few characters that can even possibly survive without assists backing them while also maintaining any semblance of an offense. Firebrand is one of those characters.
I think individual character tier ratings are a waste of time. People should listen to Viscant and Seth Killian on this.
“Point only” characters are bad game design. Every character should have something valuable to offer in every position on a team. Every character should be good on point and have good assists. This game is about creativity, and Capcom should encourage creative teams.
It’s not about needing buffs. It’s about making him into a well-developed character.
I think he means qcb.H after you’ve superjumped, so you sometimes go backward instead of advancing. It’s pretty safe, and messes with your opponent’s prediction skills. If you’re always charging forward, you become much easier to deal with. qcb.H, tap back to wall cling, is a pretty good idea some of the time. No hyper is going to catch qcb.H on reaction. It recovers very fast.
There are assists to respond to forward techs. You should spend more time in training mode.